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Capítulo 2 Promise

sitting down at the grassfield Sunny and Jin admired the beauty of the city's night lights. As the moon with the stars shines above them.
''Sunny,what do you want to be when you grew up?''
''i want to be a thoughtful and loving wife'' she smiles as she uttered shyly.
"is that even a dream? silly," Jin said laughingly.
''You have to promise me one thing'' she said as she looked up in the stars.
''What is it?" he asked looking at her,
''You have to marry me when we grow up'' she stated!
Jin is taken a back at what she just said.He didnt said anything instead he pinch her cheeks really hard.
"aaahhhh,that hurts!" she pouted.
He just laugh at her as he stares at the moon having a deep thought.
''hmm,i will'' He said in his mind...
The golden sky of a sunset and the scent of flowers is enveloping the city of Euthopia. The sky is so beautiful with it's golden color that the sunset brings.
Sunny could see the city's view from where she is sitting. This place has been her secret place with Jin.They could see the City from a far with all that lights that seems to dance in the night and the river of euthopia which seems to comfort everyone who stares at it and the fresh air that blows with them is so refreshing.
Sunny is staring at the Sun that almost fading away.
Surely the sun sets for a reason But sometimes and somethings reasons are not enough go explain why everything happens.
Because up until now the person she's been waiting for still did not come back at her.
It's been a year already and their still no news of Jin, no one knows where he has been! Sunny has been waiting in this place almost everyday hoping that he will come here someday.
But as usual, sunny will come home alone in the orphanage again. Everytime night sunny cries until she fells asleep.
Mother Su can only sigh seeing her cry over night everyday.She cant help beacause they dont know where to find Jin, anymore they already reported it to the police one year ago but up until now there is still no news.
Sunny is always alone in the orphanage because she doesnt talk to other kids because she always want to be alone. other than that she is a little older in all of them.
''whats the point of having a friend when sooner or later they will be adopted and they will say goodbye and leave." sunny broken heartedly says to herself always.
"ha ha! at last i will finally have you, finally!" the fatty man laugh maniacly like crazy while unbuckling his own belt.
"No please! No!!!!" An eight years old sunny shouts for help,her eye is swelling from the nonstop tears that falls from her eyes.
she was so scared and terrified. Her hands is being tied and she cannot move her body because of the punches that she recieves a while ago when she try to escape from him.
the fatty man is now almost naked! he removes his pants and his shirt, the only left is his underwear!
"Please spear me uncle! Please don't do this to me" sunny continues to beg him but the man seems to be out of his mind now.
He grab Sunny's hair as he threw her thin body on the old bamboo chair, Her back landed in the old bamboo chair, Sunny could feel the pain because of how hard his grip on her wrist is and how hard that old chair is.
he places his hands on her legs his eyes full of lust.
Sunny extend her right foot to kick him! But he just grip it what could a little girl can do? When sunny tries to move her other feet a hard punch went through her stomach!
Sunny cries in pain. She could feel her soul screaming out of her body! She couldn't even breath because of the pain!
The fatty man seems to not care whether the girl is breathing or not! He grabs her shirt and was preparing to torn it apart, but Sunny tried her best to get away from him,kicking him with all the remaining strenght she had but the fatty man didnt even move an inch.

Sunny keeps trying to escape, she keeps kicking him and suddenly the man groaned in pain! because sunny had accedintally kick his dick! grabbing the chance,Sunny roll down from the couch to the flor!
It hurts! she crawled not minding the dirty flor beneth her she doesnt have enough strength to stand up it was a miracle that she could even move her little thin body!
The next moment She heard the man growl! looking back she could see that the fatty man is getting near to her slowly she could feel her body tremble in fear!
"thudddddd!!!," all of a sudden the fatty man just fell off the flor with its red thick blood dripping down heavily!
She could see how the blood flow all over the floor from his neck! His eyes wide open as his body trembled before his breath stops!
Shocked from what just happened sunny try hard not to scream! She was so shocked that she even forgot to breath! No words came out of her mouth even though she wanted to scream really loud!.
"Aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Sunny screams out loud that could make the whole orphanage hear!!
Her sweat is all over her tiny forehead! She just had a terrifying dream! She couldn't remember what exactly happened but one thing is for sure that man is dead! He was attacked right at his neck!
Who was it?
Why can't she remember about that incident?
Her head aches so much just by thinking of that dream! It hurts so much that it feels like her head is about to burts out!!
"Sunny are you okay?" Mother Su wipe sunny's sweats as she ask her gently! It has been more than twenty minutes since her and the other nuns is trying to wake her up! Sunny has been screaming all through that but thankfully she manage to wake up.
"Mother....it hurts!" As soon as sunny sees mother Su she hurriedly hugs her and she can't stop crying!
"It's alright.. It will all be alright hmm.." Mother Su hugs her tightly as she tap her back gently.
She Nodded at the other nuns implying that sunny should be alone right now. The other nuns nodded respectfully and left.
It has been a months since sunny started to have weird dreams, she would wake up catching her breath and when mother su asked her She can't bear to say it out loud! Those she want to handle it alone! What more she couldn't remember the faces in her dreams it was still blur!
No matter how much she thinks of it, she cant remembered if it had happened to her.everytime she tries to think about it her head will just ache like it's about to burts out that's why sunny decided to not think about it anymore but still that dreams come to her almost every night.

Comentário do Livro (217)

  • avatar
    Nico Casiano

    maganda ang kwinto


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    arellanomark Adrian

    I'm happy my game


  • avatar
    Aizel Gay



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