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Chapter Three.

After my night shift at the bar, I went home to find grandma sleeping on the couch in the living room, maybe she was waiting for me to come home, she always does this every time I have a night shift which is every day, I've told her many times not to, but grandma is so stiff-necked, she doesn't back down, wonder what I would have done without her, so I took a blanket and covered her and then kissed her on the forehead before going to my room, I have decided that I am not going to work tomorrow or can I say today since its already two in the morning, I want grandma and me to talk because my birthday is today, what a birthday it feels more like a sad day, I was cut to know what she wants to tell me.
With that in mind, I got ready for bed, then lay under my duvet as I let my eyes close to sleep.
Today I slept in late, cause my bones were aching and also because I was exhausted from what happened yesterday when I woke up, I turned to check the time on my nightstand and saw that it was 1: 45 pm, geez Luna you know how to wake early, NOT.
I dragged myself out of bed and freshened up and decided to go with a blue t-shirt and black shorts, I never bothered to wear shoes cause 1: I had nowhere to go today, 2; I loved walking bare feet, I'm at home for heaven's sake, sue me. I went downstairs to grandma sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her left hand, she was in a dress and her grey hairs hung around her due to her bob, she was really beautiful, my footsteps must have distracted her from her thoughts because immediately I stepped into the living room her head was up and then she gave me a smile
"Good morning grandma " I greeted as I went over to give her a hug from her neck and a peck on her cheek
" Oh good morning my Lun, and a happy birthday to you". When she said that I remember, it was my birthday today, I forgot
" Don't tell me you forgot ?" Grandma said with a hint of amusement, it's a normal thing for me to forget my birthday
"Grandma ...." I whined " who cares about birthdays when I have you to keep me young "
" You're an adult now, so behave"
" No, I'm not, people just made that up to make people responsible "
" Okay Luna how was your sleep, she asked still smiling while sipping her coffee
" It was fine mama, thanks for waiting up for me, would have to give you a massage, I know your body aches," I said jokingly in which she let out a laugh which was my aim all along she seemed so quiet, as the 'talk' that serious that it got her so disturbed.
" Why are you not going to work today Luna dear ?"
Grandma questioned
"Well since it's my birthday today I figured that we should have our talk and I also really wanna spend time with you"
That wasn't a lie, except I left out what happened yesterday and that I was tired, I turned to sit by her side on the couch, I wanted to know what was up so I asked
"So grandma what's it you wanna talk about"
Grandma turned to me with a sad smile
" Go and eat something Luna, I'll order a cake for you and I will tell you everything "
" I'm not hungry but no worries, forget the cake I'll just order pizza after the talk"
I told her sincerely, I was curious to the point that food was on my mind now.
" Promise me, you'll be safe Luna always be safe dear "
Grandma said I did not like the way this talk was going
" Grandma please don't say things like that, okay ?, and tell me what you want to already, I really wanna know"
I said puzzled and confused out of my mind, grandma let out a sigh and then looked me straight in the eye
" Remember when I told you about your parents, that was not the full story, the full story is ............"
After grandma finished telling me everything, I realized that all my life was a tale of lies and that I had hidden powers that were handed over to me from my dad's lineage, well that explains the weird happening yesterday, also we had mortal enemies who are seeking to get me and this so-called enemy are the reason I can't be with my parents and that the more time I spend not discovering and learning how to control my powers then I can't defend myself because they are coming to get me, thinking about it right now makes me remember the voice I heard and the warning it said, could it be a coincidence? I still can't wrap my hands around it.
Grandma sensed my confusion through my silence and then she hugged me, patting my head gently, and said
" It's okay to be confused right now Luna, it's okay to be scared, I know this is hard to take in but are a strong girl, I say this because I know you, you are the one chosen to restore the lost glory of the astral society, don't be afraid of your powers and gifts, with time they will be born, you just have to remember..........."
Before grandma got to finish her sentence, we heard a loud crash from the roof, grandma and I looked up at the same time to see a very hideous creature or should I say a beast, its entire skin was dark and teeth long and arranged like that of a shark, it had claws, sharp long claws, its face was like that of a bull at the same it had the body of a lizard, a big lizard, with a long spiky tail.
I looked at grandma and saw a trace of recognition on her face, wait, did she know this thing too... I never got the chance to ask because grabbed my hands and dragged me to her room, I got really confused, everything was happening so fast, I could hear the snarls and growls of that creature which meant it was already in the house and it was getting close to our room
" Grandma what's happening, what is that thing," I asked
" There's no time Luna, we have to leave, they can't find you"
She said going to her cupboard to look for something, looks like she found it because I saw her holding a book then she walked over to me and placed it on my palms.
"Take this, it is the book that will keep you, it is called the astral mind, that creature there is a bektu, no matter what do not look into its eyes and stay away from the tail, we have to leave now "
I held the book so strong am sure my hands were red already, all this was happening at once, I didn't understand anything, grandma grabbed my hands ... again and dragged me out of the room, that was a bad idea because we came to face the creature ... Bektu.
"Close your eyes "grandma instructed, so I did but the shocker was that I could still see even with my eyes closed, I let out a gasp, and then I saw grandma with a sword, where did get it from, at that moment I saw a different person in my grandma because one minute she standing beside and the next minute she was going at the bektu, I knew she was struggling with her eyes closed because when she did a little backflip to get closer to the bektu she staggered a little, she was good at this, for someone with her eyes closed she fought well but I couldn't just stand there I had to do something but before I could I saw the bektus tail going towards my grandma's back aiming for a strike, no that can't happen.
" No grandma get down "I screamed but it was already late, the tail strikes her back piercing deep into it, and grandma let a gasp of pain falling to her knees, I screamed and ran to her taking her head to keep on my lap, I kept the book beside me and then opened my eyes, I couldn't even keep her safe, I was supposed to be an all-powerful but I can't even protect grandma, I was useless, I was crying, what a shame I was, grandma was already so pale, the poison must have spread wild
" Grandma ... Stay with me, are they any treatment to this, tell me please, I can't lose you too"
I said crying, she raised her right hand to touch my cheek, she smiled sadly and said
" You are just your mother, you are your mother's daughter, you are the one to bring back the astral glory, you are stronger than you think, always remember that " I held her hands on my cheek
" I don't wanna be strong without you grandma, I want you to be here to remind me "
She smiled " you have to Luna ...." And then she was gone, at that moment everything shattered inside me I knew I had lost grandma, I brought her body close to me and hugged her I couldn't even find the strength to cry anymore, I almost forgot about the bektu until I heard a snarl, I turned to see the, where was it all this time, that was a question for later, right now I was pissed that when it came at me I raised my hands to block it and was surprised when a blast of fire came out from my hands and hit the bektu, immediately it turned to ashes, I looked at my hands in wonder, but that only lasted for a minute because two bektus rose from the ashes oh talk about a phoenix ... NO ...
They were bigger than the last , what the heck , I had to run so I kissed grandma forehead and laid her on the floor picked up the book and started running , the bektus were chasing after me with so much speed one even let out fire from it's month and I dodged but ended up falling , I yelped and continued running , a curtain got caught up with fire , I ran to the back door , opened it and came to face the woods , I began running into the woods , faster especially after hearing the bektus growls coming closer , I didn't even know where I was going , I tripped and fell but I still held the book close to my chest and immediately stood up and continued running , I could see the house fully consumed with fire and I couldn't help but break to the thought that grandma was inside there , burning with the house,my lungs couldn't take the running anymore and so I collapsed to the ground with the book still held tight , but then suddenly the two bektus were blasted off by fire but that was not from me ... I didn't have the strength to think cause I knew I was slowly losing consciousness , I was fighting not to but I was really failing , my hair was disheveled all over the ground , my eyes were drifting to fall shut but not before seeing a figure standing above me , the last I saw was the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen in my life and then I succumbed to sleep.
And that's it for the chapter...
And yay 1976 words,😯😯
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    Duming Ambong



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    Deden Alcoser

    please help me


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    Mark O. Arcilla

    nice one


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