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Capítulo 7 Blind jerk

       • Kylie's POV 
After biology class, I went for English which is the last class for today. The time went by quickly, the bell rang signifying closing hours.
Everybody came out of the class including me. I stretched my body feeling stressed.
I guess it is time to go home. Gosh I have forgotten I have detention just because of that dude.
" Are you going home now ? " Anna asked behind me.
Spending time with her has made me mastered her voice. 
" Not yet. I earned a detention in my biology class." I said with a chuckle.
" Being naughty on your first day." She wiggled her eyebrows. " See you tomorrow." She said.
I smiled and waved her. " Bye. "
She waved back and walked away.
I took my phone from my bag and tried calling mom so I can inform her but it was not going through, so I texted her then put in my bag and closed my bag.
I went inside the class that the teacher said we should go. I met the asshole there already.
He was seated near the window. His hands were folded on his chest resting his back on the chair with his eyes were closed. He tucked ear pod in his ears. I watched as he brought his hands up to brush his black hair to the back.
He looks like he was listening to music since he is nodding his head.
I looked at the teacher, he looked like someone in his mid forties. He was a wearing a blue striped with white t-shirt and a white trouser and he is bald.
He did not seem to mind anything that is happening here. He did not even acknowledge me when I entered , I wonder if he knew I'm here.
He was busy writing something, too engrossed in whatever he is doing. A coffee cup was placed near him, he sipped out of it and continue working. His table and chair was infront the class.
I sat at the third seat of the row near the door. I took a book from my bag trying to compose a song but none was coming.
I groaned and threw the book in my bag.
I glanced at the clock, it was taking time to move. The time is really slow, it has not reach five minutes talk less of two minutes and I am staying here for two hours.
" Oh God." I groaned out of boredom.
I could hear the ticking of the clock, the noise the teacher's pen is making as he scribbled and the tapping sound coming from that Ashton dude.
This is really punishment, I'm so bored.
I bent my head for a while then rose my head to look at the clock. It is just ten minutes gone.
The man has already dozed off, Ashton was still listening to music.
Three boys barged inside, the teacher did not even move an inch.
The door made a loud sound I wonder why he did not wake up due to the noise it made. 
They went to meet that asshole, oh it is his friends.
A boy with black hair just like Ashton but his was messy putting on a head phone around his neck tapped him.
Ashton opened his eyes and saw his friends. He removed his ear pods and placed it on the table.
" What are all of you doing here ? " He asked with a confused face.
" We heard you got detention, so we can not just leave you here. " The one with blonde hair said.
Awwn, they could not leave their friend alone. That's sweet.
" You guys can leave there is no need to worry about me. "
The one with brown curly hair making him look cute rolled his eyes and said " We are here already. Besides you can get out of detention without anyone knowing you did so. "
" How ? " Ashton asked confused on why he said that.
" The man is not going to wake up after three hours that means we can go without him noticing, when he wakes up he will just assume you went home. "
" What did you guys do ? " Ashton asked .
" We might or might not put sleeping pills in the man's coffee." The one with the headphone said rubbing his neck as chuckles came out of his mouth.
I tiptoed to the front and carried the first chair quietly so they will not notice.
" So you did ? " 
" Yeah and he is not waking up any time soon, he is going be asleep for three hours so he won't notice that you are gone and if he wake up he will just assumed you went home the right time." The black haired boy answered.
I successfully carried it and blocked the door then sat back on it.
" Then what are we waiting for ? Let's go." He said and packed his stuff in his bag.
They walked towards the door and halted. Why ? Oh yeah I'm blocking the door. I pretended as if I'm writing something.
" Nerd, what the hell are you doing ? " The jerk asked with a glaring eyes.
" What am I doing ? " I pouted. " Well I'm writing." I said waving my pen.
" Move your chair out of the way. "
" So you can go out right ? "
" Yes , I thought nerds are supposed to be smart but you are a dumb one. "
" Dumb ? But I'm not you . "
" What is that supposed to mean ? " He asked frowning.
" That you are the dumb one."
His friends laughed, he glared at them.
" Ashton you just got burrrn..." The brown haired guy said laughing.
" Shut it Ray." He said glaring at him.
Oh so that is his name.
" Frowning does not suit you jerk, you should smile a little bit. " I said with a grin on my face.
" She is right bro, smile." Ray put his hands on Ashton face trying to make him smile.
Ash pushed his hand away glaring at him.
" Ashton let me do the talking." He said to him then turned to me. " Hey  cute little nerd..." He waved.
... Please can you do us a favour by moving the chair, we want to go out. " He said forming puppy face.
Is that supposed to work on me ? Nah. When I have ignored many children's pleading eyes so who is he that I can not ignore.
I'm not heartless, it is just they demand for attention and they trouble way too much. I remember those times I offered to do free babysitting for the director's children. It was hell, those children are devils. They frustrated my life in a way that I decided I'm not giving birth.
That story is for another day time to face the one on ground.
" Awwwn he called me cute." I cooed placing my hands on my cheek.
" You are blushing because of that." Ashton said raising his eyebrows.
" Ash, I know you are dumb but you did not tell me that you are blind also, blind jerk." I said with an eye roll.
" I swear you are annoying." He said with his eyebrows pulled down together.
" Oh I know." I said chuckling.
" But wait...why were you giving detention ?" The one with blonde hair asked me.
" Oh Blondie...."
" The name is Eric." He corrected me.
" Oh sorry, I was wondering the same thing. My first day was supposed to be awesome but unfortunately a jerk came from nowhere and brought this upon me." I sigh dramatically.
" Are you calling me a jerk ? " Ashton snapped at me.
" Are you also deaf ? Did you hear me saying Ashton is a jerk ? But if you accept you are then you are." I snapped back.
" Enough with the bickering." The black haired guy yelled.
I was started to think that he is mute.
" Let us just carry her at least she is just a girl."
I chuckled. " Just a girl..." I said laughing. " Well it's been long have praticed karate on somebody, I guess today is my lucky day."
" Okay guys I don't want any bones being broken especially my face it calls the ladies." He said rubbing his face.
We all rolled our eyes.
I'm sure he is a Playboy.
" I would love to let you guys go but he is going to stay." I said pointing at Ashton.   " But if I allow all of you to go, he will surely follow you do I'm not letting any one to go."
" No he is not going to follow us, he will stay while we go."
" Do I look like Ashton to you ? " 
" Hey what do you mean by that ? " Ashton asked.
I shrugged.
" Anyways enough of the talking, you guys are draining my energy. Why don't you sit down as the good boys you all are." I said smiling.
" Hey guys let us just go and sit down, she is impossible. We could do something fun." Ashton said glaring at me.
" Yeah kids go have fun and be good." I said like I'm their mother.
Ashton snorted, they went back to sit down.
" What a waste of sleeping pills ! " Jay exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.
He wanted to say something to me but got interrupted by a ringtone of somebody's phone.
" Which phone is ringing ? " He asked checking his bag.
They all did.
" It is not mine." They said together.
They checked the man's phone, it was not his too.
If either of them phone is not ringing then it could be....
I felt a vibration on my back then I came to my sense that it is my phone.
I took the phone from my bag.
" Ummh.....sorry guys it was my phone." 
" So who is the dumb one now ? " Ashton snapped.
" Well that is the evidence of staying around you." I snapped back.
His friends laughed.
I checked the caller, it was my manager. I wonder why he is calling, oh the modelling job. Well I forced him to say the conditions that the agency gave him to allow me to go home.
He does not know that I went to school.
I answered the call and bent down.
" Hello." I spoke softly.
Then his voice boomed angrily. " Where the hell are you Kye ? I am in your house but they said you are not in they said you went to school, what a funny thing to say."
I laughed nervously.
" This is not a laughing matter, you are supposed to be in Laks LTD company by five pm and this is past three and it takes an hour to get there."
" Then what is with the rush, there is enough time." 
" What's the rush , there is traffic, heavy traffic." He snapped.
" Well come and pick me at Ivy High school, don't let anyone see you."
" What are you doing there ? "
" What did they do in school ? Learn of course."
" I know, but why are you learning ? "
I rolled my eyes. " To gain knowledge, well funny story I'm a student here."
I stretched the phone away from my ear before he damage my ear drum.
" Hey don't damage my ears, it is sensitive. Well now you know that I'm not joking and no one knows I'm Kye, even if you see me you won't know I'm the one."
" Okay I hope you will not give me headache this time." He said.
I rolled my eyes.
" Yeah I hope."
" I will be there in twenty minutes."
" There is also funny story." I said laughing nervously.
" What is that ? "
" Well... You see... I got....."
" Speak well Kye."
" I am in detention, so I can not go out until two hours has passed."
" TWO WHAT ?! "
" Stop shouting, my ears are fragile."
" Kids nowadays, they just want to rebel... You have already started giving me headache." 
" Sorry..."
" So what are we going to do ? "
" Don't worry be here before four, I will meet you outside." I said and ended the call before he could say anything.
I stood up and face the guys.
" Kids." I said clasping my hands together and they turn to look at me.
" You know I love all of you, you know when I said you should be good boys forget be bad boys and ditch detention." I said smiling.
They laughed.
" What's funny ? "
" Oh Nerdie , we changed our mind. We want to be good boys we are not ditching again." Ashton said with a chortle.
" Why ?! "

Comentário do Livro (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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