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Chapter Eight

Day 10 The cry of the North Simpkins
Just like yesterday she had to visit the Sergeant in his room, but he was not around the nurse said that he needs to get back to the operating room to replace the bandage and make it sure that it was already healed, she leaves a message to the table and back to the Northern Simpkins to teach the kids that she enjoys it now.
She handed all the materials she needed and some packed foods for the kids, she helped by the soldiers to bring things she needed. The kids are so happy to see her and feel excited to learn new lessons from her. They shared the food that she prepared for the people of the North Simpkins before she starts to teach they enjoyed it a lot and their parents are too thankful for her for the help and concerned to them.
The kids are all ears listening to her they are enjoying a lot in learning a nursery rhyme and listening to the stories that she just invented funny, but she likes it too now they can bring the kids to her fantasy that turns into reality just like what happen right now for her to fall in love with the Sergeant. A moment later, the kids invited her to play games that she taught a day ago she has no reason to say no to them because all she wanted is to feel them of being a kid for some time despite of the war that they are with right now.
They formed a circle holding their hands and turning around, they sing a song that she taught to the kids all that she heard was the laughter and see them with a happy face, she used to dance too with the kids and laugh with
them but a moment later they heard a loud explosion near from the place of North Simpkins.
The kids get afraid and all of them are coming close to her, they are all crying as they heard a massive explosion just near the area, everybody is frightened their parents come after with their kids trying to save from the massive explosion, they had to run from the safest place their homes has totally burn the rice, vegetables and fruits they harvest was totally burned, animals are running too, and trying to run away, but she thinks about the safety of the people of the North Simpkins if she only could call a help to the Sergeant and to the Arland Soldiers to save them from this kind of war. She has no idea where those explosions were coming from it was like a total blast, she had seen in her entire life.
She cried for what had happened to the place of Northern Simpkins, there were tears in their eyes, children are frightened, many are injured and they didn't know if others are saved from the massive explosions just like them. She helped lift the wounded to keep them away from the site of the explosion she also helped to apply bait to heal the wounded. She tried to be calm it is the only way to show to the people that there is still hope and the Arland soldiers will come to save them from this terror. She hugged the old woman screaming and yelling because of frightened. She can't hold her tears she feels afraid too, but this is not the time to be emotional she needs to be strong for the people of the Northern Simpkins.
It was only a matter of time before the Arland soldiers arrived at the Northern Simpkins area with trucks carrying the soldiers and helicopters they saw in the air. She burst into tears when she saw the Sergeant and she did not know as long as she just ran closer to the Sergeant and suddenly she hugged and cried. She makes her assured that everything will be okay, the Sergeant brings her at the safest Place and a group of soldiers make sure that the people of the Northern Simpkins will be safe especially the children.
The Arland soldiers began their operation to search and rescue the wounded and began to investigate and find the Sans Serif terrorist they need to find out why they had to target the civilians what they really need a war? Yes a war that never been ended, despite in peace and order the Arland Soldiers brings to the people of the Northern Simpkins.
It's already midnight the investigation has done, she prepared food for the children, the people of Northern Simpkins, forage and a bowl of soup is the only that she can prepare for this time all the food that they harvest of the people of the Northern Simpkins was burned too because of the explosion. She handed a tray of forage and a bowl of soup and distributed it one by one.
She scooped up the remaining hot broth and took it to the Sergeant who was temporarily resting in the distance.
"Hi.. She greeted the Sergeant. The Sergeant just nodded and looks as far
" I'll bring some hot soup to fill your stomach, I hope it will help you".
"Oh, thank you, How about you? Have you had something to eat?
She just shook her head and sat down next to the Sergeant.
" I'm not hungry".
The Sergeant nods and started to taste the hot soup that she brought for him.
"I'm sorry if it is not taste good, there's no left seasoning I just put a salt on it".
The Sergeant just laughs loud, it was a totally a relieved to him at this moment talking to her he made him smile with nothing.
"No... It tastes good it helps to fill my stomach".
"Really" she smiled at the Sergeant.
The Sergeant melts every time she smiles because her beauty stands out every time she smiles; it is the one of the reasons why Sergeant likes her.
"Anyways, I read your message this morning.
" Ah huh.. "hmm, well, I just don't want to find me in somewhere else"
Chyrill just bows her head and smiled secretly she don't want to notice that she got blushed, she suddenly stood up and decided to go back at the people of the Northern Simpkins she can't take any longer to talk longer to the Sergeant her heart is pounding and she don't want to notice it by the Sergeant.
"I need to go back there, I think they need my help. She reasoned to the Sergeant.
" Oh.. Okay, sure... Take care we will talk later.
She just nodded and walks away to the Sergeant. The Sergeant wants to stop her and tell her to stay for a while, but he was then shy to ask Chyrill. Maybe love is growing in between them with this girl or maybe he was falling into her.

Comentário do Livro (482)

  • avatar
    Nestor Parac

    Nice story’s


  • avatar
    Rheanne Baylen

    nice story and I love it


  • avatar
    El Widadiya



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