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Capítulo 4 Dream at the Park

Nial's Point of View
Six months later
I looked around when I suddenly landed in a park. There are kids playing, chasing each other, teasing and so on. It is very noisy but I can see that they are having fun. I smile every time I am slightly bumped by the little children running, they look up tenderly and apologize to me.
On one side of the park there was a familiar figure of a woman I saw who was on a swing and slightly swinging it.
I smiled. We met again.
I approached where she was and sat on the other swing next to her.
When she felt my presence she turned to me and then stopped cradling.
'What are you doing here?' I immediately asked her when I get closer.
'I don’t know,' she replied.
I chuckled, of course she don’t know. She always looked confused every time.
I began to cradle myself.
I look at her face again that I still can’t see clearly but I know she’s now wearing her sweet smile.
He started swinging again and we were just quiet, no one spoke, we are just enjoying the moment as the wind touches our skin. Watching the children playing happily also makes you happy.
'It’s fun being a child.' She suddenly commented of nowhere while still staring at them.
'Yeah, being a child means problem free'
She just looking at the emptiness while speaking, I also watched the children playing, then the groups of children who had been playing suddenly ran towards us. I stopped cradling my swing as they approached because I might hit them. I looked at her on the other swing and she did the same.
The children go straight to us. They hugged us happily at the same time.
'Come on let's play! Join us! ' They told us loudly.
'Kids, I'm fine here,' said the woman next to me to the children in front of her so they suddenly frowned, the others were almost about to cry. I faced them and smiled before speaking.
'Oh go ahead, we will play with you.'
They all jumped for joy and ran back to the playground, I got up and approached him. She still couldn't get up from her seat so I held her hand and moved closer to the children.
'Oh, who’s the chaser?' I enthusiastically ask them who seem to be so excited to play with us.
'You!' Said by the youngest child.
They suddenly ran away so I could do nothing but chase them, I was about to run in the direction of a child when suddenly a light appeared and covered the surrounding.
My mind feels like floating so I close my eyes. By the time I looked up, I had just seen myself walking.
'What's your name?' She asked me as we walk together.
'Huh? Me? I don't have a name,' I laughed and replied confusedly and then walked away.
'Huh? Wait! Can it be possible? There is no one person without a name! ' She chased me then hold my arm to stop me from walking.
I turned to her and placed my hand on his hand that holds my arm.
'There is a man without a name'
'Huh? Who? '
I tightened my grip on his hand before answering.
‘Me’ I replied. I smirked as I watched the reaction on her face.
She just gave me a startled expression of his face, I couldn’t help but smile because of her reaction. I messed up her hair then took his hand and started walking again.
'Wait, where are we going?'
'I do not know'
I answered because I really don’t know where we are going.
I opened my eyes, then rubbed them, it’s early in the morning. I remember my dream again, as usual, I dreamed of that woman again, the woman I can't see what she looks like.
I got up and looked at the calendar in my room, July 12, 2017, 6 months ago. I wonder why I only dream of her every six months? that’s weird.
I heard mama's loud voice from outside.
'COMING!' I shouted back.
'Nial Alcantara'
I stopped walking down the school corridor when someone spoke behind me. I slowly turn around and scratch my head when I saw that our head teacher is in front of me, shit!
'You are late, AGAIN.' He raised an eyebrow.
'Sorry ma'am' I apologized with a guilty look.
That's all I said while my teacher is looking at me badly. I’m always late because of that dream.

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