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Capítulo 7 False Rumors

"Ms. Katie, can we ask you something?" A press come near me with a lots of camera, I just smiled before they ask questions.
"Yeah, sure." I replied.
"Ms. Katie, what can you say about the news last night?" They asked, I don't have any idea of the news last night cause I slept early.
"I watched many news last night, which of it?" I asked them.
"That you and Mr. Nicko Balbuena are already dating, is it true?" I don't know what I'm going to say first, I'm nervous.
When I was about to open my mouth my phone vibrated and it was a text message from my manager.
'Just admit it.' Saying on the text.
"Yes, we're already dating." I said out of nervousness.
"Aw, since when Ms. Katie?" They asked again.
"Since we started the rehearsal of the play." I answered.
"Thank you for entertaining our questions Ma'am, we hope that your play will earn a lot." They said before leaving, I madly ran in our dressing room. We have rehearsals, and this is our last rehearsal.
"Gabrieeeelleee!" I shouted and sat. I'm mad!
"Why? Is there something wrong?" She calmly asked.
"There are false rumors about me and Nicko." I sadly told her and bowed my head.
"What is the false rumors about?" She asked.
"About me and Nicko, they said we're already dating and my manager also told me to admit it." I said.
"So why did you admit it when you know it wasn't true?" She asked me.
"I'm afraid... They might removed me in this role." I said.
"No, they're not going to remove you... You are perfect for the role," she said, "And also be ready for the consequences of this action, you are now officially linked with each other." She said, my nervousness level rises.
"What should I do first?" I asked her because I know she was a expert here.
"Talk to Nic-, speaking of the devil." We got quiet when Nicko just entered the dressing room.
"Kate, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the news... I promise, I will clean this mess." He said while holding my hand.
"No, my manager is coming. We're going to talk later about that, bring your Dad later." I said, I was nervous because I don't know if my family watch my confirmation video already.
And I guess, what I think is really true because my Mommy is calling.
"Katie Megan." She called me by my complete name.
"Yes mom?" I nervously answered.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"Which Mommy?" I asked her. I don't know why I'm asking my mommy back.
"You and Nicko are dating." I looked at Gabrielle and she said that It's not okay if I'll tell mommy, we just need to wait by the decision of our managers.
"I'm sorry Ma'am, direct's already calling us. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I said then turned off my phone so that mommy can't call me. I'm super nervous.
"Katie...." Another man just get in our dressing room.
"Quen.." I hugged him and cried.
"Stop crying... I'm here... Don't be afraid to Tita." He said while slowly caressing my back.
"I might loss this job when I didn't follow my managers." I said while still crying.
"No... You will never lose this job, don't be afraid okay." He said then I finally calmed down.
"Are you the real boyfriend?" Nicko asked Enrique.
"No, Katie is single." Enrique answered and look at me.
"Nicko, can you just shut your mouth up?" Gabrielle gave him a meaningful look so he would quiet.
"Okay fine." He said and then he get his earphone. I guess his watching videos on YouTube.
"Katie, Nicko." We immediately stand up when my manager came with Nicko's Dad.
"Ma'am." I said then looked at her.
"Dad." Nicko said and came near his dad.
"Come with us, we're going to talk." They lead us into a small air-conditioned room.
"Dad, what can we do against the false rumors of me and Katie?" Nicko asked and looked at me.
"We have a solution for it, but you need to sacrifice." His dad said.
"What sacrifices Sir Jonathan?" I asked.
"We need one of you to resign on the said job and let the another one continue." His dad said.
"I'm going to resign." Nicko said.
"No, it can't be Nicko." I appealed.
"This is the only way to stop the rumors Katie, I'll sacrifice for you. I care for your career, it's too early for you to resign." He said.
"There's still a way son if you both don't want to resign." His dad said.
"In what way Dad?" He asked.
"Pretend that you are a couple." My manager said and then my eyes get wide.
"That's just in front of a camera, when there's no camera, no need pretensions." My manager said again.
"Can we do that Katie?" Nicko asked me.
"I will try my best." I said before walking away of the room, when I was about to run, a hands hold me.
"Why are you crying again?" That's a familiar voice. It's Enrique.
"They command be to pretend to be a girlfriend to Nicko. I don't want to do it but I need to." I said then he laughed.
"Did you actually say yes?" He asked.
"Not yet but maybe tomorrow." I replied.
"Don't say yes, tell them that I am your boyfriend. I'll post our so called sweet photo later on IG, just comment something sweet okay?" He hugged me.
"Okay." I'll rather choose Enrique that Nicko to be my fake boyfriend.
"Both fake but I'll choose you over him." I said then he laughed.
"That's good, but maybe someday." He said
"What will you do if I court you someday?" He asked.
"I will accept you, and later, come with me, my parents are here." I said.
"Really? Tito and Tita are here? How about your elder brother? Is he here too?" He asked.
"Yuh... He's here too..." He held my hand as we walk towards our dressing room.
"I'm going to fix my things, we have rehearsals later, we're just really early." I said while getting my stuffs under the table.
"I'll help you with this." Enrique said and then pulled it.
"It was that easy, why are you making yourself tired." He said while smiling.
"Thank you dear." I said.
"That was just a little favor Katie." He said before he sat beside me.
"Hey, seems like a lovers was here." A gay makeup artist just get in.
"You're disturbing our quality time with each other." Enrique said sarcastically.
"Oh I'm so sorry Sir. Sorry. I'll just leave this place." He said and he was about to leave the place.
"I am just kidding, come back here." Quen said and laughed.
"I thought you were mad Sir." The makeup artist said.
"He's not mad... He's just making us laugh..."

Comentário do Livro (141)

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    AlbañoM. F.

    so beautiful


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    super great


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    Charles Dump



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