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chapter 07

"What are you doing, Mabel? You don't have any sweat on you." Emma put her elbow on Mabella's shoulder as soon as she come closer to Mabella. She acted like she and Mabella had been friends for a long time even though they had just met.
"I-I don't join the others running, instead, I-I was studying at the bench earlier. If- if I join them, then I will waste my energy." Mabella showed the bench she was sitting on a moment ago.
“What? Hahah, Mabel. What so bad about wasting your energy? You really should running sometime or not, you will accumulate fat in your body.”
“I- I will, maybe?”
"I see. Mabel, did you stutter since birth? Because every time I talk to you, you always stutter. Not that I'm looking down on you, I'm just curious.”
“It-its not like that. I’m- I’m just nervous talking to people I’m not familiar with.”
“It’s that so? So, when are you familiar with us, you will stop stuttering, right? Then, let’s always be friends. Let's spend a lot of time together until you feel like throwing up because you always look at my face. ”
“You-you don’t mind? I-I was a nerd, not everyone like me.”
“Really? But I like you. You might be a nerd but you’re cute.” Emma squeeze Mabella’s right cheek.
Mabella grinned.
“You know, every day I would see the faces of my friends, until I got fed up so maybe I should look at other people's faces too.” Emma pointing her finger at Sophia and the other friends. Obviously she would be fed up since they had all been together since primary school. But, still, Emma loves her friends.
“Don’t say that, you have very valuable friends.”
“Yeah, I know. But Mabel, why don’t you join your classmates running? You should have fun though. You have born gifted, so why do you need to try harder? Take a chill, no one will take your first place. Such a bookworm."
Mabella just smiles, she has no intention of replying Emma words, 'Well, it's no fun when you need to mixed with the people who is not on your level, right?’
“Erm, hello. Are you the class leader of 5D Emerald?”
Adam turned his head towards the beautiful girl who is standing behind him. As usual, Adam immediately threw a charming smile at the girl.
Mabella who accidentally saw Adams action, made an annoying look. 'Ha, look at him. Seduce everyone with his so-called charming smile.'
“Yes, please just call me Adam. May I know who this beauty is?”
“Please don’t be too attractive, I’m afraid I would be greedy to want you. But that doesn’t matter, I am Sophia, I am a representative of my class, want to request, is it okay if both classes compete in basketball? We are bored to just stand here.” Sophia was almost tempted to see Adam's face, but she quickly looked away. Guys like this, absolutely, cannot be trusted! They just act like they are innocent when in reality, they are devils.
"My, aren't you an honest one? Hmm, I found that the idea is interesting. Sure, why not?"
As quickly as possible, Sophia gets her classmates back. She ran at the same time she screaming, "You guys! He agreed to play basketball with us!"
Adam smiled at Sophia's behavior. 'She's my type, but unfortunately, she is in the last class. Can not bother myself with some stupid people.'
"They want to play basketball! Mabel, lets play together too!" Emma excitedly invites Mabella. However, Mabella just shook her head, a sign of not wanting to.
“I-I will pass. I’m not really good in sports but-but, don’t worry, I will support you.” Mabella walks away from Emma.
"Huh? What is that? She's so boring. And shouldn't she support her own class? Why me? Whatever, since she is cute, I will let it slide this time. Next time, I will also force her to play basketball together.” Emma seems to be mumbling alone.
Students from the 5D Emerald and 5D Round classes began to prepare themselves to play the basketball. Adam brought 3 balls from sports room to the court. He gave 2 balls to the 5D Round students and the other one for his classmates
Mabella just stood on the sidelines, watching everyone who was busy practicing playing ball. She didn't get it. Why everyone looks so excited when this is just a game between classes?
Aiden who was stretching his body looked at Mabella. Seeing Mabella was alone, he decides to come closer to that girl so that he can have a little chat with her.
"You are not going to join us?" Aiden tapped on Mabella's shoulder.
"Not gonna join us?" Aiden asked again.
“I-I’m not very good on sports so nope, hehe. I will bring shame on my class.” Mabella rubbed the back of her head. She grinned shyly when she admitted that she didn't know how to play sports.
‘Cute,’ That's what Aiden thought when he saw Mabella laughed.
Adam, who noticed how sweet Mabella and Aiden is, sneered. He did not like what he saw right now. How can he let someone from last class took his best friend away? And it's not like Aiden really knows Mabella. Adam starts to toss the ball up and down. With purposed, he threw the ball to Aiden.
“Aiden! The ball!” Adam shouted, pretend like it was an accident.
Mabella's eyes widened when she saw the ball move towards Aiden. Mabella looked at Adam, who smiled meaningfully and sighed a little. ‘Geez, this guy. What’s his problem?’
All the students there shouted, calling Aiden’s name. Looking at the speed of the ball, it is not impossible that it will hurt when it hits Aiden, especially when the ball is about to go to Aiden's face.
Each pair of eyes looked at Aiden and made a style telling Aiden to dodge the ball while Aiden stood stiffly there, wondering why his name was called and what was going on.

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    Christopher Alfanta



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    AbdulCarim SC Dita



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