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Chapter 1

"You can't just sack me like that" she screamed.
"What will you do if I do" Mr Belani asked with a furious look.
"It is unfair. It is against the employer and employee law. I've done nothing wrong for you to fire me like that. I've been faithful tthis company. I never stole neither did I cause any trouble. You won't just rip me off my job like that, it is unethical" She lamented shouting at her boss.
Melissa didn't know where she would begin from if she loose this job. This job has been the one sustaining her through the years. If she loose it she will become penniless.
Belani gave a wicked and angry kind of laughter.
"I don't know what an illiterate like you know about laws and ethics. The only law and ethic that exist here is the one I created and it include that I can fire anyone I like at any fucking time!!"
Although he started his words with a mocking voice, by the time he was through he bellowed in anger that even Melissa shook.
Poor Melissa was determined to keep her job so she continued pleading.
" Please don't do this to me. I've always been good to you. If I lose this job my siblings and I will go hungry. I'm begging you" she pleaded in tears.
He gave her a bald look to let her know that he wasn't moved by her tears.
"I don't in anyway get you young lady. Am I running a charitable organization? I said I don't need your services anymore. Haven't I made myself clear enough?" He said harshly.
Melissa's shoulder slimmed. She knew she had no choice but to accept her loss. She couldn't even bring herself to think about how they will starve till she gets another paying job. She just turned to leave but was called back by Belani.
"There is sure another way to sustain your job if you really want it" he said in the most crispy voice she ever heard.
Melissa didn't trust the man because she knew of His weird and how dubious the man is. She didn't reply neither was she excited at his words. She just lookd at him to continue.
Belani grinned a kind of grin that she found particularly ugly and scary.
To Melissa the man is nothing but a demon that erupted from hell and nothing good can come out of such demon no matter how polished it looks.
"You know have been asking you for something for quite sometime now. Give it to me and I will give you your job" h e said as plain as ever.
Melissa muttered something that even herself could barely hear. She knew that man has an evil agenda for sacking her all of a sudden. Did he think she was that desperate? She grinned back the kind of sad and typical angry kind.
"Well I'm thinking....." She paused so as not to let him guess what she was about to say. She want him to anticipate for it.
When she saw excitement crippling into his eyes she smiled and he equally smiles back.
"Sir, I'm thinking that..... to hell with you and your bullshit job!" She dropped the bomb on him as she yelled.
"What!" Belani jacked up. "How dare you!!!!"
Now he was indeed furious. All the while he was only rehearsing anger but now he went wild. He was shocked because he didn't expect the helpless girl to turn down his proposal talk more of insulting him.
Hey don't bark. I've done nothing wrong here. I was only sending you back to your fatherland because nobody except someone that erupt from hell will have the kind of devilish heart you have Mr Belani. So no need to be furious because I was only acknowledging your home town" she said in her calmest and coolest voice just to intimidate him with her innocent look and voice.
Indeed the words penetrated into Belani. Befoer he felt like strangling her but now he felt like to tied her up and flay(peal her flesh off her body alive) her. He was boiling seriously.
Melissa seem satisfied seeing his boiling anger even though she was sad for loosing the job. She burst into laughter at how he turned red because of her words.
"Out!!" he bellowed foaming with anger.
The fire and anger in his eyes could set a town on fire as hot has it was.
Melissa shook at his voice but she quickly adjusted because she was not ready to let him mock her present predicament.
"Hey Belani, no need to bark like a dying dog. I'm already getting myself of your rotten fat face" she said as she walked out not caring how his looks will be.
After some seconds she pop her head back in the office.
Belani wore a quizzical look but his looks turned to that of a wounded Lion trying to break free at the same time when Melissa called his name and stick out her tongue to mock him. He leaped from his table to go get her but she was fast enough to close the door at his fat face that it almost caught his long nose. Belani roared in anger that all the building shook at his voice.
Melissa got home exhausted, not from stress but from the tears she shed and the lot of thinking she endulged in. She didn't expect to meet her sisters at home but they were in their old living room bickering as usual. Although she was so devastated, she wouldn't want her sisters to know or see her pain. On seeing her Tyndall who was the youngest rushed to her and hugged her.
"Hey big Sis" she said with a frivolous smile.
Somaria who was two years younger than Melissa gave her a welcoming sweet smile.
Melissa really loved her younger ones. They are full of life and she can jump into the ocean full of whale just to make sure those smiles didn't disappear.
"Why are you home so early" Somaria questioned.
"Don't you want her home?" Tyndall tackled.
"Hey! Was I in anyway talking to you?" Somaria snapped.
"Can't you see she look tired or must you be told everything?" She asked intentionally offensive.
Tyndall is always bent on getting her sister angry. She do derive joy in making her talk. Somaria was just as quiet as Melissa but Tyndall who loves to talk needs a partner since she barely has friends due to some reasons, do pester her sister so she won't be bored.
Although Somaria knows her sister's aim, she never back out because she do enjoy it herself.
"I don't have your time" she hissed then turn to Melissa. "Hope you are fine?" She looked concerned.
"Yes of course. I'm good" Melissa brightened up.
The two girls exchanged look. Behind the sheaths of excitement they could vividly see her pain and how she's struggling to be fine.
Melissa saw their look and gave them a reassuring smile. "I'm really good girls" she said almost laughing.
The girls shrugs and smile.
"How was school today?"
"Didn't go" Tyndall replied casually.
Melissa gave her reprimanding look. She was ready to scold her.
"You do forget that I do have lecture free day on Thursdays" she reminded smiling mockingly.
"So sorry sweet. It do skip my mind" she patted her long shinny hair.
"Didn't go either and before you start scolding me, it wasn't my fault. Lecturer is down'" Somaria said quickly with her lips pressed.
"I don't get you" Melissa said.
"Lecturer is sick" she smiled.
"Oh.. Hope it's not too serious?" She asked pitiful
"That I don't know but some students says is not that worse while some wish it was" she replied casually letting it show that she doesn't care about the lecturer.

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    Marife Bacuetes Malinao



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