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Capítulo 7 Finally accepted him

Title: Finally accepted him.
Aubrey's POV
It's been three days of rejecting and running away from Rowan Adam. I thought he would give up and decides to get married to someone else.
My phone rings for the umpteenth time today and i almost threw my phone away. "You don't have to ignore my calls." I heard this deep baritone voice says behind me. I turned and gasped when i saw Rowan leaning against the wall with folded arms. His enchanting eyes piercing into my skin, I gulped down and turned back to my phone.
"Stop ignoring me, cutie." I bite my lips and turned back to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He gave a smirk and pushed down his face cap which i was grateful for, incase students comes out and sees us maybe recognizes him,therefore causing a scene.
"Stay away from me." I shunned him and walked ahead of him. I felt him walking behind and instantly i was lifted off the ground in a bridal way.
"What are you doing?" I asked looking embarrassed. I was shocked. "You can't do this in my school, mr Rowan." I almost screamed but the look on his eyes shove me into keeping quiet. I look around and found people stealing glances at us, that caused me into burying my face on his shirt.
He drops me and when my legs hits the floor, i look around to find myself in a bathroom.. "You were bleeding through your pants. Wash on, I'll get some sanitary pad." I was dumbfounded. I could had known from the cramps and moodiness, all of it, but it didn't come too soon. Gosh, i feel really embarrassed, how do i face him later?. I lean by the counter and watched my sun dress gets soaked in blood, which i knew would happen because i usually face the heavy flow on my first day, but not in front of Rowan. You can imagine how embarrassed i look right now.
A knock rasps me off the embarrassing thought, Rowan sticks out his hand with clothes, probably pads or anything, i drew closer and grabs it and went back to the college's girls bath where i wash off my bloody linen and dress. I thank God that school was already close before this incident.
I walk out with my bag dressed in fresh jeans and a blouse and met Rowan waiting patiently down the hallway. I thought he would leave immediately but he stood and waited. I will not believe Rowan would act like this to me, he was a gentleman after all. I walk straight to him and was grateful his back was facing me. I reached my hand to his back and he turned.
We stood looking at each other like two teenagers ready to confess their love to each other, but that wasn't the case of mine, it was really awkward, too awkward that i couldn't look at him boldly. "Thank you." I finally let out. I felt him breathe out and it was right on my skin as he drew near, he reached out to my blouse and draws it up to my shoulder. Without further speaking, he started walking off while I followed behind like a lost puppy.
Outside the college's building, and in front of his car, he opens the door for me. I felt too shy to stand him that I told him it was good I take a bus home but he insisted he takes me home. The pain hits my legs and abdomen again that i almost fell down. I got into the car and used the seat belt.
"I think I bought pain reliever." He puts his hand into his pocket and brings out pills. I collected it with an awkward smile and takes it with water beside me. "Thank you again." I said. "Welcome. It reminds me of the time i spent with…" He trails off and I look at him. "I don't want to talk about her." He told me and the rest of the drive was quiet.
I alighted off and thanked him, he went back into his car and drove off while I walk inside. I thank God mom remembered her coffee shop leaving the house all to myself, I went in and slept off.
Rowan's POV
"I just got off the call with them, I think we already had an agreement." I said and he nodded. "Man, you look like shit!. Any problem?" Zack asks me. "Mom has refused to speak to me since Aubrey rejected my proposal. I don't know what she sees in her, seriously."
"You've got to be romantic, j mean that's what moves them,.. I don't know but i feel she's the one for you." I scoffed. "Acting like a prophet?, nah..I'm not buying that. This is my choice but i gat to do that for Irene Adams."
My secretary walks in and we look at her. "You have a visitor, sire."
"Sure, I'm not busy." I said and she leaves. I turned to Zack. " I have to go man" He stands and shakes my hand before going after my secretary.
The door opens and Aubrey comes in. I look up, surprised. "Hi." She greeted, still shy. I smiled. "Hi."
She comes close and drops a bag on the desk. "I stopped by to thank you for….yesterday. Uh..i brought you lunch." She looks down at her shoes. "I'll have to get going now. Thanks again." She turns to leave. "Aubrey" I calls her back. She turned.
"Thank you." I simply said and she smiled and leaves.
Aubrey's POV
"It went well." I told mom and continued eating. "And about his proposal?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. I hate to admit that I was tired from being persuaded to get married. Mom never stops hitting it on my head and I was tired from saying no all the time. "Look. I know you want the best for me, we practically lived together till now but i hate to say this, i accept to marry him just for you, and I hope we are not making the greatest mistake of our lives."
She takes my hand. "He's a good man, Aub. I know what's best for you." I smiled, "I love you mom and I'll do everything for you. Can we eat?, hell I'm famished."

Comentário do Livro (166)

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    ok yes


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    James Bryan E Alcantara



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