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Samara's concern

A Dining hall with a long plane table; a brown curtain with flower embroidery put across every window securing the room.
Chairs were surrounding the table, a piece of soft music was played and someone was humming along with it, one of the chairs was occupied by a man in a black suit, with two men beside him.
He was still humming the music. He heard footsteps heading down the stairs he lift his left hand and drop it back to the table and the music was seized by the guy on his left-hand side.
The footsteps were still heading down the stairs, he was counting the steps with his finger one after the other.
A pretty white woman in a long black gown, her long curling hair falling to her back and spreading across her shoulder, not much smiles on her face, holding up her wallet.
she gets to the dining. the man in suit stood up welcoming her to have a seat in one of the chairs adjacent to his.
"Good morning Madam Samara", he greets.
As she has a seat dropping her wallet on the table
"Morning Mr Lucky", she responds.
She was interrupt by the maid coming into the dining room with a plate covered with linen, placing it on the dining table and stood beside her.
Another maids barrel in with plate and plastic water in their hands and place it on the table, genuflecting before living the dining.
Samara lift her hand, sending signals to the maid to circulate the food, she did as was ordered.
"Mr Lucky", she paused.
"How is Harry?" She asked. picking a little rice grain from her plate.
"He's okay, ma'am". He turns the water from the jug into the cup.
How many security guards are with him presently, Mr Lucky? Samara asked nervously. dropping the spoon focusing and expecting a reasonable answer from Lucky.
"Fifty ma'am", lucky said. sipping the cold water in the ceramic cup.
"Are you sure fifty security is okay for him?.
Cause he's our last hope in this case, then if anything happens to him we are a total loser", she added sadly
"Okay mam, I will add another fifty to make the security guard hundred". He placed the cup on the table, he just hate the way security was increasing everyday just to keep only one person safe.
"So that nothing will go wrong with your witness mam", he said lowering his gaze down
It shows clearly on Samara's face, that she needs Harry for her survival in the court of law; but what could she do - she never knows if he's in a safer place like she always instructs Mr Lucky to do.
She keeps on doubling the security guard everyday just to keep Harry on the safer side, but her feeling keeps on telling her that Harry is not still safe as Mr Lucky may think it to be.
Should she invite him to come live over with her - no her house is not that safe for him to stay long.
"Okay Lucky, I hope a hundred guards will be okay to keep Harry safe from any external attack?" She asked Staring at Mr Lucky that was still concentrating on his plate of food.
"Mam, nobody will ever like to attack Harry if I may suggest this time. Sometimes I even wonder if anyone knows that Harry is your last witness for this case".
Samara was unable to answer the question from Mr Lucky, she wonders if he was right in his words or not.
"Boss you have a call from someone". The man on the left hand him a cell phone
"Mam, this is a call from Harry. You wanna speak with him to be sure he's safe in his own house?"
"Yes, Lucky". She was wiping off a drop of tears from her lowers eyes
"Mam are you okay", Lucky was just concerned about her since her husband Philip was sentenced to spend time in prison.
She did not respond but only lift her left palm and drop on the table surface. Lucky understand what she means and hands her the phone
It was a video call from Harry
"Hi, Fav. Good morning". He waves his hand on the screen
"Morning Harry, is everything alright over there ?". I hope nothing is wrong over,
"No, but why are you adding a lot of security to mine", he asks sounding much confused and frustrated
"Fav, no one is just after my life, when I said I'm safe - yes I'm". Harry was not taking it patiently with Samara
How would you expect him to feel, he was an extrovert before but since he decided to be the next witness for Samara in the court, she has just decided to turn him into an introvert till the next court timetable.
The security that was just two bouncers was increased to fifty and will soon be increase to hundred.
The security guard followed him everywhere just to make sure no one get closer to him By any means.
"Harry just have a little patient with me; is just for few weeks, you will be back to your normal life and everybody will live their life happily like never before". Samara speaks with complete dismay.
"Sorry if I take it too far beyond your expectation samara, I am very sorry we are all in this till the case in the court is taken to justice". He smiles waving at her.
"Stay safe Harry", she hangout the call returning the phone to Mr Lucky.
Mr Lucky lift his hand and spread his finger, a stick of cigarette was stuck into his hand. The cigarette was lit by him, piping it for some seconds before releasing the smoke into the air.
"Is about time we take our leave mam". "we have much to do on this your case, and I still need some cash to run a lot of work.
Our days are number", he said crushing the cigarettes in his hand.
"You can have this", Samara brought out some USD notes from her wallet.
"Take this, is 400 USD and don't forget to inform my lawyer about every information you gather on this case Mr Lucky"
"So i will", mam. He said making his leave with the two men beside him holding his briefcase
                  Prison yard
The environment was covered with cop web, insufficient sunlight was penetrating throw the window that was secured with six slanting rods. Rocks were covering everywhere.
The floor was covered with dust with some holes on it, rat running around without any fear in them.
A bang of a hammer heating a rock was heard from afar, it were men, with a well-built body, large arm and big shoulders hitting the gravel with a hammer.
Their clothes way very dirty, a security guard was moving around them with a very long cudgel monitoring everybody that is breaking the rocks into pieces.
Kpahoo!! A sound of a gunshot shot into the air made everyone to stopped working and focus on the direction of the gun.
It was the general officer, putting his hat between his arm, not wearing any smile on his face.
His uniform was covered with different batches, immediately everybody notice him - they queue up in a very long line, the general stepped down from the alter, moving beside them, gazing at their face before moving to the next person.
And your sight must be facing up, after searching for some years he stopped in from of young man that was looking very tired and weak.
The young man was shivering while sweat was rolling out of his face.
He stops and fixed his eyes on him, he try concentrating but it clearly shows on his face that he's tired.
He makes a whistling sound, and immediately two men in black jog closer. saluting the general.
Take him to my office, he said. Moving forward to the next person.
The men in uniform grabbed him immediately, dragging him out of the queue, he struggles for is self but was held firmly by the men in uniform.
You can now go back to work, the general officer dismissed the prisoner after making sure they are complete.
He was seated on metal chair. his hand, a stainless table was in his front with a single book placed on it.
He was breathing warmly, the room was only brightened by a lantern, and another chair was placed opposite his.
The door was open by an army man, making a way for a guy in a suit to step in with a file. He had a seat on the chair dropping his file.
I'm Justin, and your are Mr Philip, he flipped the documents open. the lawyer your wife Samara employed to work on your case.
"He stopped and focus on him. You just need to tell me everything that happened that day, Mr Philip. and that's the only that can save you from this place", he asked demandingly. But no answer was given to him.
"Mr Philip!" He called slamming his hand on the table.
His voice was filled with anger but what could he do, he can't force him to speak what he doesn't want to speak
Tears were rolling down Mr Philip's face. His tummy growl, he opened his mouth in motion.
"I was about traveling for a very serious business, so I take my car with me not minding to checked the boot or any part of it". He was very weak and sick.
"On my way to the airport, I was stopped by the policemen, asking  for my documents and I hand it to them", he stopped and wipe off his tears
"He later asked for the boot to be open, I opened the boot. I was told to come down from my car and explain what's in my car boot".
"I followed them to the car boot, what I saw just got me shocked, I told them it's not mine, but no one cared to believe me".

Comentário do Livro (463)

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    ilove it


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    Shaira Tibatib

    First of all the idea of the author is reliable to the story. You can imagine while reading the story the situation of the characters. How the flow of the story and scenario the ideas where in you can relate. Some of the scenario sometimes you can think the reason why it happens something like that. But the author give the fully idea or how the story flow. I think the author are very dedicated on how he show about what he think because for me the story i will rate it very satisfactory good job!


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    SeseZanjoe lee

    morning how are you doing today I o uglot me to siya y me to do you say I think I think I love the time na na na normal time bro 😊😄 hehehe I love it so much I appreciate you and you know I will never be here in a bit I think I love the time I get you some money pamasahe ani uwan sa inyo mao ba geh laay mn tanawon ron 😊❤️ me sa imo love to siya 🙄 on sa ko ma'am I think ugma bai practice and you can I love the moon is a good morning bro 😊 muwaahhhh you are the moon is that ok ra to oyy 😊😄 h


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