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Chapter 3: Finding About Myself

About a day ago, I woke up in a strange place where white is the main decoration of my room (or perhaps this girl's room) . I haven't yet called her me so I'm using her or this girl to be specific... I haven't really found out about this girl or (myself) so today should be enough to investigate.
My father left after being called and the physician should be available in the east wing, few maids are coming in and out of my room and guards are limited to the top floor where I'm currently. My brain is yet to alter everything and my memories won't come back on their own so I have no choice but to trigger it to come back.
I plan on using the maid who came here yesterday as a decoy and helps me leave my room. My father declared that I should be on house arrest for 1-2 days so I wasn't allowed to leave my room. Two guards had been protecting my door since this morning while the only maid coming in and out is the same maid who serves me.
"Can I go to the library? " First of all, the most useful stuff is usually stored in a library and it's very useful to find things like about this world and before I seek the physician for my afternoon schedule.
"Ah, milady, as long as it's not outside the mansion, there is no problem going out of your room, " I see, so I was worried for nothing. This is why information is precisely important even if you only acquire a few of what you need to know.
Jeez, this is troublesome...
"Then before seeing the physician, I wish to go to the library, " I said, making clear that she heard it, the maid graciously nodded and she bowed before she brewed the tea that she served before coming.
The tea beside was so glossy but the color of the leaf is yellow-like lilac. It was so dry and fresh that when the maid poured the hot water on the net and the leaves began to melt, she removed the net and slowly mixed the tea before looking at me. "Sugar or milk? " I wasn't sure what the difference was between sugar and milk.
"Milk? " I wasn't sure so I just picked milk beside sugar and it tasted unpleasant if I say. The maid nodded and poured the milk into the tea as she continued mixing it well.
"I remember that milady enjoys milk, I'm surprised that you mix this kind of tea into milk but the lady likes it, " she said before pulling off the cup of tea in front of me and she smiled back away from me.
"Before I left the mansion and went off to kill myself, what did I say before that? " I asked, though I'm not sure why I did that but she became worried, I wasn't sure why I killed myself, neither, I have to know what caused her memories to fade away.
"Milady, tha--- "
"Don't worry, I just wanna know what caused me to do that, cause I feel like I forget something about it, " I said.
"Before that, you seem to be fine with no problem so I was thinking why you did that, you see, you were suddenly happy because the crown prince which you adore had accepted your hand in the social circle, however, after the Tea Party, you suddenly left the house, " she gulped and she remains bowing.
"I followed you and asked 'where are you going? ' and you told me that you need to 'save her' and left without saying anything, I was shocked about the news that milady fell off the lake beside Marquis Lordest's residence and found you unconscious. "
It's strange, why would she say that she needs to save her? And why is she going to a lake? If she told her she needs to save her then does she mean that she saw someone going to kill herself, according to her maid, she went off without following anyone and the witness of her suicidal attempt is someone from the House Lordest, then she continues telling me about the whole story that I didn't know.
Although, why did she do that? No, the question is, who is she referring to... Save who?
I shrugged the feeling and nodded silently, for now, let us investigate the library and ask her about my name.
Since she favors her so much to tell everything she asks.
The afternoon after lunch, I was able to leave my suffocating room and found myself wandering off the mansion with Anna.
Anna is my maid who happens to be at least two years older than me perhaps. She is a commoner's daughter but loves to be around me, which I need to know why. I have absolutely no idea about her portraits anyways, so I asked her if she could tell me about my name.
After some time off and pursuit over the maid, I had figured out who I am and what I am doing here. To sum it up, my/her name is Seira Latina Crambell, so the name Atina came from Latina which the name Atina was given to her as a nickname by my/her father, the Crambell Family is a marques ruled by Marquis Rodolph Crambell, my father.
That's fair information so I didn't have much choice but to see what lay in the Crambell royal library. Walking down the hallway being guided by Anna, finally, the door to the library was just in front of us wide and open.
"The Crambell Library is huge and most scholars come here often to use the marquess library, few of them are scholars and knights of the Crambells so you aren't actually alone in this gigantic library, milady." I see, I guess even the west values the life of its students.
When I entered the library some people greeted me and others frowned as if I was a bug in their eyes. I couldn't help but to shrug and remain cautious before I wandered around the gigantic library.
Some books are meant to be read and some are not exactly what I need but will be in the future, I gaze upon the books on the shelves and where I see the location of the titles where books are being placed, the shelves are all filled with no empty spots as well as how the books give different shades of textures.
"Anna, do we have history books about my family? I'm quite bored to read novels that aren't particularly my type, " I asked Anna beside me, she looked at me and she gazed at the books from left to right.
"Well... We are not in the section of the history books so it is really hard to find one, I think the books are being placed on the second floor while other books are being placed on the ground floor, " I nodded and sighs.
I'm tired and my body is always tired because of Seira's problem in the body, so particularly speaking I need to train her body even if it takes me a little bit to actually perform well without the problem in my body, it's troublesome to even have acquired a weak body.
We arrived at the top floor, the second floor, the shelves are pretty neat and clean. Having to read all of the signs is quite making the job easy. I only looked at the signs and the books until we reached the area where I saw a book befitting my interest.
"Finally, " I said and took off some of the books I wanted to read and gave them to Anna.
"Milady, it looks like you are planning on staying till noon, then shall I make a tea? " she asked.
"No need, however, could you please tell the physician that I might not be able to make it, to my afternoon schedule, tell him to come to my room after dinner instead. " Anna looked at me before I forced a smile. She is right, I might take a while to even finish reading this book and I won't attend to my schedule on time.
"If that's the case, then it is fine, milady, I'm sure Sir Harden will understand, " she put the book on the table beside the wooden railings and she looked at me.
"Please excuse me milady, I shall inform the physician right away, " she bows before leaving.
I read the books a dozen times. The history I read is both about the founding of the empire and the Crambell family. The history was quite long and it took me at least 5-6 hours before I finished, yet Anna hasn't come back after informing my physician.
I give a hard sigh and remain silent while looking at the lower floor where only a few people were active, they look so determined to become a student. I am now sure of something, even though I believe in reincarnation, transmigration is different. However, I don't think my situation is transmigration.
I'm sure it's reincarnation but the fact that I remember my own memories resides in a mystery. The library is big, I might find something useful to ease my worries and thinking about it, I felt so heavy.

Comentário do Livro (377)

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    Aisha Abi Mangulamas



  • avatar

    your doing good keep up! this story 💖 making me feel mix emotions 💖


  • avatar
    Shalstyne L. Siga

    you've done great 💖


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