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I don't know why I am smiling all the time! That motherfucking Sterian did this! He wasn't saying those words to me, did he use drugs? Or is he sick? Maybe I'm still drunk? Wait, did you drink that last night?
I sighed while walking down the hallway. When I reached our room, they're still quiet as before.
"Morning." I greeted.
"Good morning!" Riana's the one who greeted me back, everyone is busy doing their things.
I smile at her, before seating myself on my chair.
I was talking to Sabrina all the time. I'm not feeling good, I still have a headache so I took him first before ordering him to go to the clinic and ask for medicine for me.
She doesn't refuse, when I told her I had a headache, she volunteered. So, accordingly. I wasn't good at lying though. Well, I'm a good girl.
My phone vibrated. I turned it on.
Sterian fucker:
Hey, hope you wouldn't mind my 'i love you' earlier. Just said that, because I love you. And, I only love you as my little sister. Hope you didn't misunderstand about it.
That made me chuckle.
Of course, I know. I'm not that kind of a girl, you're thinking. And, yucks! You're not my type, eww.
I inserted a GIF with an irritated face on it.
He replied fast. He's not busy, huh?
Sterian fucker:
Yeah, yeah. Alright. You're hating me now? Am I that disgusting man?
Well, for me. You don't smell good, your things are so organized. I hate that, someone will think that you're a girl! Or, should I say gay. Your condo was not that neat. But, it's okay to live there. With the cockroaches, on your bed.
I covered my mouth to stop laughing so loud. My classmates will get disturbed, they're busy reading a book or something. Riana's busy drawing the faces of Carlisle and Carlo on her sketch pad. She looks like she's on the cloud.
Sterian fucker:
What the— there's no cockroaches on my bed! And, I'm not gay! Our housemaids were always going there every day, to clean and organize my messed-up pieces of stuff!
He inserted an angry GIF face on it.
I was just kidding okay? You're such a hot-headed person. That's a turn-off, tsk tsk. What if your girl teased you like that, huh? You will get mad, easily, and then she'll get turned off on you. She'll leave you, because of that.
Insert a GIF of a disappointed face.
Sterian fucker:
What a childish reason. What if...
What if??
Sterian fucker:
Nevermind. Psh. See you later.
Yeah, that's good. Remember you! Enjoy you at work!
I kept my phone in my pocket again. My eyes hit the door where Riana was standing, I heard some shouts outside.
"Be mine, Stewart!"
"Hey! It's just me Stewart!"
Why my baby? That's trespassing!
"Eugene !!"
What with their faces and you all are so addicted to it? I rolled my eyes at disappointment. These girls nowadays, always refer to a man with a handsome face, not with inner beauty, the same with other men out there.
I can't keep myself silent at times like this. They're being out of the lane. They're disturbing someone silent in the first place. But, these guys right here are not silent, but the girls are disturbing them which the fireflies want.
I'm talking nonsense.
I touched Riana when she got back to her seat, right there next to me. I was about to speak when I saw her pissed face. I don't even know what's going on here, does he have a problem?
She raised her head up and she glared outside. The boys were looking at her. But, Stewart was looking intently at me. I glanced back to Riana, her brows almost meeting up, with her sharped eyes.
When I glanced back at the boys. They're already entertaining someone. Psh. What's wrong with them? Why are they looking at Riana like that? The question filled my mind because of that. For a few minutes, I floated in my mind, with the answers I had thought of before.
I got bored, so I took my phone out again, and texted Sterian.
Hey, I'm bored. Are you busy?
I waited a few minutes before receiving his reply.
Sterian fucker:
Not that busy, but I can text you back.
Nice, so, what are you doing? Are you playing your swivel chair? Like, making it spin?
Sterian fucker:
Woah, you're a great fortune teller ah? How did you know that?
Because I'm doing that when I get bored. Well, if I'm sitting on a swivel chair.
Sterian fucker:
Oh, that's what it is. Why did you text me, again? You aren't in class?
Our professor for this time was ... I don't know. He's not here yet, that's why I get bored. I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh a little.
Sterian fucker:
So I'm you next like that? What am I, Clown?
I'm not saying that, but it seems like that.
Sterian fucker:
Then, when your teacher is there, you won't talk to me anymore. What am I, pastime?
I laugh at that.
Shouldn't I talk to you while my professor is teaching here in front of me?
Sterian fucker:
That's it! If you love me, you will talk to me while the prof is in front of you. mo! 'Can't you fight me?
Why so drama? Haha.
You're so dramatic! Hahahaha
Sterian fucker:
Ouch.. you're hurting me.
He inserted a GIF, with the man who looked in pain while his hands were on his chest.
Want me to hurt you more?
Riana contacted me so I didn't immediately send my reply. I turned to her, I could see the nervousness on her face.
"Well, Carlisle texted me. Carlo is inviting us to go on their beach trip, are you willing?" She asked. I was so shocked! What's up?
"Oh really?! They're just boys."
"Their other troops have girlfriends, you know they'll include them, right?"
"Okay all right, I'll let Mama know first .."
"Me too, we can't just leave without asking permission."
"Okay all right, let's ask for permission tomorrow." I just answered.
"Hmm." She just nodded at me and quickly sat up when our professor came. I typed a text to Sterian, greeting the teacher.
Our professor is here, talk to you later. Bye.
I can't wait for his reply.

"It's still stressful in my life." I rubbed my face as I tired of watching my teacher solve in the foreground.
Gosh, headache.
"That's all for today." he shook his hand. "Okay, class see you again tomorrow... class dismissed." said our professor before we left there.
My classmates stood up and left the room. I arranged all my belongings before standing up, Riana was waiting for me. I remember what he told me earlier, Carlisle and I were invited to go on their beach trip. We had only just met, but I knew they were kind. They're not the same as the other bad boys, that's what is done to the girl. They, the bad boys who can make you laugh at any time. In the short time that we met them, I immediately felt their respect for us.
They're nice guys, they know how to adjust and understand at any time. They're good at handling a woman, they know how to approach and adjust themselves.
Their future wives are lucky to have them in life. It is hard to find a guy who has the same personality as them. I wish I could have my man with that kind of personality and attitude.
Omg! Sterian will be here to pick me up! I forgot to text him.
The two of us waved before I got in the car. Riana's car left first because I didn't let her go right away. I pulled out my cellphone to text Sterian.
He left a text a minute ago.
Sterian fucker:
I can't pick you up today, we have a meeting. I'm sorry. I'm not mad nor making reasons for you not to pick up, ha? This is legit as fuck! Hope you understand.
I felt relieved.
I understand. Call me later, if you're done. I have something to tell you.
I immediately turned off my cell phone before facing Manong.
"We're leaving." I smiled at him.
I just nodded and closed my eyes. I just don't know if it's okay for me to go home now that mama can meet. I've thrown awful words to her, I hate myself for doing that. I knew in my heart that he was suffering too, but why didn't I think of that before speaking to him like that?
I may be a bad daughter. But, bro, I love my mother.

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    Karl Montecer



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    Nics Levardo

    its so nicee


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