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Chapter 32

Michael's pov
"After the activities at work, I think maybe we should be going home, I am not in a good mood right now"
"You know we have to move on and continue with our lives, I am also hurt but I have to forget so I can move on with my life, hop into the car and let's go to her house"
"Thanks bro" I said we entered the car and we zoomed off
"Good luck, go in there and do what your heart demanded for"
"Thanks we hugged, I let out a sigh, I started going towards the door"
"My subconscious told me to stop , I stopped I heard voices of people arguing"
"I rushed inside I saw nobody in the living room, I move closer to where the noise is coming from my ear caught something"
"You are here to avenge and not to fall in love, you will be punished for doing that"
"Go to hell with your threat Debbie yelled Gilbert rush out of the room angrily without seeing me"
"Debbie what were you talking about and how did you get to talk to him, the last time I checked he was trying to kill you"
"Oh you are here, let's go to the sitting room she said trying to walk away, I pull her back with my arm"
"Micheal please you are hurting me" she said crying I keep on tightening my hand while she groans in pain
"This is how it feels to get hurt by someone you love I said letting go of her hand, I turned back at her"
"I am sorry about everything"
"Do I have to tell you to start talking* I yelled at her
" Yes, Yes, Yes she said in fear, I will start talking"
"I was on my way to my house when I was suddenly kidnapped by unknown, they kept me where there was not light, after few days Gilbert's uncle came to me to have a deal with me, I was helpless and hopeless as a 15 years old child, I came with them to Nigeria they taught me everything about your country, after some months Kate travelled to America I followed suit, we planned everything perfectly, everything that follows about me pretending to be attacked, the guy that claims to be Kate's father is not her Dad, her real Dad is in our custody, after we got closer, I started having feelings for you then I talked back at Gilbert for the first* she said holding unto my leg crying very hard
"On hearing her part of the story I also started crying, I pull her up and I hugged her, she reciprocate, it lasted for some moments"
"Can you tell me their hide out so we can rescue him"
"I will fake a kidnap of You and Micheal that way they will be caught"
"Okay let's go I said, I explained to Andrew he also agree, I texted Dad, Mom, Mrs Elliot, Kate and her mom to go to the address Debbie gave me"
"Debbie also texted Pascal, Gilbert and Robinson to be at the basement"
"She tied down our hands, she zoomed off"
At the basement
"She dragged us in, wow such a nice try do you think you can trap us" Gilbert said clapping
"You think you are smart but we are smarter, all the people you texted has being kidnapped by us he said putting on the light, we saw all of them tied down in circle with handkerchief in their mouths"
"Tie them down he ordered they were about to tie us up when we heard a gun shot , the policemen rushed in shooting anybody in sight"
"You can't overcome us we will die together, Gilbert shot Debbie, he was also shot three times, his uncle was arrested".
"I quickly took her to the hospital, nurse, nurse please come and help me I said carrying her in my arms, crying and rushing her in to the hospital, they attended to me, I only told them to point the ward to me, they first disagree with me"
"Can't you see she is dying" I yelled at them
"They were frightened, a nurse followed me to the ward while the other went to call the doctor"
"After some minutes, the doctor arrived, they change her to the theatre, they started operating on her"
"God please don't let her die I prayed sitting down and thinking how everything happened so fast"
Kate's pov
"Andrew untied us, I jumped on a man who looked exactly like me, Dad you are still alive" I said happily
"Yes I am alive thanks to your faith, they got what they deserved" he said joyfully
"We hugged again with Mom joining this time around, we cried in each others arms"
"Thank you Dad for being part of us"
"That was Gift's husband, he started explaining what happened to me"
"I am sorry I don't know this happens to her, I am just so being unfair to her especially Andrew"
"I am your husband, I have forgiven you long time ago, I hope you ve learnt your lesson now"
"Yes, I will go and apologize but Andrew us no where to be found"
"Andrew he called, we raised alarm of not seeing him, we started looking for him, then we saw him coming out of somewhere with two adults a guy and a lady"
"Mooom!!!, they called and ran towards Gift she received them with Joy"
"Who are they" I asked him
"Actually Ma they are Mom's children which Robinson took away from her"
"Wow such a great reunion, I held his hand! I am sorry for all the pain I caused you I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me"
"You didn't offend me you only taught me how to be strong in every situation, well Micheal called me while I was in there, he is at a hospital with Debbie"
"Oh, everybody let's go, I went to Gift
Hi, congratulations!, for the discovering of your children"
"Thank you I hope you now understand everything"
"Yes I do, I know I made a mistake by not believing you ve changed and also for discomforting you"
"It is not a problem, everything is cleared up now, Thanks to God" we chuckles
"Take this children to the house, while Peterson, I and Andrew goes to the hospital it will be better like that"
"Yeah I love the idea" she said and I left
"Andrew drove us to the hospital, Good evening Nurse, a patient was rushed in minutes ago, she goes by the name Debbie"
"Yeah, the doctor is operating on her, there is the guy that brought her here" she said pointing at Micheal
"Thanks Nurse" Andrew said as we all go to him
"Micheal, I called he raised his head, his eyes has being swollen, I guess he has being crying, I pull him into a hug, she will be fine just have faith," I said in to his ears
"Thanks Mom, we disengaged"
"Doctor please how is she?," he asked immediately he sighted him
"She is fine now, she will be conscious in the next 10 minutes, she is a good fighter"
"Thank you so much we will forever be grateful" he said
"We hug each other, I hugged both the twins"
After 10 minutes
"We checked on her, she is awake Micheal she called he ran to her with a hug, thank you for saving me"
"You shouldn't thank me, I am only doing my duty as a loyal boyfriend, I love you" he said
"I love you more than you can ever imagine" she replied
"They hugged again and kissed in front of everyone"

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    nice story


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    Gsm Gsm



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    Ammir Lnd



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