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chpt 7

The same dark figure patronized the air, when suddenly he landed and walks into a small town, the environment was looking rough and the figure kept going until he reached his final destination.
He knocks on the door.
“ who the hell are you, what are you doing here ”.
“ my master seek for your presence ”, and he walks up to Blex and apprehended him.
“ do you know who i am , if you do you wouldn't have come over here ”.
At Gacrio's place.
“so now what's gonna happen to Nasak now ”.
“ i think we have to tell him....... ”.
” about Sralee ”.
And as they mentioned those words Nasak walked into the scene.
“ huh ”.
“ Nasak there is something we need to tell you ”.
“ there was once a clan called the dragon clan, in that clan there was a dragon spirit sealed in the clan called, Sralee ”.
( Is it about the dragon spirit i saw ).
“ Sralee possessed your father and you father committed suicide to save his clan, he transplanted the spirit inside of a new vessel after preparing several rituals the vessel was ready to hold Sralee and that vessel was you Nasak, you are the only survival burn of your father blood from the clan ”.
“ Saris was suppose to train you but now he's been kidnapped, i think i have to train you myself ”.
“......”, ( i can't wait to see how this goes ).
‡ At Blex's place ‡.
Blex and the figure were still outside observing their conversation.
“ I don't remember meeting you or even creating you neither destroying you ”, he puts his hands on his head, “ this your master is a real headache don't you think ”.
Blex walks out on the figure, but the figure held his arm.
“ come with me or you die ”.
” tch ”, ( this guy is a real headache, i wish i could just waste him ).
‡ at Fang's hideout ‡
Fang was seated on a chair while Kiro was Chained up and Fang was the one holding the chain.
“ am getting tired of this body, i can't shift back ”, { in a deep tone accompanied with a deadly look on his face }.
“ it's because of what my monks did, and i won't tell you what it was ”, and Fang said to himself ” what is keeping him from recruiting Blex ”.
“ this village has changed over the past years ”.
“ so you've noticed ”.
“ i will love to kill someone, but it seems am your play pet so am practically useless ”.
“ don't worry you will have enough time for that, just lend me your powers first ”.
“ for what ”.
“ stop asking questions, just shut up ”, { in a high tone }.
‡ at the Tiger clan ‡.
Kara was wearing her sparing clothes when Saris mistakenly enters the room, almost see her naked.
“ ooh, am sorry ”, { he says it in a worried tone }, he walks out from the room and stayed outside the door.
Kara had a surprise look on her face.
“ don't worry you can come in now ”.
And Saris refused to enter the room.
“ no don't worry about that”, and he turns his face away from the door, while she walks out from the room, Saris sensed something different, he sighs as he gazed on her.
“ you're beautiful”,{he starts stammering at this point }, “i mean you're looking fabulous”, and she smiles at him.
“wish me good luck”.
“today am facing off against my brother, am gonna prove it to my parents that am better than him once i defeat him”, she walks out on Saris.
(Something smells fishy here, and am gonna get in the middle of it), he said to himself with a suspicious look on his face.
As Kara enters the arena, Bikin was positioned to fight while Kara stretched her leg backwards and faces Bikin, the arena was crowded with people Saris was at the back of the arena, he could merely sight them inside the arena.
While behind Saris were some men dressed on armor and they were discussing about something.
Man 1;
“you remember what he said about her, that during the break we should take her out”, and as Saris heard that he went closer to them.
Man 2;
“yes, i know we have to kill Kara, his sister that was the mission assigned to us, then after that we can take out her new boyfriend”, Saris thought to himself “so they think am her boyfriend, so pathetic, but i have to protect her”, he runs out from them and as he was about leaving he saw the same amor those men were wearing on top a shelf and Saris said out loud “let me steal you for a second”, while outside on the arena, Kara spits out blood from her mouth she struggles to gain balance while been tossed around, she hits her back on a wall in the arena, *bone breaking sounds*,“arrgh”, Kara screamed out in pain, Bikin ran towards her in high speed, raising up his sword to strike her, as she looks up to the sky in a sadistic way, “is this how am gonna die”, his sword slowly gets to it's destination, when suddenly Kara heard a voice saying to her,“get up and fight this is not how you were destine to die” and suddenly Kara uses her hand to block his strike, he forces the sword to her eyes but Kara pushed him off.
“it isn't my time to die yet”, Kara said to Bikin in a dramatic tone and suddenly the atmosphere changed when Bikin drew the sword away from himself and replied Kara,“only gods determine who dies and who stay alive at this point”, his voice was set on a high peak “you die Kara”, and he dashed towards her Kara eyes were opened in fear.
While, Saris is still inside of the arena, looking for the gate that leads directly into the arena, when suddenly on of the guards summons Saris, “hey, you get over here it's almost time for us to execute our plan”, and Saris went to them, suddenly the game was called to a half time and Kara and Bikin entered through separate tunnels and Kara was seated on a bench, cleaning her face when suddenly, one of the guards behind her rose up his sword to attack Kara, Kara could tell through the shadow movement, she rose up her head and sighted the guard when suddenly the guard diverted his sword and strikes the other guards down, and this figure walks up to Kara, in fear she moves back and sighs heavily.
Kara said to the figure,“please spare my life”, and when the figure got closer to her, he uses the sword to support himself as he bends down and grin at Kara, then he said to her,“nah, am not in the mood to kill”, and he removed the mask from his face and Kara realized that it was Saris, she ran towards him and braces him, “why did you scare me like that”, she said to Saris with tear dripping on her cheeks and Saris said to her,“its your brother, he wants to murder you, but don't let him sense you scared, cause am gonna be here watching over you, just go out there and show us what you can do”, and Kara nods at Saris and entered into the arena, as Bikin sights her he was lost in thoughts and said to himself,“i told them to take care of her, it seems i have to do the hard work here myself”, he unsheathed his sword and stands on his knees as Kara closed her eyes and said to herself,“forgive me father, forgive me mother as am about to commit myself into the hands of the tigers claw”, she dashed into Bikin, as they clashed into each other, in slow motion Kara drew out a dagger she used to make a small cut down his eyes, Bikin withdraws himself from her, she went onward again using her fist to strike him on his ribs, *ribs breaking sounds*, “arrgh”, Bikin lamented out loud, spilling out saliva from his mouth, he was thrown down and tries to support himself up with his arm lying down on the ground, then Kara walked up to Bikin and said to him,“why did you choose this path, and Bikin smirked at her and replied her in a deep tone, “wish you knew what i have done for power”, at this point his voice became loud,“you wouldn't have said this trash to me, no come at him with everything you got”, and Kara threw her dagger down, gazing at the ground, she walks out on Bikin, seeing her actions the audience applause her as she walks out of the scene and Bikin screamed out loud,“come back here, i see you all don't know the through meaning of power”, as she walks into the tunnel Saris stared at her and said to herself,“you are a through definition of a warrior” and she smiled at Saris.
† later that day †.
Kara was bandaging her wounds and Saris massages her bruises.
“why would he seek my life”, Kara said to herself out loud and Saris replied her,“because of power, power makes the ones close to you go insane”, he said looking away from her, she stared at his back view and placed her hand on his shoulder, Saris sighs, and she said to him, “someone once today me never to look away from what is true, and i will carry those words in my heart and protect my own people from evil”, and Saris smiled looking at back at her.
At Bikin's chamber.
Bikin was walking to and fro, thinking of how he was easily defeated by Kara, he stops at a certain point and said to himself,“i will show her the definition of power”, he laughs out in a mischievous way.
‡ at Fang's hideout ‡.
The figure brought in Blex to fang, and Blex tried resist, and suddenly Blex heard a loud footstep coming towards his direction, he tries looking into the darkness to sight the figure, it got to a point when the figure emerged from the darkness and he could tell it was Fang, “how come you're still alive”, Blex said to Fang, and Fang replied his question,“i have achieved a gift beyond you abilities”, and Blex questioned his answer,“then why do you seek me”,and Fang replied him,“i have something we all want in common”, and kiro came out from the shadows, using his long tongue to lick his lips,“kiro”, Blex said to himself while been shocked with fear, and he asked fang a question,“i thought Venom died, how come kiro is till alive, once the host dies it spiritual animal dies with him”, and Fang said to Blex,“i transplanted kiro inside of his brother String, and i sort of killed Venom after the transplant to hide my tracks”, and Blex said to him, “you sick bastard”, and Fang laughs out loud and stared at the figure in the darkness and said to Blex, “i seems you've met my blood, my own creation”, and Blex said to Fang,“you don't mean” and fang replied him,“yes my son”, and slowly the scene faded.
† at Gacrio's place †.
Gacrio and Nasak were both having a conversation.
“don't be afraid to accept who you really are, you course sometimes ends up been your gift”, Gacrio said to Nasak with a wide smile on his face, and Nasak replied him saying,“i wanna be known all over the nations to be a strong warrior, because of what you just said am breaking through the top”, Gacrio smiled at Nasak and said to himself,“some day i believe you will even be great than your parents”, while behind them was Erik and Susan listening to their conversations,“Gacrio is rubbing his influence on Nasak”, and Susan stared at him and said to him,“i think is high time we go search for Saris” and Erik replied her“i think his doing alright where ever he is” he looks up to the sky.

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    Ericson Indico



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    Norayah D. Hadji Abdulhalim



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    ChavezClaire Ann

    very good


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