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The Delivery

Kelly pushes the wooden door open, flinging his black backpack on one of the sofa chairs. His face showed how tired and pressed he was.
the room was very dusty; cobwebs hung on every corner of the room. the floor was very dirty and not well arrange.
What would he do about it, the only option is just to pass a few nights, so that he would be able to acquire some knowledge from Emilia's class.
It was very dark, so he pressed the switch button beside him on the wall to turn on the bulb.
The light popped on, he was very pressed, he barreled into the toilet, jumping some object on his way to the toilet.
Turning on the sink tap, placed his left hand on the wall, lowering his face from the mirror.
The water was filling the sink gently like a volcano, his image was displayed on the surface of the water.
He deep his two hands into the water sink, fetching some of the water out. Pouring it on his face. after some seconds of glaring at the mirror, he deep down his face into the water for something like ages before bringing it out.
He huffed after putting his face off the water sink, wiping off the water from his face with the soft towel.
Kelly staggered out of the restroom. He was very hungry so he stumbled to the fridge and get some snacks. Crushing it down into pieces like someone that is released from a prison yard.
Gulping it down with chilled water due to how thirsty he was.
He walked back to the sofa where he kept his bag earlier, using his palm to wipe off the dust on it.
Clearing the cobwebs from the space, before having a seat on the soft sofa, it makes a sound immediately he sat on it.
He brought out his cellphone staring at an image of a lady on the screen.
She was very beautiful in the photo, his face was filled with total sadness, resting on the sofa, focusing emotionally on the photo, a drop of tears was dripping down his cheek into his lips, he could taste the salty part of it. But the tears contain more than mere salt, they contain pains.
There must be a strong connection between him and the lady in the photo.
I will always love you, Benita, he said blowing an invisible kiss on the photo.
He stood up from the sofa, barreling to the table, using his elbow to put off some object on it, to the floor. It was falling and making a detest sound in the room.
Spreading a cardboard paper on the table, turning on the lantern touch that was kept on the table. He put on construction with a ruler and pencil, sketching out building plans.
He stopped the sketching and have a seat in an armchair staring at the sketching. He was examining some point in the sketching by putting his fingers around.
There was a telephone closer to him, he dial some digits, and put the phone across his ear and the other edge to his mouth.
After waiting for some time with the phone in his ear.
There was no response from the other end of the phone, he placed it back and lend on the armchair.
Facing the twirling fan that was rotating anticlockwise in a very slow motion, making his eyeballs follow every movement of the fan.
"One hundred security guards". The driver's words ring in his ear, he grinned looking back at the sketching.
"He's always followed around by the security guard and no one gets to touch him", the driver's information about Harry keeps on resounding in his ear like a piece of advice.
He scribbles down "100" hundred in the corner of the sketching.
"Who's this Harry?" He whispered.
"He's a superstar and the world's very best, bla... bla.. and bla..", he said twisting his face.
Seriously, this going to be my best mission of all time. He squashes the sketch on the table into a smaller piece.
When I get hold of Harry in my hand. He said rolling the sketch paper in his hands.
"I wish I will push him into a very big box and make sure he screams out his lungs. He never enjoyed the fact that he's over-protected". He dropped the paper into the waste bin.
"Then hand him over to the Ugliest person of all time", he thought laughing evilly, leaping up from the armchair celebrating the victory he's about to win when he gets hold of Harry and just hands him to Jack Ugly.
Yes this going to be great excitement for Kelly, if he could successful abduct #Harry which is protected by over one hundred top guards - just hand him to #Jack Ugly.
After celebrating he walk into his bedroom and slammed the door beside him closed.
"Yes, I saw him mam", the voice of Justin walking beside #samara. Moving through the stairs to the seating room.
"You mean you saw my husband Philip", Samara ask still heading down the stairs not waiting for his response.
"Yes... We have a serious discussion ma'am". Justin respond making another move on the stair
"Is he looking healthy, Justin?". her tone  breakdown
"I can't tell that for sure ma'am, he was just on dirty clothes, his body bath with an ocean of dirt, ma'am".
They finally walked off the stairs and had a seat on the long grey sofa.
"What did you say, Philip told you again Justin?", She asked fixing her hand on the other end of the chair.
"he wasn't responsible for the drugs, ma'am."
"Yes.. I know he was innocent. he never partakes in drug dealing since we got married".Someone else must be responsible for this.
"Yes ma'am but the court only operates with strong evidence", Justin interrupts her words.
"Yes... She screams excitingly, yes! Harry!. Is the only person that can tell the court what he witnesses"
"Harry! Like Harry Kel, no no no. Justin protested shrugging his head"
"What wrong Justin?", she asked calmly
"Mr Philip said Harry knows nothing about this case".
The door was kicked open with force, samara and Justin looked back in panicked detest.
It was two guys holding Emilia; her hair was scattered covering her face. she was struggling with them to let go of her arms.
"Ma'am we found your daughter Emilia, drunk in the night club", he said letting go of her wrist
Samara stood up from the chair and rushed to Emilia that was very drunk, hug her tide to the heart and the second guy released her hand.
"Thank you you too, you have done so much bringing her back to me", she appreciates their good work and the left immediately
"How many times had I told you to stop getting yourself drunk Emilia", she said helping her walked to the chair
"Have a seat Emilia", she seated her on the sofa
Emilia had been getting herself drunk since the last time she returned from school abroad. the announcement of her father being sentenced to prison make her visit party every night and return home drunk. Samara had tried all she could to stop her but all went into a closed ear. Her problem get worse when her boyfriend vail was murdered.
"Ma'am let her have some rest in her room, she's gonna be alright in the morning". We will discuss this later ma'am. He said arranging his files.
"Is time I take my leave, goodnight ma'am".
"Good night Justin". He walked out of the house with his briefcase.
Emilia was drooling and mumbling some senseless words.
Samara escorts Emilia to her room, leaving her to rest on the bed covering her with a blanket. Kissing her on the forehead before living the room.
Some men were pushing big wooden boxes into an abandoned old house that was surrounded by a creepy object, it was already night.
The house was surrounded by grasses of a different kind, abandon cars and sewage was disposed closer to the building.
The men keep on pushing the box into the building.
Someone was on the other end, puffing a cigarette, he was only there watching the activities of the people carrying out the task of pushing the boxes into the abandoned building.
"You, stop right there", he said getting off the log, he was sitting on. Dropping the cigarettes on the floor. He Quincy the light, then step forward to the guy that was with the box.
Open the box, he glared at him. He lit another cigarette and stuck it to his lips.
The man pull the cover of the box open, it was just covered with an ice block, he brought out one of the ice block packages.
Making it hanging around on his finger, puffing the cigarettes. He dropped the cigarettes on the floor, it was burning gently on the floor.
He brought out his phone and dialled some button, placing it beside his ear, it was beeping for some seconds.
"Hello, boss". His voice was very bold and heavy. He waited for some second for the receiver to speak.
"Yes boss everything is in other", he nodded his head dropping back the ice block into the box
His phone beeped. he put it off his ear, signalling the man with his hand to cover the box.
"You are free to take it away", he said walking back to the log.

Comentário do Livro (463)

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    ilove it


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    Shaira Tibatib

    First of all the idea of the author is reliable to the story. You can imagine while reading the story the situation of the characters. How the flow of the story and scenario the ideas where in you can relate. Some of the scenario sometimes you can think the reason why it happens something like that. But the author give the fully idea or how the story flow. I think the author are very dedicated on how he show about what he think because for me the story i will rate it very satisfactory good job!


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    SeseZanjoe lee

    morning how are you doing today I o uglot me to siya y me to do you say I think I think I love the time na na na normal time bro 😊😄 hehehe I love it so much I appreciate you and you know I will never be here in a bit I think I love the time I get you some money pamasahe ani uwan sa inyo mao ba geh laay mn tanawon ron 😊❤️ me sa imo love to siya 🙄 on sa ko ma'am I think ugma bai practice and you can I love the moon is a good morning bro 😊 muwaahhhh you are the moon is that ok ra to oyy 😊😄 h


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