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Capítulo 2 The Jay's

( Can I be your friend?)
Chapter 2
" Finally. I'm home" Jason said as the trio walked in
" Just you?" Jayson asked mischievously with a sly smile
" I don't remember referring to anyone else apart from myself" he retorted
" Okay, that's enough. Jayson set the table, and Jason go get Grandma. Let's have dinner" Jackson said, interrupting them. They both did as he has said
Jason went to get their grandmother, while Jayson had to set up the table for dinner. Jason arrived a few minutes later with their old looking grandmother. She looks sick and very weak.
" Good evening Grandma Pamela" Jayson and Jackson greeted simultaneously
" Good evening dearies. How was today?" she asked, as Jason helped her take her seat.
" It wasn't that bad. Were you okay being home all by yourself?" Jackson asked concerned
" Of course. This body might be weak and fragile but you never can tell and imagine the things it can still do. Don't just label me as a weak old granny, I still have my instincts, and with it comes great strength of power" Grandma said. The trio looked at eachother.
"Uhmmm. Sure. Let's eat" Jackson said and they all sat down to eat. Jayson dished out the meal and served them individually. They began eating.
" What do you think you're doing right now?" Jackson asked Jason, who was busy with video games on his phone while eating. There is no one in the world that loves video games more than Jason. It seems like the only thing in the universe that gives him joy. He could play it while eating, working, walking or any thing he's doing. His attitude and love for it left his brothers worried, and made them always look out for him. Nothing else matters to him. He could even sacrifice his lunch
money just to play video games at a computer store down the road from their workplaces.
" I asked you a question?" Jackson repeated
" What does it look like? Do you know how lame your question is? How do you even expect someone to answer that?" Jason retorted. He didn't want to be disturbed which was what Jackson was doing
" Just let him be and don't get yourself worked up over that. It's not like it's your first time witnessing such, and it's not like you don't know he's like this. Just eat and leave him alone" Jayson said. Jackson breathed out and resumed eating. Jason ate for a while and stood up.
" You aren't don't with your food" Grandma said noticing this
" Yeah. I'm full" he said averting his eyes to look at her for a while, then taking them back to concentrate on what he was doing
" Please child. Sit down and eat. You need to eat in order to be strong" she said to him pleadingly
" Grandma, you don't have to worry about me. I'm okay, and besides I can always come back to finish up with the food if I am hungry. That's if I ever get hungry" he said
" I know that but... "
" Grandma please don't bother yourself with that okay" Jackson said. Grandma Pamela looked in his direction and Jason used that opportunity to escape her sermons.
" Just eat," Jayson said and touched her hand with a smile on his face. They ate in silence
" Grandma" Jackson called. She stopped eating and paid him her attention
" We have decided to take you to the hospital so you can get tested and then we will know how to go about giving you a better treatment" Jackson said
" No son. You don't have to do that. That is going to cost a lot. Just save it for your education, that will be much better. At least, am not getting younger and could die at any time but I want you and your brothers to have a good life" she said
" Grandma, you don't have to say that. I don't like it when you say things like this. we will get through this okay. The fact that we don't have enough money to take care of your hospital bills doesn't mean we are gonna let you die. No. We will look for a way. Trust me" Jackson said reassuring
" Yes Grandma, you just have to give us time and don't give up on us so soon. We will look for a way through this. We promise you that '' Jayson included. Grandma Pamela sighed resignedly. It was obvious there was nothing she would say that would dissuade the two eager teenagers staring deep down at her with piercing and determined eyes. She held the hand Jayson used in holding hers and gave it a light and faint squeeze. After doing that, she took that of Jackson also and placed it, in between her and that of Jayson's.
" It's gonna be fine, " Jackson said. Jayson smiled
It's all gonna be fine
Skyler was going through a magazine. She was bored and that was the only way she thought of keeping herself busy. She didn't want to sleep or watch videos. She flipped to another page and then her phone rang. It was her friend - Kina. She actually has two friends - Kina and Yvonne; they were referred to as SKY Girls.
"Hello" she said after picking
" Hey babe, what'sup?" Kina asked excitedly.
" Yeah. Don't know" Skyler said.
" What's going on again? You look dull. Is anything the matter?" Kina asked, with concern
" No. Not at all, just bored" Skyler replied her
" Oh, really? You're bored and you didn't inform me about that" she said and laughed.
" What's funny? Why did you call?" Skyler asked, trying to avoid her further teasing.
" Yeah. I was thinking about something and have discussed it with Yvonne already" she said
" Yes?" Skyler said
" How about we do something fun to begin this new term which is about to commence" Kina said
" Like what?" Skyler said and sat upright. She was getting interested. The holiday has been so boring. She didn't get to go to vacation like the rest of her friends, even though her parents were super wealthy. They could afford to take her anywhere but they didn't, because they loved and valued their companies and businesses more than her.
" Are you back from your vacation?" she suddenly asked
" Yeah. Why did you ask? School is about to restart, you know,and I need to start preparing" Kina said
" Yeah" Skyler said
" Why did you ask by the way? " Kina asked. Skyler didn't say anything. None of her friends knows about her home situation, and she wanted it to remain like that. She didn't want them to know or to find out. She's okay with the image everyone had of her. Discussing her family was one thing she detests so much,and at that, people didn't really know much about her family.
" Hello" Kina called
" Yes" Skyler replied
" Are you still there? I asked a question and you became silent. What's going on with you?" she said
" Uhm, you were saying something. Something about having fun. What was that?" Skyler said avoiding her questions
" Yeah, yeah. I was saying why don't we do something fun to begin this term?" Kina asked
" Something like what?" Skyler asked
"Well, how about we organize a Music show, that is instead of those applying for the scholarship this term to buy the form. The form will be winning the show, and then that person gets admitted" she said excitedly. Skyler thought about it for a while. She loved the idea. It will be thrilling and interesting. She loves listening to Music. It gives her a sense of belonging.
" That's so great. Oh, Kina! That'll be lovely" she said happily " you're the best" she said and kissed her phone
" Sure I am, and am glad you dug in" Kina said
" Of course. Why won't I? It involves music and anything relating to that always drives me nuts" Skyler said, more like a reminder
" Yeah, yeah. We know all that. So girl, am gonna go to our school chat forum and inform them about it right away" Kina said
" And am gonna post It and make the announcement on my social media pages" Skyler said and both girls laughed
" Can't wait to see you girl. Have missed you so much" Kina said
" Same here. Good thing resumption is just few days from now" Skyler said
" Yes. So, catch ya later"Kina said
" Yeah. See ya " Skyler said and placed her phone on the bed as soon as the call ended
" Come in" she said to the maid who had been knocking since she was on that phone call. The maid came in when she heard her
"Good day, ma'am" she greeted
" Can't you just skip the greeting and tell me why you're here" Skyler said
" Sorry ma'am. Dinner is served" she informed
" Are my parents home yet?" Skyler asked her. She shook her head negatively.
" What was I even thinking?" Skyler murmured to herself.
" Alright, you can go, I'll be there shortly," she said. The maid bowed, then left.

Comentário do Livro (247)

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    John Carlo Alberto

    I would like to request access to the advance server acc in the morning and I will be there for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I can do it for you to be a good day at work now so I ca


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    AzaharMuhamad Aidil

    novel yg sngt menarik 🥹


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    Alliah Jillan Teoxon Luna



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