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Antonio sat behind his desk, lost in some document he was busy with. Just then a knock from the door drew his attention, he instinctively gazed up." Come in." He eluded and turned back to the documents.
Gideon slowly pushed the door open and trod in. "There's a bad news, sir". He mumbled, nervous. Which made Antonio swiftly gaze up, tensed.
" What is it? Tell me, Deon?– what happened? "
" The main quarters, sir– where all the products are kept, just caught fire." He answered in a single breath. Antonio sprang up, shocked. His face suddenly went pale as if the color in his face had dried out.
" What?" He roared. " How is that possible?– what do to mean!?"
" I don't know sir" He stuttered. " But we couldn't retrieve anything from there."
He added. Antonio suddenly felt numb. He sauntered back and slowly faint into the chair, devastated. " God, this can't be happening."
He exclaimed. Without further thought and hesitation, he sped past Gideon in a daze as he exited the office. Gideon hurried after him.
Gisella and Desmond sat on the bed, chatting and laughing heartedly. She suddenly glanced at her phone. She gasped and sprang to her feet. It was already 4 pm and past closing.
" Gosh, I've got to go now– it's past closing time," she announced. Desmond instinctively held, which made her pause in her steps.
" Hey, wait" He eluded. "What's the rush for?"
" I've got to get home now or my stepmother would definitely kill me for sure" She nervously stuttered.
" Can I walk you home?"Desmond inquired with a faint smile. Gisella stared at him in awe.
" Are you serious?", she muttered.
" Yeah, why so surprised?"
"Oh, nothing– Never mind. Let's go then." She sheepishly giggled. Desmond smiled and leaned closer, taking her hand in the process.
"Come on, let's go" He smiled and Gisella nodded. They trod out, chuckling.
Loretta stood at the entrance, chatting with her friends when she saw Gisella and Desmond, gliding out of the infirmary hand in hand, laughing. She furiously gazed at them, her expression was wolfish.
" I so hate you, Gisella." She cursed. "I can't believe because of you, Desmond, threatened me– Loretta." She snarled. "Both of you will pay dearly for that, that's a promise."
She angrily stormed off. Bianca and Paola rushed after her. "Hey, what's that all about?" they shouted. " Wait for us!!"
Natasha stood in front of her room, a satisfactory smile dazzled on her face as she stared thoughtfully at the frame of their wedding photo on the wall. She scoffed. "Let's see how you escape this doom, Antonio. "
She chuckled, a dark look lingered in her eyes. Gina hastily trod past her towards the kitchen which drew her attention.
"Gina?" She called. Gina instinctively paused in her steps as she gazed back in her direction.
" Yes, Ma'am" She sauntered over. "You called"
"Yes," She answered. "Is Gisella and Antonio back?"
"No, please. "
Gina answered. Natasha with a brooding look, stuttered." What says the time?"
" 5: 20 pm, ma'am."
" And Gisel is still not back from school? How is this possible?– what could she be doing in that her school?"
She paused for a moment, thoughtfully staring at Gina." Is dinner ready....? ", she spoke out.
" Almost"
" Okay, you can go now" Natasha finally permitted her. Giina bowed and trod off.
Gina was busy making dinner when Lizzy called from the door.
"Please, set the table for dinner– I'm off to the grocery shop for some foodstuffs. There's none in the house."
Before Gina could answer, she sped out. Gina scoffed, "Couldn't even wait for me to reply?" She wittily eluded, slightly shaking her head. She instinctively turned to Agnes who was approaching from the hall.
"Please help set the table, Agnes– Mr Antonio will soon arrive and I'm sure he might be starving" She pleaded but Agnes swiftly cut in.
"But, I still need to finish up with the washroom before night, Gina?" She cried but Gina insisted. She had no choice but to go by her order. Gina stared at her as she reluctantly trod towards her. She instinctively pulled her when she closed up on her.
"Be fast– Gosh, What's this!" She grumbled. All along, Natasha stood over the stairs with a mini bottle, gazing at them. Its content was whitish.
" What is taking these girls so long to finish..." said Natasha faintly. In no time, Gina and Agnes finished setting the table.
" Good, everything is set now–, you can go back to your work.", stated Gina to Agnes. She hastily left to the washroom without uttering a word and trod out to the compound.
Natasha smirked noticing their absence. "Finally " She exclaimed. She sauntered over to the table. Her eyes swiftly lurked around to make sure the coast was clear. After satisfying her instincts, she quickly opened the bottle and dropped some of its contents into Antonio's food.
"Slowly, Antonio– slowly " She faintly chuckled "And with time, this with time, this will help me get rid of you and everything which bares your name. This is just the beginning of my revenge, dear. I'll surely make you pay for what you did to me in the past."
She smirked and bolted back to her room.
Natasha stood by the window in her room, gazing out of the window when her gaze instinctively fell on something unpleasant to her. It was Gisella and Desmond.
They suddenly paused at the entrance of the main gate. A broad smile dazzled on their faces. "So, here we are, Desmond –my house" Gisella eluded. Desmond swiftly lurked around.
"Such a nice place, Gisel." He mumbled with a smile.
"Thanks–I 'l go in now" She slowly pushed the gate open and trod through.
"Hope I can visit at times" Desmond called behind. She instinctively stared back.
"Umm– well.." She gazed around as if looking for something. Meanwhile, Natasha kept watch over them.
"What is this that am seeing? "She mumbled with a dark look. Her expression was cold and wolfish. "This can't be happening, she must never be happy or have friends, especially male friends. Never!! I won't allow this to happen", she vowed just then, she noticed Gisel glancing around. She instinctively his herself.
Desmond stared at Gisel expectantly. But she kept searching for what he had no idea of. "Hey, are you okay?" He called, drawing back her attention. She instinctively gave a faint smile with a nod.
"What is it?– Did you miss something? " He queried.
"Oh no, nothing to worry about" She stuttered. "Just that, you can't visit me over here. – Just call when you want to come over and I'll meet you"
She assured. Desmond stared thoughtfully for a well. "Well, okay– as you wish " He smiled. She thanked him and waved goodbye as they departed.
Gisella trod up the stairs only to find Natasha hooked in front of her door. She looked like an angry lion, awaiting its prey to devour. Gisel paused for a minute on noticing her before sauntering over.
"Who was he?" She asked as Gisel neared her. She gazed at her confused, not so sure of who she was referring to.
" I mean, who was that guy you were talking to at the gate!?" She emphasized noticing the look on her face. Gisel fidgeted., acting all innocent.
" I wasn't talking to anyone." She denied. " Please, I'm really tired and got a lot of assignments to work on. – Can I go now, I'm actually not ready for this" She uttered, walking past her.
"Hey, young lady–stop over there! " She exclaimed, pulling her in the process and slapping her. Gisel just stared at her face with her hand on her cheek as tears soaked her eyes.
"How dare you walk away while I was talking to you, huh?" she snarled with a chuckle. "Oh, or you think I didn't see you guys. For your information, I did and I want you to stop any relationship you have with him because I'll never, ever allow you to be happy. I promise you that...."
She shouted and left for her room. Gisella leaned on the door, tears clocking down her eyes like a stream.

Comentário do Livro (511)

  • avatar
    Jeny Francisco

    interesting story. very good really intense...


  • avatar

    nice and great, the door part really make me goosebumps, i'll keep reading ur next chapter..thanks for the stories


  • avatar

    I don't know what should I say. It's a very nice story combined with sad and real struggle in this life. Everytime the characters in this story experienced sadness, my tears dropped onto my cheeks,come in feeling what they feel. Just a little bit fix for grammar and error spelling words written and it would be great story I have ever read. Keep in spirit for the writer in order to continue writing other great stories.


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