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Episode 3

"Dr. Stella? you are crying...?" Switzer asked out of surprise as he bends down to look at her face very well.
"Crying? no am not crying," Stella said with a normal voice, trying to pretend.
"But am seeing tears in your eyes," Switzer said to Stella.
"Tears?" Stella said as she quickly torches her eyes.
And she can really feel that her eyes were filled up with tears and there is no way she can hide it.
But she still insists that she is not crying as she first of all cleaned up her tears.
"Oh, I think it is because of a yawn, yeah... that's always what often happens to me"
"Whenever I yawn, tears do come down from my eyes" Stella automatically gives an unbelievable lie.
"And the tears have to be as large as this? can't you see that..." Mikel said as he use his hand to wipe off the tears on her face.
While Zilla who was watching the whole action that is going on angry walked out of their presence.
Besides he did not let anyone of them notice that he was angry.
"Oh my... you really look hurt, I think you are probably exhausted"
"You need to rest right now, just eat your food and then go in and have your sleep"
"Don't bother about the chair the table and the plates"
"Just go in after your dinner, I will come and pack it all by myself," Switzer said to Stella.
"Thank you, Switzer, you are a very nice person" Stella replied.
"Come on, it's nothing, just doing my job," Switzer said as Stella's mind reflected on something.
He just said, "Just doing my job" and not that his job is to serve her food.
But that is to show how smart he is, he was indirectly telling Stella that his job is to care for her with his action.
None like Zilla who came to claim that he cares for her with just words of mouth.
Although his words are an encouragement to her also.
Well, Stella regained herself as her mind was trying to go too far on a word that was said by Switzer.
"Stella, I think I should be going, I will come to check up on you later"
"In other to know if you are done so I can take these things back to inside," Switzer said to Stella.
As he turns to walk away but Stella called him back.
"Switzer...!" Stella called on him.
"Yeah?" Switzer answered as he turns back and face her.
"You truly want to leave only me here? is that fair?" Stella said to Switzer.
While Switzer spent some time smiling as he don't know what to say.
"Umm... I thought you are supposed to like it alone?" Switzer replied.
"Come on! who would ever like to be alone all the time?"
"Please go in and bring a chair and join me here, let's spent some time together in here"
"Maybe for a couple of hours or minutes and we will get back to our various rooms" Stella requested from him.
"Okay give me a sec, I will be back" Switzer replied as he quickly ran in.
Wisdom was sitting in the parlor when he ran inside.
"Hey... hey... it excellently worked perfectly, I bet that you are the wisest person to ever appear in the history of the world!" Switzer Whispered to Wisdom immediately as he ran in.
Which means that all these efforts did not actually come from him.
So it is obvious that he may not also be the type of man Stella was hoping for.
"I told you it will perfectly work, and you underrated me? high five!" Switzer said as a hit their hands together.
But it did not actually make a loud voice, it made a simple sound instead.
"So what is behind that!?" Zilla's voice sounded as he was shown to be stepping out of the inner room.
While Switzer and Wisdom's hearts beat double at the same time.
Because all their mind was that Zilla had all their secrets in his hand.
Besides they still pretended like nothing actually happened.
"What is behind what? what do you mean?" Wisdom asked.
"I mean why are you guys so joyous this night, I can see the excitement in your faces"
"So tell me what's the good news?" Zilla asked.
And Immediately after he said this their minds began to calm down immediately as they filled secure once again.
"Oh, that? we are just being happy this night, actually... Switzer cracked one funny joke"
"And that is why we were laughing" Wisdom replied with a full college.
"Oh... okay... I see" Zilla replied and walk back into his room but he is beginning to suspect.
While Switzer simply grabs a simple chair and run upstairs to meet up with Stella.
And while he was running up, he stares downstairs, and Switzer thumbs him up as he smiles.
"Switzer, what took you so long?" Stella asked him immediately as he stepped back into the balcony.
"Did I waste time?" Switzer asked as he gently step close and keep his chair down and sat properly.
"You can join me if you don't mind?" Stella requested.
"What? I just finished eating so you wanna kill me with food?"
"After all, this one is yours and yours only"Switzer replied.
"Okay... so tell me, are you from this town?" Stella asked.
"Yes of course, what do you mean? where else am I supposed to come from?" Switzer replied.
"I mean your name? you are answering Switzer, are you from Switzerland?"
"Okay, you are not from Switzerland? but am sure that there is a secret behind the name"
"Right? can I have some explanation of it?" Stella requested while Switzer nods his head.
"Well, there is no much secret about that, I was born in Switzerland"
"So my dad gave me that name, so there is no too much secret about it" Switzer explained.
"Okay..." Stella replied as she was taking her dinner gently.
"Stella tell me the truth, you were crying before, the voice, I mean your voice is already saying that," Switzer said.
While Stella paused from eating her food as she begins to stare at him.
"Well, just like you said, I was crying before but not now"
"Thank goodness that you are here, you made me forget my sorrow" Stella replied.
"But you would still continue whenever you are alone again"
"Stella... Fisher is dead, he will never gonna come back"
"I understand that you missed him so much, but I think that you have hurt yourself enough"
"So stop all this, and look out for your future, for the future of your unborn baby" Switzer encourages Stella
And the words from him and the way he put them have really encouraged Stella to move on.
"Thank you Switzer for that word, am grateful for that"
"Umm... I think am done eating, so let's go inside, I will help you take the plate" Stella said as she packs the plate.
And without hesitation, Switzer carried both the little table and the chair.
And both of them stepped inside the building happily.
Wisdom was busy with his phone when Stella and Switzer step in.
"Wisdom you are yet to sleep too?" Stella asked.
"Yeah, would have gone for a hunt with Mikel if Mikel were around" Wisdom replied to Stella.
And Stella really understands what he meant, because both him and Mikel are werewolves.
But at least during the hunt, they are there to kill animals only not humans.
Which is exactly the order given to them by the alphas.
"So... everyone good night!" Stella said as she heads to the kitchen.
After keeping the plates, from there she followed the other door and headed straight to her room.
"Bro how was the mission?" Wisdom asked Switzer.
"Very successful, according to our discussion I discovered that am the only one that makes her happy"
"Seriously?" Wisdom said out of excitement.
"Yeah... She was so sad when I went to meet her but she suddenly become so happy" Switzer said.
"So what was her reply?" Wisdom asked.
"What reply?" Switzer also questioned Wisdom because he don't understand what Wisdom meant.
"I mean... did you tell her about your feelings?" Wisdom asked.
"Oh, no, I didn't, because I don't feel like letting her know for now" Switzer replied.
"Oh, you underrated me again! this is the right time for you to do so"
"Go tell her now that she is happy, she will give you a good response" Wisdom replied
While Switzer stare at him for a while as he took his time to think about what Wisdom just said.
"I.... think that you are right, wait for me am coming" Switzer replied as he run straight to Stella's room.
While Switzer smiles at him and lay back on the sofa chair and continues operating his phone.
And they have not noticed that Zilla was behind them all this while.
And they have been freely exposing their secrets to him.
So it is now clear to Zilla that something fishy is going on.
Although he didn't hear what they were saying that clearly because he is a little bit far away from them.
But their moves are already telling it all to him that something fishy is going on.
Well, he did not let them notice him so he kindly take another way.
Tracking Switzer down to know where he is heading to.
Although he is already suspecting that, he is heading to Stella's room.
Just as his direction can tell it all.
Meanwhile, when Switzer get to Stella's door he was afraid to knock.
And there are two spirits besides him right now, and they are the encouraging and the discouraging spirit.
Whenever he gathers up the strength to knock on the door.
The discouraging spirit tells him not to do so, what if he knock on this door and Stella shout at him and asks him to go and sleep.
But if he tries to give up, the spirit of encouragement will emerge.
And the spirit will begin to tell him that this may also be his last chance.
So he must not let this opportunity pass him by as he knows that he has a great contender.
Which means that Switzer is also aware that Zilla wants Stella too.
So the spirit of encouragement always pushes him forward, telling him not to lose this opportunity.
Besides, he was still there acting like he is confused when Zilla showed up.
Although, Zilla did not let him catch a glimpse of him.
So he kindly stay at the corner while watching the confused Switzer.
Switzer has tried to knock on the door but he will always be discouraged.
So he finally made up his mind to walk away and while he was walking away he turned back again.
Walking back to Stella's door while Zilla waves his head "This guy has gone nuts" Zilla mumbled.
But Switzer has gained enough courage to knock at the door this time around.
So immediately he gets to the door, he shut his eyes and knocks on the door.
But nobody replied, he knocked again and then Stella's voice sounded.
"Who is there?" Stella said with a sluggish voice as Switzer's heart hits double.
"Umm... it is me, Switzer" Switzer replied while Zilla was still watching what was going on.
"Switzer? okay, am coming..." Stella replied and within a minute she opened the door.
"Ohw... I can see that you are already falling asleep"
"Sorry for disturbing your sleep," Switzer said as he tries to walk away.
"Don't worry, it is fine, am yet to sleep, come in" Stella replied to Switzer.
And Switzer gently stepped into the room as he walks directly to the mirror.
And immediately he stepped in Zilla ran forward to know what he is going in there to do.
"So... tell me, why are you here?" Stella asked Switzer.
"Umm... nothing! I just came to check up on you, I think I should leave now"
"Since I can see that you are incredibly fine, I think I should be going," Switzer said to Stella.
And seriously tries to walk away without telling her the main reason he is here.
"Switzer!" Stella called him back as he was trying to pass the door.
"Yes?" Switzer answered as he steps backward.
"Do you have anything you want to let me know? feel free to let me know about it" Stella requested.
And Switzer begins to gain enough courage to let her know about his feeling
And that was the exact time Zilla was in a perfect place where he can hear all that they are saying.

Comentário do Livro (98)

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    very good


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    Roque Contante Batalla

    very nice stories


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    Bong Bong

    very good


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