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Chapter 4

"L-Lux?" Why did he follow me?
"Why didn't you tell me what happened earlier?" He asked in a hostile tone.
"If I said I wouldn't go to the detention room? That's the same, right?" And I walked again.
"Even so, you should have said it so she could be scolded too. You should have defended yourself, I know it wasn't the first time she bullied you." You can hear the concern in his tone.
"Why don't you say it? Do you think that when I reported it, will they take my side? I don't think so." I went straight to the detention room.
"Mr. Can I have a slip for cutting classes, Writes, Saroux Ellixe?" I asked an officer there and he gave it to me.
' 1st offense - 2 hours in detention room (Yellow card)
2nd offense - 2 hours community service (Orange card)
3rd offense - 1 week suspension (Green Card)
4th offense - Call parents (Violet card)
5th offense - Kick Out/ Expelled (Red card)
The 2nd offense is still marked, so I can do co-community service.
"Miss Writes, do community service in the garden." The officer said and took care of the others.
I went out and went to the storage room to get a broom and a dustpan. After I got it, I went to the garden. There was no one because it was class time so I sat on a bench first. It's 9:30 am and I still have 2 hours of community service, it's a bad trip! It's 11:30 lunch, it means I would be absent from 2 subjects. I might catch up with the students here aiiissh!.
I just swept the dry leaves, I rearranged the other pots that were lost on the line. After 2 hours of cleaning, I sat down on the bench to rest.
*clack clack*
"Huhuhu, that woman is really getting to my nerves! I'll skin her alive!" I peeked where the voice came from and saw Belle.
She also sweeping the ground and crying. Why is she here? Tsk! Just sweeping, are you going to cry? Great frogs indeed.
I was about to leave when someone grabbed my arm, I saw Chelle's disgusted look, I was sure she was going to ask me another question.
"What did you do again? Oh Ghaddd! Elli what's wrong with you?" She snorted at me.
"Shut up chelle, don't act like you know everything!" I turned my back on her and left.
I walk to the storage room to return the cleaning materials I used. I went to the canteen to buy my lunch, fortunately there were only a few students so I could eat in peace. I speeded up the food so that the mean girls here wouldn't catch me or I might get a third offense. I returned to the room to attend the last two subjects. It's a good thing that Belle isn't here yet. There was a lot of whispering and laughter when I passed them on my way to my seat.
"Are you ok?" Lux asked
"Hmmm" I answered indifferently.
After a while, our lecturer arrived. But she only talked to our president, Beryll. After our lecturer left, Beryll wrote on the white board what Miss Sarmiento asked her to do.
"Get one whole sheet of paper, make a short poem whether English or Tagalog. It's up to you what will be your topic (1 stanza or more)" Miss Sarmiento said.
Then 20 minutes passed quickly, that's why most of them were already done, I was too, a while ago heheheheh.
"Aisshhh! I can't think of anything, it's bad tripping oh" I looked at Lux who was scratching his forehead.
I just leaned my back on the back rest and squared up. He's whispering next to me like a bee tsk! I looked at his work and still nothing written. 10 minutes later...
"Pass your papers in front, finished or not finished pass it." Our president said authoritatively.
"Haiist! I'm not going to pass" I looked at Lux who was frowning.
The class ended quickly and I put my things away. I was on my way home when I noticed someone following me. I quickly walked into the dorm where I live, yes I'm independent. Even though I miss them, especially my best friend Cassidy. I opened the fridge to look for something to eat, but there was nothing but water and a chocolate.
There were still 2 hours before my work, so I dressed in a maroon v-neck shirt, leggings and sneakers. I went to MegaMall at the crossing, after all, that's the closest one. First I went to Jollibee to eat. After finishing, I went to the super market.
Meat✔ Poultry✔ Vegetables✔ Rice✔ Condiments✔ Toiletries✔ Chips✔ Ice cream✔ Chocolates✔
I think it's right, I was pushing the push cart to the cashier when suddenly a kid ran and bumped into me.
"Are you okay?" He nodded.
I stood the boy up and picked up my bag that fell. He smiled and left 'the cute'. The cashier has already punched my purchase.
"1000 pesos ma'am" I handed her the payment.
When I went out, the guard checked my bag.
"W-Wait miss did you buy it?" He take a pack of chocolates at the same time.
"A-ah n-no sir" I responded
"Just go to the office to explain ma'am" said the guard and escorted me to the office.
What is that, why did it go there? Haiist! Unfortunately, stay away from me please.
"I-I didn't get that! Why are you so upset? I bought some chocolates but I didn't put any in my bag. Also, I can pay for that, it's only 400." I said annoyed.
How come I've been accusing  because of that chocolate, what a  pest!
"Well, ma'am, how did that end up in your bag?" The officer asked and glared at me.
*knock knock*
The guard who brought me here earlier came in, tsk! You're an apple guard, I'll be late because of you.
"M-Ma'am s-sorry, don't fire me from my job please, we don't have a source of food for my family anymore" the guard knelt down begging me that I was surprised.
"W-What? What are you talking about?" The officer said to him and the guard handed him something and his eyes widened.
"Yes, you were mean to me earlier, but now you're begging, you're weird brother" I replied.
"S-Sorry ma'am you may go now" said the officer.
"What? Unbelievable" I said and left the office.

Comentário do Livro (324)

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    Danz Calyx M. Barbosa

    I am what I was able to meet other person from all levels become homie's with them and they are not sure if nothing will really change the name of the day


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