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Capítulo 6 Arrived

The taxi driver was a chatty fellow. His passenger could not help but think that they were his movie entertainment system, that part of his brain was enjoying the idiosyncrasy of each passenger. It was a long ride but his passengers enjoyed every second of it.
That day, he only had one passenger and did not realize where he wanted to go until they reached the destination.
“Are you sure this is the place?” Asked the man in the passenger seat and examined his surroundings from inside of the cab. He took a peek from the opened car window.
“Yes. It is and it’s getting darker. I need to go now” the cab driver answered impatiently. His chatty and happy talk before was replaced with a worried tone.
“If you excuse me,” the man opened the cab door hesitantly and took his belongings. The taxi driver quickly drove away after the man paid the taxi fare, leaving the man very puzzled as to why the driver was rushing. The nice and friendly taxi driver suddenly changed into someone else and the man has no idea why.
He shook his head as he watched the taxi disappear from his view. Slowly, he walked ahead to the gate, and still examined his surroundings at the same time. He rubbed his nape when suddenly he felt goose bumps on his entire skin.
“This must be wrong. What kind of place is this? Mike must have played a prank on me,” mumbled the man.
He wrote a mental note that when he came back, he would smack Mike's head hard. So hard that even Mike would not recognize his own reflection on the mirror. He chuckled at his own thoughts.
“No, you are not wrong, and your friend doesn't play pranks on you,” said a hoarse voice.
“Uwaaaaaa….” The man suddenly jumped and screamed with shock when suddenly a tall guy appeared from nowhere at the other side of the gate.
“Who are you?” He could feel his body was shaking as he looked at the guy’s sharp eyes.
“Sean Sutcliffe is my name,” greeted the guy.
“Oh. My name is Benji Boussaint.”

“Welcome to. . ,” before Sean could finish his words, a sports car arrived and honked behind Benji. A beautiful young man peeked his head from the driver’s window.
“Excuse me! What is the name of this place?” Asked the man in a soft high tone voice.
“What is the name of the place you want to go?” responded Sean, feeling annoyed at being interrupted.
“Oh. . . Actually, I’m not sure,” mumbled the man as he came out of the car with a map in his hand. “I’m looking for this place,” he showed the map to Sean.
“Lucky you. You just arrived at the place you are looking for,” smirked Sean.
“Oh! Really! Yey! Wow! This place looked awesome,” exclaimed the man as he looked behind Sean. “That’s mean I’ll be staying in the mansion?” He pointed to the mansion behind Sean.
“Yes...” Sean responded. Still feeling annoyed. “There’s someone who will show both of your rooms inside.”
“Oh, you too?'' asked the man to Benji excitedly. Benji just nodded and chuckled at the man’s excitement. “I’m Allen Aontgomery. You can call me Allen. I have a friend inside the car.”
“I’m Benji, Benji Boussaint. I have just arrived here.”
“Sean Sutcliffe,” greeted Sean, coldly when Allen looked at him like he was asking Sean to introduce himself. “You can get inside now. I want to close the gate.
“Oh! Ok! Ok! Come Benji. Get inside the car. You don’t plan to walk from here to the front door, aren’t you?”
Benji glanced at the mansion and at his belongings. The distance looked so far and he was still tired from the trip here. He smiled and nodded at Allen.
Inside the car, Benji saw another young man who looked a little younger than Allen was sleeping in the passenger seat next to the driver seat. Benji just realized that he forgot that Allen had said that he had a friend in the car. He was trying not to wake up the sleeping man but he indeed made too much movement and noise with his belongings.
“Hey. . .” Greeted the young man as he opened his eyes slowly and sleepily.
“Oh. . . H-Hye. . .” Greeted Benji, stuttering. “Did I just wake you?”

“Not really. Hehehe. . . ,” the man let out a little laugh with his dolphin voice before falling asleep again.
“This is Nathan,” introduced Allen to Benji. “I guess he is still tired from walking.”
“Walking?” Asked Benji. The look on Benji's shocked face was priceless.
“Yeah. I saw him walking on the road on my way here. He said he didn’t have anywhere to go,” explained Allen with a sad face. “I don’t know how long he had been walking and from where.”
“Oh, that’s sad,” muttered Benji softly. Somehow he felt sad and pain in his heart. He did not know or had met Nathan before but why did he felt this way? Strange, he thought.
“Do you want to go inside or not?!” Shouted Sean impatiently, which made Allen and Benji awake from their thoughts.
“Ok! Ok! We are going now,” snapped Allen and hurriedly drove in. But before he could move his car, Sean came closer to his window and lowered his head so he could see everyone in the car.
“Welcome to the House of Malach HaMavet, everyone. I hope you enjoy your stay here,” welcomed Seen and let Allen drive his car in. But Allen and Benji failed to notice the small smirk that performed on the mysterious man’s lips.
“Finally. . .”
“Finally everyone has arrived. . .”
“The game starts now. . .”
“Let’s play. . .”

Comentário do Livro (782)

  • avatar
    Kenrich Resullar

    ame ze book


  • avatar

    no problem


  • avatar
    Mark O. Arcilla



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