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Chapter 6

I was supposedly going up north to Canada to meet Eric and the other hunters but ever since Collin left, I went around every state fighting monsters and trying to save other people’s lives. After the Vetala incident, I wished he was there with me. I even expected him to come out of nowhere and fight with me, but he didn’t. It’s been a month since I last saw and talked to him. Damn it, Mia! I said to myself, remembering the last thing I said to him: Fuck you, Collin. Fuck you.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! My mind said to me as I hit the steering wheel. I don’t really know where I am or where the hell I’m going. I just drove highway to highway, small town to small town, city to city, with no destination. I’ve fought monsters by myself and healed myself – it’s like the beginning all over again. The time when my dad left to hunt, the last time I’d ever see him, talk to him and even hug him.
At one of my stops, I came across a Crocotta, a mythical beast that originated in India and Ethiopia. According to lore, they are the worst enemy of both humans and dogs. They imitate humans to lure in their prey. Crocottas are also known to devour the souls of humans, whether they killed them already or were about to. They have super strength and speed, but their vulnerability? Impalement of their spine.
And that’s what I did.
After my kill, almost losing my soul to this sucker, I looked for my truck, forgetting where I parked it. After I found my truck, I heard a loud scream. A human scream. I rolled my eyes and thought, fucking seriously?!
I took my duffel bag with everything I need in it and ran in the direction of the screaming. The scream disappeared and it was changed into an animalistic slurping and chewing. It was like a lion eating a gazelle. I approached slowly, and as silently as I could until I accidentally stepped on a fucking branch. Shit! I thought to myself, my eyes widened and the Rugaru stopped munching on the woman’s opened stomach, her intestines scattered around her on the pavement. He slowly stood up, I slowly stepped back. He turned his head to me – his eyes are piercing red, blood all over his hands, mouth, and shirt. He snarled at me then he starts to turn his body in my direction, I just stood there as if I have a death wish.
I took another step backward until he finally realizes that his next prey is about to escape, he readied himself to run and tackle me. But because I am careless and stupid, I decided to run – forgetting that Rugarus have super speed. I ran as fast as I can thinking I could outrun him, then my head reminded me something important: fire. Fire kills a Rugaru. I remembered that I’ve placed some lighters and flares in the front pocket, a portable flamethrower, and a homemade bomb inside my bag before leaving my truck in case of emergencies. Well, this is an emergency.
The Rugaru eventually got to me and tackled me down, fuck! I thought. Not only because he caught up with me but also because I heard a crash inside my bag after it flew from me and dropped…hard. I fought the Rugaru with my bare hands and I kicked him as hard as I could, he fell to his back. I crawled until I was able to reach for my duffel bag to get the flamethrower – I was gonna use the bomb, but it broke when he tackled me. He was slowly getting back up when I turned to face him. I sat up to start my lighter, but it was not lighting up and the Rugaru was already back up on his feet. His bloodshot eyes were on me, he runs forward, then the flamethrower lights up. Spitting out a mean blaze, he was up in flames in less than a second. He screamed as he fell to his knees, and I watch him burn to a crisp.
I was breathing heavily and decided to just get up, “aaagh! Son of a bitch!” I shouted in pain. I looked down and saw that I have a huge gash on my right thigh, probably due to the fall I took when this fucker tackled me. I removed my belt and positioned it on my thigh, pulling it tighter to keep myself from bleeding to death, knowing that there are monsters out there – all of them hungry for blood.

I limped going to my truck. When I got there, I placed my duffel bag on the floor – removing everything in it on the back seat then I got my first aid and an extra duffel bag. I sat for a moment with the kit on my lap, my eyes started to water just thinking of my dad. Of Collin, wondering where he is or what happened to him. I took the small bottle of alcohol and just splashed it on my cut, I forced myself not to cry or scream and closed my eyes real tight. I hit the roof of my truck with my fist, whimpering just a bit. I opened my eyes and I saw myself on the rear-view mirror – my bun’s a mess, dirt all over my face, and my eyes watery. I wiped my tears away and splashed more alcohol on my cut. I cleaned it one more time with some Betadine then took my sutures and start stitching myself up. When I was done, I covered it up with gauze and wrapped it up with more gauze.
Before leaving, I took my phone and dialed the last phone number my dad left me. It rang and went to voicemail, “Hey, dad, it’s Mia…again. Uhm, I don’t know what to do anymore. I just,” my voice broke and took a deep breath before continuing, “I just want to know if you’re okay. Just tell me, please. I – I don’t know if I can still do this. I don’t know if you’re still alive, but all I really want to know is if you’re okay. Call me, dad, please.”
I ended the call and just sat on the driver’s seat for a minute before driving off to God knows where.
Collin arrived at a beautiful mansion outside of New Jersey. Graystone walls, vines on walls that scream richie rich, a fountain in the middle of the driveway, and a heavy set of dark brown oak doors. The security team bowed to Collin as he walked past them by the entryway, “good morning, sir. It’s good to have you back,” William, the head of security, greeted Collin in his heavy British accent. “Where’s my dad?” he asked.
“Right this way, sir,” William replied and led Collin to a white double door just past the living room. “If you can’t do it, then I will do it myself!” he hears his dad angrily said on the phone. Collin entered the room without knocking, finding his father sitting on his office chair. “It’s rude not to knock in someone else’s study or any room, Collin!”
Collin stood there and told William he can leave. He stared at his father, wondering what happened to the sweet and loving man he once knew. “What do you want, Collin? I don’t have all day for your staring,” he commented. “Why was Heath and Christopher at the penthouse the other day? Did you tell them to follow me?”
“What if I did ask them to keep an eye on you? Got a problem with that? Because I certainly don’t. Hanging around with that….that hunter! She can tear you apart just like what the others did to your brother!”
“I did not ask to be like this, dad!” Collin’s infuriated. “I never wanted to be like this! You made us. You are the one who wanted immortality! Not mom, not Jacob, and most especially not Ginny! Their death is not on any hunters, it’s on you.” Collin left his dad’s office and went straight to his bedroom.

He sat on his bed thinking about how he left Mia. She’s out there. Alone, he thought and sighed. A few moments later, there was a knock on his door. “Come in,” he said, and the door opened, William walked in with a bag. He handed it to Collin, “what’s this?” he looked down at the bag then at William. “It’s your mother’s, sir. She told me to give you that when the time comes that she passed away,” he said.
“Does my dad know about this bag?”
“No, sir. Your mother asked me to keep it for her until it’s the right time.”
“Right time? What do you mean?”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that, sir.”
Collin nodded, “thank you, William. For everything.”
“It’s my pleasure, sir.”

After William left, Collin took the bag to his table and opened it. Inside, there was a black hardbound notebook, and he took it out. The notebook was empty, but there’s a secret compartment on the spine. Inside the spine came out a small flash drive. He turned his laptop on and plugged it in. A window popped up and there he saw individual folders with names of people – hunters. Inside each folders were pictures – family, friends, pets, house, car, everything that you needed to know about them – but there was one folder that caught his attention. A name that is very familiar to him. A name that got him to her in the first place.

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    Hael Mendoza



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