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Capítulo 2 Fake love

•Third person's POV
Kye came down from the car and met the maids and every workers in the house aligned infront of the car to welcome her.
They bowed immediately she entered and rose their head up to acknowledge her presence.
" Good afternoon Mas and Sirs." She bowed in elegance.
They all looked at her with surprise, they never expected her to behave that way.
One of the maids offered to take her bag. 
She declined with a polite smile and walked to the main building.
The door was opened so there was no need for her to knock or ring the bell.
She entered the house and the first thing that welcome was the aroma of her favourite meal, pumpkin pudding.
She went to the kitchen in haste and met her mom there chopping vegetables.
She tiptoed silently and hugged her from behind, it got her mom scared but when she heard her voice, she relaxed.
" I miss you, Mom." Kye said and pecked her cheeks.
" What are you doing here ? It is not too long you came back and the first thing you went to is the kitchen." She said with an eye roll.
Kye disengaged from the hug.
" It is that what you are supposed to say." She pouted. " You can't ask how am I , How was my flight , my concerts and my tour."
" Sorry my baby. How are you ? How was your flight ? Your concerts ?  and your tour ? " Her mom said smiling.
She rolled her eyes. " Anyways all was fine and it was not my fault that I came to the kitchen first, the first thing that welcomed me when I entered was the aroma of the food you are cooking and it led me to the kitchen, I could not fight it." She smiled sheepishly.
Mrs Tanner rolled her eyes and dragged her cheeks.
" Ouch ! Mom that hurts." Kye whined placing her hands on her mom's.
She stopped.
Kye pouted and rubbed her cheeks.
" You haven't changed a bit but you look beautifuler." 
Kye chuckled. " Mom that is not even a word." 
" Well in my own dictionary it is." She smiled. 
Her mom twitched her nose. " Do you smell anything ?"
She sniffed the air. " I did not perceive anything."
Her mom came near her and sniffed her body.
" I have found the smell."
" So what's smelling ? "
" You."
She groaned. " You can't just simply say go freshen up rather than all this drama." She said with an eye roll and walked out of the kitchen.
" I did not say your body smells bad, it smells nice. You are having guilty conscience." She shouted. 
" Whatever Mom." Kye shouted back and climbed the stairs.
                 🌸  Kylie's POV 🌸
I came downstairs to feast on the meals that mum prepared.
My room was still the same I left it before leaving home.
I put on a comfy clothes, a sweatpant and a baggy shirt. I love baggy shirts. It is the best comfortable clothes I can wear. 
I met my brother, Ken and mom already seated in the dinning.
I pecked his cheeks as I sat down.
He giggled.
I opened the plate infront of me. It was chicken-fried steak and cream gravy. 
My mouth waters looking at the food, stomach grumbling waiting to feast on the food.
I took a fork and knife then cut a bite from it and eat it.
" It's delicious mum." I smiled at mum.
She blew a kiss to me and I pretended to catch it.
She giggled.
" Kylie..." My brother called my name sweetly.
" What ? " I turned to him as I took another bite in my mouth.
" Remember what we discussed...." He said tossing his food on his plate.
I chuckled. " It is in my room."
Immediately I said it he pecked me on the cheek and went upstairs.
" If I may ask what is the thing that made him so giddy ? " Mom asks.
" Something." I said as I used the serviette to clean my mouth and take the plate of the pumpkin pudding.
" You are not telling me right ? " 
I nod my head and scoop the pudding into my mouth.
She rolled her eyes.
" Where is dad ? " I asked scooping another one in my mouth.
" He travelled for a business trip."
" Today right ? "
" He did not travel because you are coming today."
" I did not say so. So he travelled today anyways it is a good thing, I will be able to attend school." I grinned.
" School ?.... I don't understand you."
" What don't you understand mom ? Or is it that I will be attending school ? "
" Yeah. I don't understand that. Don't you remember that you are being home schooled ? "
" I do, my memory is still intact. But being homeschooled is boring, no friends, no body to communicate with. It will be only you and your teacher. That is so boring." I whined.
" Well boring is good."
" Mum!!!! Don't be like dad." I whined.
" Why ?! Don't you remember the last time you went to school ? It caused a big ruckus."
I rolled my eyes.
" You guys should stop remembering about the past. Don't let it judge your future."
" Continue quoting motivational quote, it is not going to convince me ." She said.
" Even for the fact, I have already enrolled myself in your school."
" What ?! " She shouted and stood up.
" Calm down, don't give yourself unnecessary hypertension."
She rolled her eyes. " How did you do it ? "
" Well I apply for the scholarship exam and I passed so I was granted scholarship to school in your school and I can't refuse it." I said faking a sad look.
" What a pity.... Well I will just decline and accused you of malpractice."
" Mum!!!"
" Don't mum me... I have to move from that beautiful estate to this one." She said feigning anger.
Well we were not living in this house before, what make us relocate here is that people and paparazzi were able to relocate our house during the time I attended school and it was stressful.
Dad sold the house and moved to another one which is here to avoid being stressed everyday by the crowd.
" Mum learn to forgive and forget." I pouted. " Besides I am not going as me, I am putting on a DISGUISE so nobody will be able to recognize me."
" Mum please just allow me to go at least this is my final year in high school, let me just experience what high school is." I pleaded.
" But don't go as a clown to school.'
" So that means you will allow me ? "
She nodded her head.
I squealed and stood up then went to hug her and kissed her allover her face.
" I love you Mom."
" Fake love." She snorted.
" Mum I'm serious I do love you."
" Also I'm serious about you not dressing as a clown just because you are going to school in disguise."
I rolled my eyes.
It won't be bad if I go as a clown.

Comentário do Livro (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


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    super ganda niya


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    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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