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Capítulo 18 New Wormhole

Chad finally did it! He now arrived in the past and he's ready to find his two friends. It's a perfect year since he wasn't even born yet in the year 2000. This means he's safe from seeing himself around here. Maybe he might cross paths with his parents here.
He went out from the time machine and he realized that it ended up under the bridge. It's a perfect spot to hide the huge time machine. He's hoping that nobody will notice it but he gathered some tree branches and leaves to cover it up just in case.
The stream still looks alright but he guesses that it's not as clean as it used to be. But at least this means that people will not hang out around here. He plans his rescue mission for Dr. Cole and Celine while he covers up the time machine with more leaves.
After covering the time machine, Chad felt tired already. It's hard to do physical tasks for him since he's a little bit overweight. He needs to catch his breath before climbing up to the concrete stairs of the bridge. Although he felt tired, he's happy to see some trees again.
Thirty years from now, the world will be covered with giant mushrooms. The year 2000 still looks great since the technology during this time is not yet that advanced. Although there are computers now and cellphones, it's still far away from ruining the planet.
When he finally reached the top, he could see that there's a Chinese restaurant in front of him. It's called Wa Nam and he immediately feels hungry. He wants to try the classic cuisines for a change instead of 3D printed meals. This is his chance to enjoy real food once again.
"I have to eat first before looking for them!" He said to himself and crossed the road to Wa Nam Restaurant.
But before he could enter the establishment, the thunder started to roar from the sky. He just realized that it's not a clear day. It's a great idea to eat first after all! So before the rain started to pour, Chad was able to get inside the restaurant with real food.
Celine finished cleaning the underground room. It's easy since the owner maintains it as well. Their landlord called early in the morning to inform them about that room. They want it to be maintained and used if possible. It's better than letting it suffer from molds and mildew.
Drake went out to buy some supplies for the lab. He looks inspired ever since they found out what's behind the trap door. It is still a few months away before June. But they need to be ready when the lightning storm comes. Building a charger for the time travel device takes time.
She went back up to the main house. It's almost eleven in the morning. She has to start cooking for lunch. It's been a peaceful first night in this place. Although she wasn't able to sleep on her own. Sharing a room with her boss is awkward. But she felt more at ease when she learned about his phobia.
The first time she met him for her interview, she already felt comfortable with Drake. Although he's a well-known genius and has a cold personality, she doesn't find him intimidating. Maybe because she's been following his work from Science Illustrated ever since.
That made her feel as if she knows him at a personal level. But she became awkward with him when he just showed up at her place a month after her boyfriend's death. He made her busy so that she can move on with her loss. It's almost like he treats her as a friend.
Celine can't help herself but smile with that thought. Ever since Drake made her a lab assistant, her world has turned upside down. She was able to travel to the future and even met Chad. He's very sweet towards her and she doesn't mind calling him a friend as well.
She suddenly felt dizzy for no apparent reason. As if everything went bright for a second. That made her feel worried about the timeline that they are in. What if something wrong happened before they can activate the time travel devices?
"Hey, are you okay?" Drake asked from behind.
Celine almost jumps in place because she didn't expect that Drake will be home already. She just started cooking and she's still in front of the stove. Her chicken adobo (stir-fried chicken in soy sauce) is her best dish. That's why she decided to cook it for lunch.
"You scared me to death! Why are you sneaking up on me?" She irritatedly asked.
"I thought you would fall earlier. Sorry about that!" Drake explained.
Did she hear it correctly? Dr. Genius apologized to her and even smiled. Drake never fails to amaze her. He seems to turn into a different person in this timeline. Maybe time travel might have some effect on a person's personality. But not that she's complaining because she likes that change.
"It's nothing! I just thought that it went too bright earlier." She explained and followed him to the dining table.
"I also notice it happening. It's good news, Celine!" Drake replied.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this timeline?" She asked.
"The bright light earlier means that a new wormhole has been created!" He informed her.
"Really? That means Chad did it!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, all we have to do is to wait for him so we can go back to the present," Drake replied to her and also sounded excited.
"Perfect! But before that, let's eat first. I'm starving!" Celine said and got up to prepare the table and lunch.
"Wow, it's chicken adobo! How do you know that it's my favorite dish?" Drake reacted as if he hit the jackpot.
"I don't, I just like adobo for lunch." She replied coldly to him.
That's when she realized that her theory is correct. They are changing their personalities as they spend more time in the past.

Comentário do Livro (601)

  • avatar

    love the story


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    good novel


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    Corrina Ivy

    this story so good


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