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Capítulo 4 Episode four

I didn't realized it was morning already, I was still in my deep slumber; but then the slight knock on my door woke me up.
I groaned "I'm still sleeping!" I yelled, but the person kept knocking.
I cursed under my breath and removed the duvet. I walked slowly as I dragged my feet towards the door then I opened it halfway and sighted mom standing close to it with her hand knitted into a fist like she was planning to bring down my door.
I yawned and rubbed my face with my hands. "Is too early to knock on the door mom!" I pouted.
"Your father wants to speak to you, he has been on my neck to wake you up. Besides is 9am already." She voiced out.
I got pissed immediately. "What does he want?" I asked in a miffed tone.
"I don't know, just wash your face a little and step out okay." She added and left.
What in Christ name does he want to discuss that he can't let me have a good morning sleep? I hissed and closed the door.
After some minutes; I changed my pajamas into a pinafore and walked out.
I met him sitting in the parlour with his legs crossed. Such nerves! I rolled my eyes as I walk further.
"You sent for me?" I asked as I stood at the opposite direction facing him. He gave me a hard glare but then his eyes became softer the next minute.
"That must be your good morning I guess. sit!" he commanded and I dragged myself to the opposite couch.
"I will go straight to the point, you're matured enough; I don't see reasons to beat around the bush. You remember Mr Alfred right?" He spoke and looked at me.
"Yes I do! And what about him?" I asked...it was that same annoying bald man he was talking about.
My instinct were trying to tell me what was about happening but I shrugged the thought off.
"He is attracted to you, therefore you're getting married to him next month." He said authoritatively without stuttering.
I was speechless at first. Am I hallucinating?
I released a laughter. "You're kidding right?" I questioned but his face was still looking cold.
I knew this was no play and he was damn serious but he has no right to plan my life for me. "And who arranged the marriage?" I asked politely as I tried to calm myself.
"I did! Besides he is a rich and hardworking man, he will definitely help this family." He spoke and I felt anger radiating through me. Is he fucking kidding me right now?
"Never! I can never marry that man. You have no right to make decisions for me." I yelled and stood up like I wasn't the same person trying to maintain my sanity.
"I'm not done talking, sit down Norah." He commanded strictly his voice coming out miffed.
"You can't control me, I am not going to marry that old fool. You better return whatever you have taken from him. The earlier the better for you." I fired back rudely.
Suddenly he stood up with force and landed a heavy slap to my cheek. My eyes turned red as I stared at his dark eyes with my hand placed on my cheek.
"How dare you talk to me like that huh? Who gave you the right to feel you could decline my decision?" He roared.
I felt like grabbing a gun out of nowhere and pulling the trigger right into his dumb head.
"This is my life! You can't make decisions for me. I will never in this life marry that man; unless you are going to take my dead body to him." I fired back and storm out of the sitting room.
He stood there, shocked with my words and tone. But suddenly he began to call out my name. "Norah! Norah!" Stopped right now. He shrilled but I kept walking.
Just then I heard another voice and I halted, mom rushed to me and held my hand. "You need to go back inside." She said teary.
I dilated my eyes and stared at her. "Don't tell me you're in support of this. Why? I can't marry that old man. Is that the kind of life you want me to live huh?" I yelled as tears spilled from my eyes.
"She lowered her head as she began to shed tears. I could not oppose him Norah! I don't know what to do. I'm sorry." She said ruefully.
I shook my head in disbelief and released my hand from her grip. "Don't stop me please," I added and began to walk towards the gate.
"Where are you going to?" She asked behind me but I played dumb. Tears were falling nonstop from my eyes and I hate how my morning was ruined.
I walked out of the gate as I wiped my face with my palm. The few people I met on the road stared at me like an orphan looking for shelter.
How do I pay my stepfather for all the good moment he has ruined huh?
I was still walking by the road side and deep in thought when I tried crossing over to the other lane but then I heard a loud horn from a car, I flinched and fell on the floor with my eyes closed.
Oh God! My body was literally shaking. Just then I didn't feel anything like I was being crushed by a car. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a young man stepping out of it.
I stood up immediately and dust myself. "Is that how you over speed all the time, you could have killed me!" I spoke harshly but he looked at me surprised.
I scanned my body to see if there was a scratch but I was fine.
"Oh lady! You need to slow down with the temper, besides it your fault, you obviously didn't check the road before crossing." He replied.
"Really? Is that your apology?" I fired back. I raised my head and met a pair of brown eyes staring at me. Heavens! He was handsome but I was too angry to admire his face for long.
He stared at me with a fixed gaze like he saw something terrible on my face. "Why are you staring when you need to apologize to me." I spoke again.
He touched his forehead and spoke. "I'm sorry okay, and please make sure you check the road before crossing." He added not wanting to take the blame.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever!" I said and adjusted my cloth before heading to where I was going.
"Are you sure you are okay?" He yelled behind me but I played dumb again. "See you around beautiful." He added.
I didn't spare him a stare at I continued walking. I storm into Mia's place without knocking. Thank heavens! I met her in the kitchen and her mom was not around.
"Hey! What's wrong?" She asked me immediately when she sighted my woebegone face.
"Is my stepfather again." I said with a growl.
She dragged me to sit on the chair in the kitchen opposite the fridge. "What did he do this time around?" She asked in curiosity.
"That old man wants me to marry a friend of his. You can imagine! For Christ name mia, don't I have the right to make my own decision because I have a stepfather?" I asked in rage.
She dropped her mouth open. "That man must be sick, this is getting out of hand. Did you talk to your mom about it?" She asked as she fixed her gaze on me.
I felt my heart shattering as I remembered mom could not do anything to stop him.
"I don't want to talk about this anymore." I voiced out slowly and she nodded.

Comentário do Livro (924)

  • avatar
    Raiza Mae Cañete

    The Cargo is not okay with happiness and may this birthday be just perfect for you are my universe ep you are my universe ep I am not okay with you are my universe ep I am not the one who has been trying to forget you but I can't tou made me a fool if ain't cool it's like there's something missing in my life maybe its you and I couldn't find another great sister like you anywhere in the world and I couldn't find another great sister like you anywhere in the world and I couldn't find another ones


  • avatar

    A veryyy good storytelling. I feel not bored to read the whole the story. with the concept i still in there. I hope i will read more like this soon. Thankyou for your writing. its good for my knowledge


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    Lorjean Verdon

    nice story keep it up


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