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Chapter Six

"What happened?" Queen Roanna asked.
"The heiress!" She exclaimed as her eyes turned white.
"You mean, Cassandra? Our daughter?" Queen Roanna asked in shock.
"Yes." Medusa answered.
"What happened to her?"
"Don't ask what happened to her. You're supposed to ask what she has done." Medusa said and laughed.
"What she has done?" King Harven asked.
"Your daughter has come of age." Medusa said.
"Stop beating round the bush, and tell us already. What is going on?" King Harven asked.
Medusa laughed and closed her eyes. She stayed like that for some minutes before opening them and the water returned to its normal colours.
She looked at the couple and said, "Cassandra isn't human."
They gasped.
King Harven and his Queen signalled the guards to move farther away from them. They bowed and went to stand at the far end of the place.
"What are you saying? Cassandra was born without any powers at all. She was born a human." Queen Roanna said.
"But she isn't. Her powers were locked at her birth. Yes, I am aware that Maggie was born a human before she developed powers but Cassandra is different. Maggie is half human and half supernatural but Cassandra is a full supernatural. Her powers didn't surface immediately she was born because it was stronger than her. As she grew, her powers grew with her and now her powers have surfaced." Medusa said in one breath.
King Harven and Queen Roanna couldn't believe what they just heard. So, all these while that they thought they had given birth to a human, it was all a process? Their daughter was a supernatural! Their... their beautiful heiress is a supernatural! They suddenly felt joy build inside them as smiles crept up to their faces.
"This is good news!" King Harven said.
"Don't get too excited, your Majesties. The girl has a demon side to her." Medusa said.
"Demon? But, we have no demons in our lineage. Where could she have gotten a demonic side from?" Queen Roanna asked.
"Didn't you understand when I told you that she is different?" Medusa snapped and they bit their lips. "Your concern shouldn't be how she got a demonic side, it should be how dangerous and destructive that side of hers could be." Medusa said.
"I know how dangerous demons are but why must my daughter become one, huh?" King Harven asked.
"It's her destiny! Your Majesties, you both have given birth to the most powerful supernatural creature in the entire magical realm!" Medusa announced and the water rose up then came down again.
"Will she be endangered? Her safety is all that matters to us right now." King Harven said.
"You know I don't lie, your Majesties. I say things the way I see them. It would be foolish of me to tell you that she would be safe and out of danger," Medusa said and they sighed. "She is naive, trusts easily and very gullible. If other supernatural creatures get to know anything about her, they would want to use her to take over your Kingdom. She is the heiress as we all know, but whichever side she's on, be it good or evil determines what becomes of the realm of pure magic." Medusa said.
The couple exchanged looks, and sighed.
"How are we going to help her?" Queen Roanna asked.
"We need to summon her guardian." Medusa said.
"Let's do that right away." King Harven said.
"It's not going to be easy training her in the human world, it isn't going to be safe training her here either. Meet me here by this time tomorrow, we are going to summon her guardian. Whoever it is should be strong enough to tame her demon." Medusa said.
"Do you know who it is going to be?" Queen Roanna asked.
"No! Only the ocean knows." Medusa said as she points to the water that shone brightly before becoming dim again.
After school that day, Cassie hurried home. She couldn't wait to tell Aunt Maggie all that she had gone through in school today.
Aunt Maggie was busy, preparing meatloaf for her arrival. Cassie entered the house, and ran into the kitchen then hugged Aunt Maggie from the back.
"Good afternoon, Aunt." Cassie greeted.
Aunt Maggie stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder. "Did something happen?" She asked. She knew too well that Cassie would always come and hug her whenever she was moody or feeling down.
Cassie nodded and pouted. "I almost killed someone today, Aunt." Cassie said.
Aunt Maggie turned to look at her. "You almost did what?!" She exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to. I just lost control when she casted a spell on me. She was choking me, Aunt. She choked me really hard, and I lost it." Cassie said.
Aunt Maggie facepalmed. So, that was the reason for the unfriendly weather hours ago. She should have known!
"Come over to the living room and tell me everything." Aunt Maggie said as she dried her wet hands with the kitchen towel. Cassie didn't hesitate and followed her. She was still startled about what she did. She made a mental note to avoid getting angry from now henceforth.
Aunt Maggie made her to sit down on the couch and sat beside her.
"I'm all ears, tell me everything." She said.
"What about the meatloaf? It might get burnt." Cassie said.
"You don't need to worry about that. The meatloaf will take care of itself." Aunt Maggie smiled.
Cassie smiled back and started narrating all that happened to Aunt Maggie, who listened attentively. After she was done with her narration, she said, "I know, Aunt. I'm a monster."
"No, dear. Don't say that ever again. You aren't a monster. It wasn't your fault that you were new to your powers, it wasn't your fault that she got hurt either. Don't feel bad for what you didn't do on purpose. We only need to work on your powers and train you." Aunt Maggie said.
"Okay, Aunt. I've heard you but can I ask you one question?"
"Sure! Go ahead." Aunt Maggie smiled.
"Why is it dangerous to trust someone easily?" She asked.
"It is dangerous to trust someone easily because you don't know what goes on in the minds of everyone. One person can act like your friend but in their heart, all they can think about is your downfall." Aunt Maggie explained.
"Whoa!" Cassie exclaimed.
"Yeah. We supernatural creatures take trust very seriously. As a magical being, you don't go about trusting everyone you come across, especially if you possess a special power. People might appear to be friends with you but their intention is to either exploit you or destroy you." Aunt Maggie said.
"So, Asher was right." Cassie muttered to herself but Aunt Maggie heard her.
"Who is Asher?" She asked.
"He is our principal's son, and a supernatural too. He was the one who stopped me from causing mayhem. He also told me not to trust people easily." Cassie said.
"Hmm, if this Asher guy is your Principal's son, then his father is a supernatural too." Aunt Maggie said, thinking deeply.
"I guess so." Cassie shrugged.
"We'll talk about this later, okay? For now, go freshen up and come down for lunch. You wouldn't want the meatloaf to get cold, would you?" Aunt Maggie pulled her nose playfully and she laughed.
"Not at all." Cassie smiled and stood up.
"Oh, I'll start training you on how to control your powers tomorrow. Asher should focus more on martial arts. Be careful around him, okay? We don't know who your enemies are yet." Aunt Maggie warned.
"Noted." Cassie smiled and ran upstairs.
Aunt Maggie sighed and headed back to the kitchen. She knew things weren't going to be that easy now that the heiress to the throne of pure magic's powers have surfaced. People would try hunting her down, some might try luring her into working with them. She has to try her best to protect this little girl till she masters her abilities.
The ocean sparkled and shone as Medusa chanted some strange words. She touched it and a wave came, washed upon the concrete tiles, surrounding the ocean and went back. The guards and maids were dismissed, leaving only King Harven, Queen Roanna and Roxy, leader of the royal advisers.
"Her guardian is a water spirit." Medusa said after she opened her eyes.
"Does that mean that her powers are associated with water?" King Harven asked.
"Yes. That is why her emotions control the weather. Her tears causes rain to fall, her rage, fury and anger causes a storm where there are flashes of lightning and roaring of thunder." Medusa said.
"Whoa! That is one amazing power." Roxy said.
"It is, but it is also dangerous. Look at how peaceful the ocean looks, when Cassandra gets triggered, the ocean gets triggered as well. If we aren't careful, this ocean might be our end." Medusa said.
"Let's go ahead and summon her guardian then." Queen Roanna said.
"Is her guardian a young man or a lady?" King Harven asked.
"I do not know. The ocean will decide." Medusa said and closed her eyes again.
She stretched forth her hands towards the ocean as her midnight black hair flew in different directions. The ocean danced and a heavy wind blew. A minute later, a huge pile of water in form of a wave sprung up and landed on the dry land.
Slowly, it formed into a person and when the transformation was complete, all eyes widened as they beheld the most handsome or should they say beautiful guy they had ever set their magical eyes on.
"Greetings, I am Kash, chosen guardian of our beloved heiress."

Comentário do Livro (107)

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    magnifique 🩷🌝


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    I really like this story 😁


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    رامي بدين



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