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"You can't be a warrior with an art of confusion." Hearst pacing around in the room of his older brother. His cowboy boat makes a noise in the room. A boy wearing a bowler hat that he removed and sit besides of his brother. He also removed his denim jacket. Now, his only wearing a white polo and dark trouser.
"Because you need to concentrate than to be in pain," he added while staring to his older brother who's wearing a stainless steel mask.
His older brother trying to fix his car toys because it's no longer working. "The art of confusion will help you to understand the uncertainties. If you can recognize the problem then you can find the solution." After he finally fix his toys and give it to Hearst. Unlike his young brother, he is wearing a dirty white ancient polo. A young boy who always wearing his grandfather's clothes.
"Thank you brother!" Hearst smiled genuinely. He is 5-year-old little boy who always have a random thoughts about life. Most of the time he always disturb his older brother to talk about something.
"Commodore, clean your mess in your room!" His mother always got mad at his 7-year-old son, Commodore. "Don't remove your mask," she always remind the boy. "Hearst, I always told you never visit your brother," she taken away his youngest son.
Living in the attic is not easy for Commodore. Living alone is not new for him also. He never have a moment with his family to be in the table because he needs to wear his mask because it's forbidden to show some part of his face. So he must be alone when he removed his mask.
Even a mirror is not allowed for him because they told him that it is a sin. "I don't understand why but I want to know the reason, father," he said to his father, Kinsley, when he visited him last night.
Commodore noticed that Hearst has resemblance to his father. They are both have a thin pinkish lips, small nose, and long black hair.
"No way! You need to promise that you'll never remove your mask not unless you need to eat. Do you understand, Commodore?" Mr. Kinsley warned his son.
"Sometimes, I want to go outside to see the world. I also want to walk around, jogging and running like others do. May I go outside? In a jiffy?" Commodore wishes but his father refused it.
"I need to go, lock your room to protect yourself," he said. His father always imprisoned his son in the attic.
"Why you always lying to him," Hearst curiosity as he pity his brother. It has a huge different when he can be free but his brother is not. "You made a dungeon. His life is always being isolated. Let him to be happy by being free, Mom!" Hearst fighting for his brother freedom but it's fell in deaf ears. They don't listen and they don't having love for his older brother.
"You don't understand. Just don't feel mercy for him." An unprotective mother who never have a care for his older son. She is Lorena, the most beautiful lady who won in the exquisite pageant; however, when she was eighteen, she was born a child that she can't even accept in her entire life.
One of the reasons why Commodore neglected by her mother because he is a sin for her. Hearst is lucky because his mother always love him more than anything else. Hearst is wealthy because of the love that his parents. He is a wealth for them.
Not unless, the father of Lorena visited in their house to see his grandchildren. Major Leomord never forget about his first grandchild who brought a fortune in his life. "Where's Commodore? I want to see him," he asked Lorena that currently cooking in the kitchen for their lunch.
"No need to see him."
"I don't want him to be happy." Lenora keeping the wrath in her whole life that his father, Major Leomord, trying to understand.
"Never hold a grudge. I symphatize but I can't tolerate that he needs to suffer because of you," Major Leomord wants his daughter to set his son life to be free. "Commodore may be the justice if you will forgive yourself."
Hearst came and hugged his grandfather. "I miss you, Major Leomord. Where's my chocolate?" The little boy smile widely.
"Chocolate is not good for our teeth, little boy."
"But sweet candies are source of our happiness."
Major Leomord pinched Hearst's nose. "Yeah! But you gonna be a toothless boy."
"Meow~" Hearst cat came and pacing in front of his shoes. They start playing around the house while his father preparing the suitcase he is going to used for tomorrow business travel.
"Dad, when you come home?" Hearst clasped to his father.
"After the business trip. We're going to enroll you when I come home, in the Reagan Owen Academy, son."
"That's a good news, how about Commodore?" Major Leomord bring up about him again. He is quite stubborn and concern, because he wants the child to explore too.
"Oh! As we can see in his condition, I can't enroll Commodore. It might be a perilous to other children to see a boy wearing a mask. It's kinda weird," Kinsley insisted.
Major Leomord grinned. A brilliant idea he has in mind before was successful fulfilled now. Because he has a gift for Commodore this time. He bought a lyre to his grandson because he felt being a prisoner in the house.
"It's a long furlough for a young man. It's an isolation that gives a massive impact. It's like cave and he should go outside to see the light, Mr. Kinsley," Major Leomord smirked because he figured out that Mr. Kinsley is not a good father. "He is not your son. Don't suppose to be ferocious. Ferocity will not give you fortune in life." He wants Mr. Kinsley realized that.
At that moment, Lenora strongly disagreed with her father's word. Even she knows that she's not a good mother as well to protect her first son from this.
Hearst didn't hear anything as he is happy to play with his cat. The exceptional night that they have together. It's a bizarre hours when they realized that Major Leomord telling how he loves Commodore and how important the freedom for his grandson.
"Never lock the door again, Mr. Kinsley or else I gonna be a nightmare for you," Major Leomord was a great soldier. A wealthy business and a good father as well.
Lenora bowed to his father, "You know what happened to me. I can't accept that child and everyday I suppressed myself trying to love him... But I can't," she shook her head and the heavy feeling in her heart makes her eyes drifting the waterfalls.
Hearts saw the grievance of her mother's voice. "Mom, what's going on here? Who makes you cry? Are you alright?" But the only thing he can give to his mother is a warm hug to comfort her. Kinsley really loves his wife and as what Hearst did, he followed too.
"We are here, Lenora. Hearst and I never left you behind."

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    Fernandez Aikee

    hi papano ba kumita


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    Loelkem Bihag

    thank you


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    it's good


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