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As Horace Walpole defined it in 1754, Serendipity is ‘the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident.’ In other words, serendipity is the result of unexpected social encounters, which lead to surprising conversations and discoveries.
While we think of serendipity as a series of ‘happy accidents’, if you boil it down, serendipity is the result of social interactions.
But they can’t happen on their own. We as individuals need to make the social interaction happen, by putting ourselves in positions to interact, as much as possible, with people we normally wouldn’t talk to. They happen when we break out of our comfort zone.
In other words, increasing social interaction leads to more serendipity. And serendipity leads more discoveries. Discoveries become insights, and insights are the building blocks of innovation.
While serendipity may seem random, it’s actually a capability, a skill we can develop. If we can increase the rate of seemingly causal random conversations and encounters — social interactions — between designers and customers, and between clients and their customers, it will lead to more frequent insights. We should be able to engineer more serendipity.
I want to ask her, hug tightly at those times but I had better restrained myself.
After a while she gets up from her seat and starts to leave.
I restrained her for a moment.
"Why are you leaving? Where are you going?" I asks.
I held her hands but she smiled.
"Don’t worry, I’ll be back here and I meet you again." She stared at me and then she left.
I was happy for a while but was replaced by a little sadness in the very short time we spent together.
I thought I would be with her for a long time but I was so hung up and destiny just seemed to make me excited the second time we met again.
I'm tired of the whole day's work so after I ate dinner I decided to go to sleep.
One night I had a dream.
At first, I could not predict and figure out what my dream contained.
I woke up leaning against the trunk of a large tree.
I used to wear a white plain t shirt, khaki pants and rubber shoes. I was alone where I was.
When I woke up, it was so bright that I could see the light as if it were unusual.
I blinked for a moment.
I was amazed at what I saw.
It weird and it looks like I’m in fairy tale, so many fireflies and looks enchanted, so many trees with plump fruits, large gardens of various vegetables and lots of colorful flowers. The birds are humming in the branches of the tree and I also hear in the distance the howling and other noises of other animals.
There are also lots of wild plants and wild flowers around.
I had yet to see anyone as I looked all around.
That place is very mysterious. I kept walking until I came to a waterfall very strong falling water downwards and every scratch resounds. But on the other hand I noticed a woman, she glanced in front of me for a moment. Her form is different, and she got ethereal beauty his whole being was majestic and he wore a bright green dress which is like the fairies. Not only that, she possesses deep blue eyes and she had large and long ears.
She suddenly spoke and I heard a strange voice.
Her voice was tender but loud.
"How did you get here mortal?" she asks.
I noticed the color of her eyes grew brighter.
"I don't know either, it's like I fell asleep and when I woke up I was already in your land. Anyway, where am I?" I roll my eyes and all really that I see is beautiful and enchanted.
"You are in a dream and you are stranded here in our kingdom. The kingdom of Evadarcia, land of the fairies. you are here to see Princess Aurora again."
I could feel the glory in her voice.
"I am Avena, a guardian fairy and gate keeper of this land. Come with me and I will show you the way to her."
After she spoke I was a bit confused as to who Princess Aurora was. But I let her take me to where she said it was.
I noticed that she had no wings like the fairies, but perhaps he only hides her wings and uses it only for the important thing or she may keep her wing to protect herself from enemies or maybe she didn’t want to scare me in case I saw her wings. But somehow there I felt that she had goodness and pierced her will.
We passed a lot of places and I saw so many big mushrooms in one place. She told me it was a village of elves.
I ran past streams that turned into rivers, and rivers that turned into lakes. We ran right out of the forest of trees and wide-open spaces.
I was amazed at what I saw then, like magic.
After a while and we walked to a place full of flowers and dragonflies. Birds and dragonflies fly along with the new rose bud in the cloud.
Absolutely and completely amazing.
Watching it all right before me, well, I couldn’t help but take a quick mental inventory of all the old dreams I remembered from my past, it’s nothing compared with what I’ve experience right now.
There are so many fairies to be found in that area they are fun and exciting to watch, they wore bright and colorful silk satin. I was impressed to notice that they have different qualities of beauty and I don’t know which of them is the princess so suddenly large wings appeared behind Avena. She grabbed my shoulder and we both flew away, I was shocked and excited at what he did. Finally, I flew too.
I soared as high as I could, and then higher still. Avena gliding alongside me, her ears flapping like crazy. I was enjoying the flight, my only goal was to fly, my head was spinning, my insides thrumming.
We got to the carnations and sunflower section, and there we landed, he lowered me properly and he spoke to a majestic young lady.
"Your Majesty, excuse me but you have a guest." after she spoke, she pays respect to her.
I realized that she was the servant of her master.
The woman signaled.
"I leave you alone for now." Avena said.
"Thank you" I said to her.
"My pleasure." And she bid goodbye and smiled back at me.
She opened her silver green wings and quickly flew away.
She vanished like, one second she was there and the next, not.
The woman turned to me, and for the first time I was surprised and happy again.
"Lara." I exclaimed.
I hurried over to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.
"How are you? You know I miss you so much." I stared into her eyes and caressed her face.
I felt her respond to my warm affection.
"I miss you too Lance, but I am Princess Aurora that is my real name and I had an obligation here in the kingdom of Evadarcia that’s why I am here." she disappeared from my side.
"You entered our land through a dream. The truth is, you can’t just get into it. Mortals and strangers are not allowed to enter our land." She spoke.
"But why me?" I ask.
"How do I enter easily from your kingdom?" I added.
"You came in here because of your pure desire to see me again, and I also asked our God mother so that the request of our heart was fulfilled." She added.
"And now that I am here, we are no longer separated." I held and kissed her hands and after a while we stepped on each other again.

Comentário do Livro (604)

  • avatar
    Trexie Derrada Dela Peña

    Very good!


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    Nurin Alesya Irdina Zulizani



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    Naufal fadilahRafif

    cerita sangat bagus


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