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Chapter 7 ( The rogue's pack)

The sun had just risen that morning, it was looking like it would be a hot day ,with the way the weather changed so early. The normal falling of early morning dew wasn't experienced at all, instead the sun came out in full force.
Maria had told Luciana ,that she would love to speak with other members of the pack that day. She wanted to know them more and understand the way they lived among themselves. She knew that if she was going to lead, she should then get to understand the people she was going to lead properly.
Luciana had agreed with her on her idea of meeting the whole members that day. After all ,they had entered the pack at night, and weren't able to see all faces clearly when they arrived .
Maria wasn't sure who the leader of the rogues was. They had looked all night to find out who was superior among the rogues , but couldn't find any. She knew that if the leader of the rogues wasn't among the group of rogues who they encountered last night then they really hard some issues to face with whosoever it was.
Carlo one of the rogues who attacked them last night, walked into the room where Maria and Luciana had spent the night.
"Good morning", he greeted as they both responded back to his greeting. I hope you enjoyed your night? Carlo asked.
"Yes we did", replied Luciana as she offered him a seat.
"Very well then ", Carlo replied.
" I had wanted to ask Carlo ,who happens to be the leader in here before our arrival", Mariah asked.
"Well here in our park ,we do not have a leader. We all work together share and same ideas with each other, making sure that ends meet. No one is superior ",Carlo replied.
"Really! why is that so? I mean in every Park there should be a leader, someone who can give commands, getting everyone to obey and making sure that everyone is really safe. why is it different in here? Maria asked.
" Let's just say that here, we believe in being free to do whatever we want to and we do not know who can rule us actually. This is because we believe we are all like minds. We actually ran from a far away pack,where we were made slaves at a tender age and we are not exposed to the world. So we believe everyone can leave the way they want without being commanded.
"Ok if that is so why then did you guys agree to my being the leader after defeating you last night", Maria asked.
"Of recent we started seeing reasons why we should have a leader who can coordinate us , but we haven't been able to choose anyone among us to rule. In as much as we do not have any superior in here we believe that someone who is exposed has the right mindset to lead us, so we are willing to accept anyone who is exposed and who actually beats us in a fight as a leader. That is why we agreed to the terms we did last night", Carlo said.
"Well that is the most craziest thing I've ever heard in my whole life ",Luciana said as she laughed out loud.
"Why is she laughing ? Carlo asked looking at Luciana in an old manner.
"Well she's laughing because it's quite funny how you all get to trust someone who you do not know, who is not among you to be your leader. Whereas you have lived together for years. I mean you should be able to trust yourselves and be able to choose someone amongst you to lead and not waiting for a total stranger who is exposed and stronger than you people", Maria replied.
" I do not have much to say about that but maybe with time you will get to understand the reason why we want an external leader to lead us in this pack", Carlos said.
"Ok Carlo that's ok. Just that where I come from. We would never let a total stranger lead us. I would want to meet the people. I do not know if you can help and surmone them so I get to see them, hear from them and know their plights", Maria said.
"That won't be a problem my lady ,I would call up a meeting immediately .As soon as you hear the bell ring you could come out, that indicates that the people have been summoned under your command ",Carlo said as he left the room.
"OK Carlo, thank you very much", Maria said smiling.
" These people look a little bit weird to me", Luciana said as she kept laughing.
"Yes they are quite weird and I think we should get to understand why they behave so. I mean they should be something really triggering their attitudes", Maria replied.
" Yes my lady. But for the time being, we shouldn't trust anyone of them yet", Luciana said. " It is really hard to believe that they would give up their throne to a total stranger. Perhaps they might want us dead ,and use this idea of being their leader to lure us into their nets".
" You maybe be correct Luciana. However , let's watch them and see how things turns out to be in here. We must be prepared for anything. Right now ,we do not have anywhere to go, So let's stick here and find a better way forward" , Maria said.
" Of course my lady. I'll follow your lead" , Luciana said.
They hear the loud sound of a bell ringing continuously. Maria remembers what Carlo had told her about bringing the people together. She wondered how he might have called the pack members in such a very short period.
" I think the people have been summoned", Luciana said .
" Yes I think so too" ,Maria said as she gets up to go out of the little tent.
" Hold on my lady, let me go with you", Luciana said as she leaves the tent first.
Luciana is taken into an unconscious state by a heavy blow given to her as she stepped out of the tent. Blood gushes through her nose as she falls to the ground. Carlo immediately fights back with the person who had attacked Luciana. He strangulated him to death.
" We must leave now my lady! the pack is under an attack" he said as he carried Luciana on his back and runs away with Maria.

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