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The Curse of the Dark Forest

The Curse of the Dark Forest

Ava and Malakai

Chapter 1: The Curse of the Dark Forest

Ava had always been fascinated by the stories of Aranthia's mythical creatures and enchanted forests. But she had never expected to find herself standing at the edge of the Dark Forest, staring into the shadows that seemed to stretch out forever.
As she gazed into the trees, Ava couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine. The legends said that the Dark Forest was cursed, home to creatures of darkness and magic that would devour anyone foolish enough to enter. But Ava was no ordinary adventurer. She was a healer, a wielder of magic, and she had come to the Dark Forest on a mission.
It had been six long years since Ava's parents had vanished without a trace. She had searched tirelessly for any clues, but the only lead she had was a strange letter that hinted at a curse that had befallen her family. It spoke of the Dark Forest and a powerful sorcerer named Malakai who was said to have unleashed terrible magic upon the land.
Ava had spent years studying magic and honing her skills, determined to find the truth about her family's disappearance. And now, standing at the edge of the Dark Forest, she knew that her journey was far from over.
Taking a deep breath, Ava stepped forward into the shadows of the forest. The first thing she noticed was the silence. The only sound was the rustling of leaves beneath her feet. The trees were thick and gnarled, their branches reaching out like bony fingers to clutch at the sky. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and Ava couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.
As she moved deeper into the forest, Ava became increasingly aware of the danger that lurked around every corner. She kept her hand on her staff, ready to cast spells at a moment's notice. Her senses were heightened, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.
It was then that she heard it. A low growl, deep in the underbrush. Ava froze, her heart racing. She had encountered many creatures on her travels, but this growl was unlike any she had ever heard before.
Slowly, Ava turned to face the source of the sound. A pair of glowing eyes stared back at her from the darkness. They were the color of burning embers, and as they flickered in the shadows, Ava felt a surge of fear.
But she didn't run. She stood her ground, her eyes fixed on the creature before her. It was a wolf, but not like any wolf Ava had ever seen. Its fur was jet black, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.
The wolf bared its teeth, a low growl rising in its throat. Ava tensed, ready to cast a spell. But before she could act, the wolf turned and vanished into the shadows.
Ava let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, realizing that she had just narrowly avoided a dangerous encounter. She knew that the Dark Forest was full of dangers like this, and she would need to be careful if she hoped to uncover the truth about her family's disappearance.
As Ava continued deeper into the forest, she couldn't help but wonder what other horrors lay ahead. But she refused to back down. She was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what dangers lay in her path. With each step, her resolve grew stronger, and she knew that she was on the right path.
Despite the dangers lurking in the forest, Ava pressed on. Her senses were on high alert, every sound and movement sending a jolt of fear through her body. But she refused to let her fear get the best of her. She had a job to do, a mission to complete, and she wouldn't rest until she found out what had happened to her family.
As she walked, Ava couldn't help but notice how the forest seemed to be changing around her. The trees grew thicker and more twisted, their branches reaching out like grasping fingers. The air grew colder, and the silence became more oppressive. It was as if the very forest itself was alive and watching her every move.
But Ava didn't let the ominous surroundings deter her. She pushed forward, her resolve growing stronger with each step. She had come too far to let fear stand in her way.
It was then that Ava heard the sound of voices up ahead. Her heart leaped in her chest. Could it be Malakai? Or was it someone else? She couldn't be sure, but she knew that she had to find out.
Cautiously, Ava made her way toward the voices. As she drew closer, she realized that there were two figures up ahead. They were speaking in hushed tones, and she couldn't make out what they were saying.
Ava crept closer, her hand on her staff. She didn't want to startle them, but she needed to know what they were up to. As she got closer, she saw that they were two men dressed in dark robes. They had their backs to her, and she couldn't see their faces.
Ava knew that she needed to act fast. She raised her staff, ready to cast a spell. But before she could do anything, one of the men turned and saw her.
Ava froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She was outnumbered and outmatched. But she refused to back down.
The two men began to advance towards her, their faces twisted in sneers. Ava held her ground, ready to fight.
But before the men could reach her, there was a loud cracking sound from above. The trees shook, and the ground trembled. Ava looked up to see a massive tree falling toward her.
She had no time to react. The tree crashed down, and everything went dark.

Comentário do Livro (250)

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    achei bom


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    Merlita Amodia

    Very interesting part of the novel


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