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As soon as they met each other outside the mall, the four went inside. Diana and Rhian clutch their arms together, while Shane and Ailee did so, too, and they were walking like they own the building. They went straight to the department store. They roam around the first floor but Justine is nowhere to be found.
“I thought she said she’s going to be here?” Shane asked.
“Maybe she’s on the upper floor. Let’s just go there.” Diana said and they went to the escalator. When they are already on the upper floor…
“Where is that woman hiding?” Ailee asked and they looked around.
“Hey guys, is that Justine over there? Who is she with?” Shane asked confused.
“Wait… is that – “
“That’s the criminology student back then!” Rhian cut Diana’s sentence.
Diana frowned at the same time smiled. ‘This sneaky girl!’ she said to herself.
“Yes! That’s him! That’s Aurelio!” Shane exclaimed. “Why don’t we watch them for a while?” Shane asked mischievously.
“No, we’re not doing that! Let’s just go to them!” Rhian said irritated and was about to walk towards Justine when Diana stopped her. “What?” Rhian asked.
“Let’s call her first. We don’t want to ruin her date, wouldn’t we?” she asked and dialed Justine’s cell. Justine reached for her phone and excused herself to take the call.
“Hey, girl! Where are you?” Justine asked on the other line.
“We think you don’t need to see us anymore. Just enjoy your date, okay? We don’t want to ruin it for you.” she teased her.
“What are you saying? Hey, you promised to meet me here, Diana. Where are you?” Justine laughed nervously. She laughed. “Hey, honestly, where are you?” Justine asked in a more serious tone.
“Calm down, geez. Turn to your left and look straight.” She instructed her.
Justine turned and they waved their hands. She cut the call and excused herself to the guy. The guy smiled and grabbed some shirt and left. She ran towards them and hugged each one of them.
“Wow, you really didn’t miss us, do you?” Diana asked. ‘I wonder if she still likes him that much.’ She asked herself.
“Of course, my youngest Diana!” Justine turned to her, held her hand, and smiled sweetly.
“Well, I missed you, too. You haven’t showed up after your birthday 3 years ago. Did you plan on doing that? Really?” she said in an accusing tone and laughed.
“No I don’t, stupid. I was just busy! Besides, whenever I take a short trip here, you were unavailable.” Justine said and rolled her eyeballs.
“Yeah, indeed.” She agreed and laughed.
“So where should we eat?” Ailee asked.
“Where else? My favorite Chicken place!” Rhian said and smiled widely.
They all looked at Rhian and shrugged their shoulders.
“Inasal it is!” Shane declared and they went to the diner.
“You should look for a comfy spot. Ailee and I will take the order.” Rhian said to them upon entering the diner.
“Yeah sure. No problem.” Justine said.
Diana, Justine and Shane went to find a comfy spot. Ailee and Rhian went to the counter to order. When they found a nice spot, the three of them seated and Diana started grilling Justine.
“So, Justine… are you going to tell us who that guy was? Were you two dating?” she teased.
“Dating? You know full well that I don’t date. Besides, I and Mir had an agreement.” Justine said.
“Oh come on, Just. Don’t deny it! You’re already hiding something from us!” Shane exclaimed.
“No I don’t! What should I hide from you?”
“We don’t know. You tell us! Why don’t we start with the guy you were with a while back?” Diana asked.
“Yeah, definitely! Because first, you don’t show up, and the second we know, you are seeing someone.” Shane exclaimed.
“Hang on just a minute! If I remember it clearly, we are all professional teachers here. Why are you grilling me like NBI Detectives?!” Justine asked in disbelief.
“Because you are being defensive!”
“No I am not!”
“Yes you are!”
“You know what, I have the right to remain silent because everything I say, you can and will be used it against me.” Justine said and crossed her arms on her chest.
“See that? See that??? THAT is exactly what we meant.” Shane said, pointing her palms on Justine.
“Yes! Oh, and by the way Just, even if you don’t tell us, we know who that guy was already.” Diana said.
“Can you just remind me WHY am I on the hot seat today?” Justine asked confused and irritated.
“Just tell us the name and we will stop, we promised.” Diana said and elbowed Shane.
“Yes, girl, why don’t you tell us his name? In fairness, he’s hot and handsome.” Ailee said and seated beside Shane. Rhian seated beside Diana.
“I told you, that’s the criminology student back in college. Right Justine?” Rhian asked.
Justine bumped Diana’s legs. They were right, it was Kent Aurelio.
‘Sorry Justine, but I won’t back you up this time.’ Diana said to herself. Justine sighed because she knew they won’t stop until she tells them.
“Fine, it is him, but – “
The four of them cheered with glee and they were all thrilled. Justine held her forehead and looked down and shook her head.
“Wow, girls. That’s just so embarrassing.” Justine said still shaking her head. “He is not my date okay? We bumped into each other and we talked for a bit and that’s when you called. End of the story. Geez! You’re making a big deal out of it. Why don’t we talk about your college crushes instead?” She said and rolled her eyes.
They cleared their throat. Their food came which makes it the life saver of the four of them. They knew that when Justine started something, they would end up ruining each other’s day. They started eating. Diana texted Justine.
Justine looked at her phone. She read the text and replied.
Justine put her phone down and continued eating.
“By the way, Rhian, how’s your wedding planning?” Justine asked.
“It’s very stressful. There are a lot of things to check constantly. Plus the church seminars!” Rhian groaned.
“Well you chose that. So when do we get the invitations?” Diana asked.
“When you already tell me who’ll be your partners in my wedding.” Rhian laughed.
“What?” Shane asked.
“I’m serious! We haven’t printed out any invitations yet! I told Steven I won’t release a single invitation until you tell me who would be your partners on our wedding.”
“That’s insane, Rhian. You can’t do that! Your wedding is in 3 months’ time!” Ailee exclaimed.
“Crazy as it is but you know me.” Rhian said and shrugged her shoulders.
“I have a better idea.” Justine said.
“Care to share?” Rhian asked.
“What if you just print the invitation out without the secondary sponsors? I mean just the details, like the reception and the date, the principal sponsors, and then your messages as bride and groom. It would be a surprise, right?”
“Actually that is great!” Diana agreed.
“But how about my flower girls? My bearers?” Rhian asked.
“Then add an additional letter or a symbol inside the invitation for them. Say for example you handed me the original invitation, and I will be the one in-charge of the veil, you attach a piece of a see-through cloth inside my invitation. Or if Shane’s the candle, then put a matchstick in the invitation.”
“And if I am the cord, then attach a white ribbon inside my invitation. And if Ailee’s the bridesmaid, then put an image of a broom inside her invitation.” Diana said.
The four of them looked at her and burst into laughter.
“Are you serious Diana?” Shane exclaimed.
“Yes! What could be the most appropriate to show that you are a bridesmaid? Plus, the role of a bridesmaid is to assist the bride, right?” she asked.
“But Ailee’s not the bridesmaid.” Rhian stated.
“Oh!” she was dumbfounded. Justine and Shane was laughing. “If it’s not Ailee, then who is?” she asked cluelessly.
“You are.” Rhian said.
The three burst into laughter. She put her palms on her face and wiped it.
“O—kay… can I just change my suggestion on the symbol for bridesmaid then?” she asked, crinkling her nose.
“No. That’s absolutely brilliant!” Justine exclaimed. She shook her head disapprovingly.
“Nnn-no. no, no ,no. You’re not really going to do that!” she laughed.
“Oh, I definitely would. But yours would be a true broom. You know, you will need it on your classroom for the next school year coming.” Rhian said.
“Har har. Very funny. Whatever!” she said and continued eating. The four did the same. After eating…
“Where are you going now?” Ailee asked.
“I need to go. Sorry girls, I need to catch the second trip bus going to Tabuk.” Justine said.
“No problem, girl. Why don’t we just walk you through the main entrance and we’ll just go back inside after?” Diana suggested.
“I would love that! Besides, we never know when to see each other again.” Shane said.
“Well I am absolutely positive it’s on my wedding week.” Rhian said.
“Definitely. So, let’s go?” Diana asked. They all stood up and went to the main entrance of the mall. Justine turned to say goodbye.
“Let’s just text and chat each other again, then?” Justine said.
“Sure. Be careful and take care.” Rhian said and they hugged again before Justine went out of the mall.
“Where should we go now?” Ailee asked.
“I need to check something on the booksale. You can go with me if you want to.” Diana suggested.
“Let’s go.” Shane said and they went to the booksale together.
When they are already at the booksale, the three just stayed outside the store. Diana went inside and video called Grace. The latter answered the call.
“Hey sis! I’m at the booksale now. Why don’t you take a look at the books yourself?” she said.
“Let’s see them then.” Grace said. She flipped the camera for Grace to see the books. “I can’t really see it, sis. Just buy whatever books you think I would love. You know my taste in books.”
“Okay fine.” She said and ended the video call. She looked for a fantasy book. When she found one, she grabbed it and looked for another title with the same genre. She knows Mel would want one for her, too. She went to the cashier and paid for the books.
“Are you done?” Rhian asked.
“Yeah. You need to go somewhere else?” she asked her.
“No. Let’s go home.”
“Let’s go then.” She said and they went to the Jeep terminal.

Comentário do Livro (595)

  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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