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I was drowsy when I stepped out of my soft bed. If my cellphone hadn't just rang because I set an alarm in my 2-drawer dresser next to the bed, I wouldn't have woken up. I had to hear it three more times before I was fully awake.
I was still drowsy after sleeping for 9 hours.
I immediately went to my room's bathroom and showered. My uniform was ready, so I quickly dressed and examined myself in the full-length mirror in front of my bed. I also curled the tips of my naturally curly hair. I also use light make-up to enhance my natural beauty.
I was holding onto my mobile phone before going. I read the flood of messages from the men with whom I flirted last week.
Why are they still contacting me after I've already ghosted them?
"Why should I feel guilty?" I asked after turning off my phone. "I know they'll ghost me too; I was just doing it early."
Because our school uniform had no pockets, I put it in my backpack. The gray high waist pleated skirt is slightly above the knee and has a yellow ribbon tie. We will be identified as Accountancy students by the yellow ribbon tie. Depending on the course you are on, the color of the ribbon tie on our uniform will change.
I didn't stay long in the room. I went downstairs to have breakfast. Earlier my stomach was rumbling, I was really hungry.
"Brittany, I already told you about Uncle Dante's condition, right?" Dad asked in the middle of our breakfast.
I remembered what happened yesterday and my eyes widened again. To this day, I still can’t believe it!
That man I saw in that Engineering building was my new driver!
"But Dad," I confirm, "Is he really going to be my driver?"
"Caleb and I have already discussed it; he is temporarily your driver for the time being; once I find a qualified and trustworthy driver, Caleb will leave as well."
I'm upset. What a waste. I thought, it's a lifetime!
"Uncle Dante can no longer serve us; he has given us 15 years of service, and he now deserves to rest."
I realized how lucky we are for having Uncle Dante for 15 years as our family driver. He is very dedicated to his work and we really trust him because of his loyalty to our family. I was only 5 years old when he was hired as our driver and until now that I am 20 years old, he did not quit his job. But they are also getting older and he was recently rushed to the hospital because of a mild stroke. He is in their house now and is currently recovering.
"Uncle Dante just asked his eldest son to be your temporary driver while I have not been able to find a replacement for him."
Caleb is Uncle Dante's eldest son? If so, he is also what Uncle Dante used to tell me. Every day he tells me stories about his two sons.
I feel like I know Caleb very well.
I will miss Uncle Dante, for sure. But I would still prefer him to rest now and recover immediately. I will only visit him every weekend.
"Okay. I need to go." Dad drank his tea first before standing up.
He walked over to me to hug me. "Bye, Dad."
"Caleb will be here in about 10 minutes to pick you up; be kind to him, okay?"
I nodded.
I'm nice and friendly, so I'm the one who should ask Caleb to be kind to me, especially because I'm the one he can marry.
I'm not sure why, but I like Caleb despite the fact that I only met him yesterday.
I want him.
I knew he was the one because of the sign I asked for. Another is that he is Uncle Dante's son. See? It's impossible that it's just a coincidence, especially given how small the world is. Destiny, I believe, created the path for us to get closer to each other.
Aunt Elisha remarked, "Bri, Caleb is waiting for you outside."
I immediately stood up and asked Aunt Elisha. "Man, do I look okay? What about my face? Do you think it's okay without light make-up?" I hesitantly questioned.
It was only on this day that I had to care about my look. I wasn't always like this. It's fine with me as long as I know I look presentable.
"Oh, iha, you're so lovely even without make-up; you're as lovely as your mommy Roshan."
When I heard my mother's name, I pouted. When my late mother's name is mentioned, I become emotional. Mommy passed away ten years ago due to breast cancer. I soften when it comes to Mommy.
I miss her terribly.
"You're teasing me again, Aunt!" I exclaimed, smiling. "Let me have some milk tea and pizza when I get home!"
"You even bribed me, you kid!" Aunt Elisha chuckled. "However," she added, "I like that."
My second mother was Aunt Elisha. She is in her sixties and has been with us for many years. She never married during their service. She devoted his entire attention to taking care of Mom at the time, and they continue to do so now.
We were quite lucky with them. They are extremely devoted to us, and that is the only thing worth flexing.
"You need to hurry because you might be late." Aunt Elisha reached for my bag. She accompanied me to walk to the door. "By the way, Dante's Son is a handsome young man," she added.
I turned to Aunt Elisha. "I'm not against it, Aunt!"
"I thought so, you like him, right?" She poked my waist which made me laugh. "That's why you asked me earlier if you look good just because there's a handsome man waiting for you outside. Is he your crush?"
I couldn't stop laughing at what Aunt Elisha said. Imagine, she’s in her 60’s and I’m being asked now if I have a crush on Caleb.
"Do you think, Aunt, he'll like me?"
"Of course! My baby is smart and beautiful," she proudly replied. "Let me search in youtube for how to crushback and then I'll tell you."
"Aunt!" I gently slapped his shoulder. "You're using your cell phone too much!"
Aunt Elisha is also soaked in social media. Dad bought a phone for each of our maids so that they could have some fun during the break and they didn't have a problem with a stable internet connection because Dad installed Wi-Fi just for them.
"Hey, I know you like that too. Just don't add Caleb to your collection. He looks like he's a nice kid."
Aunt Elisha is updated about my love life and on ignoring those men who like me. I feel comfortable talking to her because we seem to be the same age every time we gossip. She's not just in favor of my ghosting thingy because like Keziah, Aunt Elisha also says that what I'm doing might come back to haunt me. I just improve my prayer routine so that karma doesn't come back to me.
I am open to Aunt Elisha compared to my Daddy. Dad was so strict to the point that he didn't want me to have a boyfriend. He was very over protective of me. Well, I understand him because I'm only a child.
"All right, you need to hurry. Be good at flirting with your crush!" She's still cheering for me.
I said goodbye to Aunt Elisha and immediately went straight to the car that was waiting for me.
I also waited for a few seconds outside the front seat, hoping he would open the door for me but I waited for nothing. That's why I opened it myself to get inside.
He just looked straight ahead. He seemed impatient to wait for me.
"Let's go?" I asked him.
He didn't answer. Instead, he started the engine.
A few minutes passed, but he still did not speak. He seemed to have no intention of talking to me.
I couldn’t bear that only my breathing could be heard. Very quiet, it dries saliva. So I think that we can make his course as our topic.
"You're an Engineering student, aren't you?"
"You're an Engineering student, aren't you?" I started the conversation.
He sarcastically responded with the same question, "Isn't it obvious?"
Why is he being so irritating?
I cast a glance at him. He only concentrates on driving. While driving, his expression was serious. I couldn't help but admire his greek god face, even though I can only see his side.
That chiseled jawline, oh my!
As he moved his head softly, I averted my gaze. I gulped and returned my attention to the road front of us.
"Why did I only see you at the University yesterday?"
I'm in my third year of college, and I've almost memorized the master list of Engineering students in those three years. I recognize them by face, so I'm not sure why I failed to notice the name of this Caleb when I was looking for Engineering students to date.
"Transferee," he said sparingly.
To avoid interrupting our chat, I inquired again, "Oh, I see. When did you transfer?"
"Last Monday."
Is there a limit to how many words he can use? He merely responds with a few words.
Will he ask about me? So that we can talk about it more and arouse his interest.
"You know what... When I was younger, I also wanted to be a future engineer, but when it was raining talent on drawing, I fell asleep."
That was my ultimate course then. But no matter what I do to practice drawing, I still can’t learn. So I went into the Accountancy program.
I turned to him and his face was still serious.
"But it's okay that I didn't pursue the Engineering course. I'm just going to marry an Engineer!" I said laughing at the same time.
I said before that if I am not lucky enough to be an Engineer someday, I will just marry an Engineer.
He still remained silent. I stopped laughing because it was awkward. I was the only one who laughed. He didn't even react!
What the heck! He is a killjoy!
I sneezed. "What about you? If you choose a wife..." I paused for a moment before I continued. I gulped. "Why not me?"
And there, he stared at me. I just want to be a turtle so that I can hide in my own house in great shame.
"Joke!" I exclaimed nervously.
I'm dripping with sweat. I think I flirt too fast.
Wrong move, Bri. Even though it's true, he could think I'm easy to get.
I'm bored but I'm not easy to get.
But if he is the only one I will answer? Definitely! Sure! I mean, why not?
Until we arrived at the University, I didn't say anything else. We just gave the guard our identification card and he instantly let us in to park the car.
The parking lot in front of the Engineering building is full so I suggested that we just go to our department building. There was still vacant space there and after being able to park, we went out together.
I didn't expect some of my classmates to be sitting on the bench near where we parked.
"Omg! He's handsome, sis!" I heard one of my classmates, Jann, scream.
We grabbed the attention of them all. "Seriously, Bri? How to be you?" Xaela shouted.
"Is he your next target in ghosting?" Wendy, another classmate of mine, dumped me.
I stared at them all for a reason to keep quiet. It's good because they know what I want them to do.
"Oh, wait-" I didn't realize that Keziah and Reign were already close to us. "I think, we know you," they said to Caleb.
"How?" Reign asked me, still glaring at me.
Reign asks me how I immediately met the man I only saw yesterday.
Will my friends ever change? They couldn’t even wait for us to go to the classroom to ask questions.
Really? In front of Caleb, really?
"What's his name, Bri?"
When I looked at her, I saw Liane. One of my classmates could no longer stop us from approaching us. I think he even planned to take Caleb from me.
"Why should I tell you?" I rolled my eyes.
"Cause I think I have a crush on him," he replied shamelessly.
This Liane is bothering me!
I have a crush on Caleb and he has no right to like him either. We can't have the same crush!
"Excuse me?" I looked at her badly. "Can you respect me as his fiance?”.
I just had a crush on Caleb, but someone was stealing him from me!

Comentário do Livro (243)

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    Capiz Nezel

    I like this story very much


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