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Capítulo 5 Happy Howloween

I stabbed the blue-green glug in my lunch tray with my fork "Urgh he makes me so mad"
Sue used a straw to poke hers. The look on her face said 'I'm poking aliens on my plate' She didn't turn from her tray "who?"
At this, she frowned at me "The Disney character? I thought you loved that dumb show"
I rolled my eyes "okay first it's not dumb and second Sinbad is this dude in my class"
She nodded "Ah I see...so you like him"
I choked on my gum "cough cough of course, no I just met the dude like an hour ago"
At this point, she was shaping the thick glug into a head with her spoon "so...you like him"
"I don't!"
"Is he handsome?"
I thought back to the bottle-green eyes jet black messy boy band hair. The square jaw and dimples when he talked. His clothes were baggy but anyone could tell that he had a figure girls wanna touch and guys wanna have. But then there was Bitchy Sue clinging to him like velcro. And for some reason, he wasn't repulsed by her
"Dude you zoned out me...one minute you look like you're dreaming about an angel and the next you look like you just ate a mouthful of whatever this is" Sue pushed the plate away and took the single apple before taking a bite "I wonder if the angel's name happens to start with an Ssss"
"Stop it already"
She fully turned to me her expression was worried and I dreaded what was to come
"Aria you know what happened that time had nothing to do with you it was...if anything it was my fault..."
"Look it was both our fault let's just leave it at that okay? Please"
She sighed "fine...and Aria?"
She pointed at my apple "I'm hungry can I have that?"
"Sure thing"
When her hand reached over I flicked it
"You can have the Glug special, no apple for you"
Sue sighed and slouched further into her chair "are we going to file the missing person complaint after school?"
I turned to her "do you think we should?"
"No if we do they'd realise that we're minors living alone and by tomorrow we'll have child services knocking at our door and distributing us to foster homes faster than we can say 'our parents ain't dead' and I can't deal with that. But not reporting feels..."
"Selfish? Yeah but...mom and dad wouldn't want us to be separated, how do you think Jerry will react? How long are they gonna be missing? How long will we be able to pretend that everything is alright"
"Yeah I know the town is small if people don't see our parents soon busybody tongues are going to start wagging"
Suddenly a shadow fell on us
From the choking perfume, I could already guess who the person was. Sue and I rolled our eyes before looking up to see bitchy Sue glaring at me
What did I do?
Her posse had the same expression
"Stay away from my man"
I shook my head "I'm sorry, your who?"
Bitchy Sue glared at me "stay away from Sinbad"
Oh him. Territorial much?
I pouted "The Disney character? But I love that show"
Her face turned red "you know who I'm referring to! He's my boyfriend..."
"But you're not his girlfriend...from what I heard it's an obsessive one-sided relationship"
"How dare you! He is my boyfriend" she pointed a finger coated with blood-red polish at me "you better stop throwing yourself at him or else"
I looked at her nearing finger, it looked like she planned to poke my eye out I deadpanned "ooo I'm scared" I eyed her "you better get those bloody Mary hands out of my face unless you wanna meet my claws"
Bitchy Sue and her posse glanced at each other then burst out laughing 
Beside me Sue frowned "what's so funny?"
Bitchy Sue ignored her and sneered at me "you'd be adorable if your face didn't make me wanna puke"
A girl behind her scoffed "Stay away from Master Sinbad cuz I'm sure you don't wanna meet our claws and yeah baby they're real hehe"
I rolled my eyes. Tch what's up with that? just cuz they've got sharper manicures.
They turned and walked away but before leaving Bitchy Sue said "As much as it disgusts me to even do this but I've been told to invite you both to the Halloween party tonight at Dead man's float"
After she went away I turned to Sue "are we going?"
"And enter into an obvious trap"
We both smirked "hell no"
Suddenly, a voice said "Don't worry" a redhead girl our age smiled at us from the opposite table "Her father owns the boathouse so she usually gives it stupid names that she thinks are scary. It was the same girl that told the teacher to 'ignore me cuz we were all humans and stuff'
I scoffed "her father owns the boathouse? Tch all the more reason not to go"
The girl laughed aloud "haha come on guys it'll be fun...name's May by the way"
"Sue? Haha, what sore luck for you your namesake is ..."
"A bitch I know"
A few minutes after 7 pm Sue, Jerry and I stood at the river bank. When May said it was a boathouse, I pictured a small boat with a thatched hut in the middle. But this-this was a floating carnival. I was sure the post and beam style boathouse covered the expanse of the lake. It had open sun deck. 
Jerry tapped my shoulder and dragged Sue's hand "look over there they have a speedboat"
"No wonder she's such a royal bitch"
"Her Pops spent so much money just for a stupid Halloween party, talk about extravaganza"
Although May said the name was stupid, even I had to admit that the name Dead man's float fit it perfectly. If I didn't know that all the decorations were plastic I'd probably have nightmares after this. Hehe, maybe this was a glimpse of the creepy darkness in bitchy Sue.
We didn't wear any costumes. The only ones we had were from long ago when dad dressed us up in giant dental products. And there is no way in hell's blazes are those costumes ever gonna leave the attic.
In the boat, for the first time Jerry stuck by us instead of running away.
I asked him "Why are you here?"
He picked and filled three cups of soda before giving Sue and me one each he took a sip of his "why am I here?"
"Here as in with us, I thought you didn't want people to know that we are related?"
"I was just joking"
"Ehn and your joke lasted for a week"
"You guys said that stupid girl with a stupid name has been picking on you"
Sue glared at him
Jerry stepped back and raised his hands in mock surrender "don't worry sis it's only stupid on her...anyway I wanna make sure she doesn't try to mess with you guys"
I reached up and ruffled his hair "awwnn who's the baby bro that cares for his sisters you are oh yes you are..."
He pushed me away "Fuck off"
"Awn baby bro learnt a bad word"
He rolled his eyes at my dramatics
"The other Sue...is she pretty"
I eyed him suspiciously "I guess?"
"Blonde and green-eyed?"
"And most likely to were a pole dancing costume for Halloween?"
Sue answered "ha most definitely"
"Buh why did you ask?"
"Oh...she's coming over here"
"What are you guys supposed to be? The Three Mouseketeers?"
Sue took a swig of Soda from a can and belched "we're dressed as humans"
Bitchy Sue scoffed "Humans?"
I smirked at her "Darling don't ya know?
       Humans can be monsters too haha"
She glared at me "Fuck you"
"Eww no thanks"
She turned to walk away "I don't give a hoot and a howl about what you do just stay away from the lower deck, three of you"
Jerry "should we go to the lower deck?"
Sue reasoned "it might be a trap..."
Two minutes later at the lower deck
Jerry spoke "there's nothing here and no one's around either"
There was a sealed cabin at the lower deck with the stairs descending into the lake. Transparent glass kept most of the water out, there were small cracks here and there that allowed a steady trickle of water, making the stairs damp. The farther we went the higher the water rose
"Why are we still going down?" He asked
"Curiosity" Sue's voice echoed
"Well that stuff killed the cat"
Sue grinned "Then it's a good thing we aren't cats"
I pouted even though they couldn't see me "speak for yourself I have always felt quite feline"
We reached the bottom of the stairs there was a door. It looked old and rotten in contrast to the outside of the boathouse. We jingled the handle but it was locked.
Jerry groaned "all this just for a dead-end...why don't you tear it apart as you did to my room door"
I turned to match back up the stairs "stop whining"
Suddenly there was a sound at the other side of the door. It sounded like a knock but I couldn't be sure "errr did you hear that?"
Sue "meh"
Jerry "let's leave from here this is literally how people die in horror movies. Going where you're not supposed to, opening doors you're not supposed to and then dying when you're not supposed to"
Sue touched the door "don't be such a big baby"
"Go jump in a well, I know you've always wanted to die in a horror movie"
"So stupid"
"Hush it both of you"
We listened another knock came but it was weak.
"What if bitchy Sue has someone trapped in there for...I don't know, revenge or something"
"See you don't know so let's go"
Sue raised her leg and kicked the door. At the second kick, the board at the bottom of the door fell off. Sue bent down to look
"I've got a bad feeling about this" Jerry murmured
"Your feelings don't matter tho" Sue said 
Jerry kicked his leg and splashed water on her back. 
I tapped the wall and withdrew my hand when it touched something sticky "what do you see?"
No reply.
Sue's voice was barely above a whisper "guys?"
Jerry and I "what?"

Comentário do Livro (805)

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    Muadzeen Amzar

    kk kk


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    Dennis Dela Peña

    nice 👍


  • avatar

    muito bom tou ganhando muito dinheiro 🏧


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