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  Chloe helped Juliet to set up her closet. She even took some of her old clothes. By the time they were done, Juliet was tired.
  Later, she took her laptop and checked her profile, she sighed bitterly when she saw no reply. She suddenly heard a knock on her door. She thought it was Chloe, so she opened the door but quickly pulled it back but the person held the door knob strongly.
  Luke was surprised by Juliet's reaction.
  "What's your problem?" he gave a quizzical look.
"And what are you doing here?" she returned pulling the door knob but Luke still held tight.
  "I'm here to help you." he sighed.
  Juliet looked at him in bewilderment. "Help with what?"
  "I told you I'll help you look for your mother right?" he reminded her. He said that quickly the other day but after thinking it over, he thought he should uphold his statement.
  Juliet loosened her grip but still looked at him warily. Seeing her reaction, luke smiled wryly. It seems this girl hated him that she was wary of him.
"I'm serious this time. Unless you don't want to look for your mum." he stared at her.
  Juliet taught of her predicament and walked into her room. He understood her meaning and followed closing the door behind him.
  It was awkward because only the two of them were in the room.
  Juliet shook her head and pointed at a side table. He didn't stand at ceremony and sat at the table. She brought the laptop to him and showed him the post.
  After checking Juliet's profile, Luke raised his head and looked at her pretty yet emotionless face. She put the strand of her hair behind her ear and stared back at him.
  "You think you'll find someone with this approach? You think you're so popular that everyone will notice your post. You're so delusional ." he scolded her.
  Juliet just stared at him with widened eyes.
  "Don't look at me like that, I'm just saying the truth." he shrugged.
  Juliet calmed the urge to strangle this guy and asked calmly, "what should I do  then?"
  "Easy. There is an app that is specifically for that." he went back to the screen and searched for an app. He downloaded the app 'Reunion ' and entered it.
  "We'll create a profile for you. Do you have pictures and anything related to your childhood.", he asked.
  Juliet nodded and showed him some of her childhood photos. Immediately Luke started laughing which infuriated her.
  "You think this is time to joke!" Juliet shouted at him.
  "Will you stop me if I see something funny not to laugh?" he rolled his eyes and chuckled. He hadn't laughed so hard for a while.
"Stop laughing! " Juliet pointed at him angrily.
  "Okay okay, I'll stop", Luke waved his hand and exhaled. He posted the pictures. "Is there anything specific you have to remind her of you?", he asked.
Juliet nodded and opened her drawer. She took out a locket and gave it to him.
  "My mother left before I was six. This is the only thing she left for me. My dad said she wanted to have a free life and work independently. So.......she abandoned me." she said sadly.
  Luke's expression changed as he gazed at the pitiful girl, surprisingly her mother left her, but she still wanted to find her.
  "Did she say where she was going?" he asked. His tone was gentle now.
  "There is a possibility she's still in China,"  she said.
  He took the picture of the locket and posted it too. They also added the number for contact.
  They added her mother's name and description.
  "If there's anybody that fits your description, they'll send some info about her, then we'll contact her. Rest assured, it won't take long," he said and stood up.
  Juliet lowered her head. She didn't know how to thank him.
  "Aren't you going to say thank you?" he smirked jokingly.
  "You chose to help me."  she scoffed rolling her eyes.
Luke shook his head and walked to the door. Juliet smiled secretly and followed him. As he reached to open the door, they heard a knock on the door.
  Their round eyes became rounder. The room was awkwardly silent.
  "Juliet!" They heard Chloe call out. They exchanged looks and Luke shook his head. Juliet pulled his arm and placed him behind the door.
  She opened the door, halfway and smiled at Chloe. She yawned pretending to be sleepy.
  "Sorry for disturbing you, have you seen Luke?"  Chloe scratched her head embarrassingly and asked.
  Juliet forced a smile and shook her head. "I haven't seen him."
  "I know! That dung-head brother of mine left his phone in his room and Mr. Wang has been calling. We'll be going to check on the plantation next week. They need to talk seriously and that idiot is nowhere to be found. But don't worry, I don't even know why I'm asking you. But anyway, you can rest now. I know you've been tired."  she spoke unceasingly.
  "Okay, good night. " Juliet nodded.
  Chloe walked away but turned around abruptly. "Don't think about that block face okay?" she laughed and walked away.
  Juliet closed the door with a phew. Luke who was behind the door had his face twitching with that short conversation.
  "You two insult me like that all the time?" he looked at her intently.
  "What did you expect?" she snorted.
  He curled his lips and opened the door again. He gazed around and left for his room.
  Juliet also went back to her table looking at her laptop.
  "Thank you," she whispered.
This should be an improvement .💖💖💖
  Get ready for more bonding!😘
  Mr. Li, you can't keep refusing me like this. Can you?" Mr. Shi smiled knowingly.
"Chen Zi is my friend and I can't betray him."
"If I remember correctly, you two aren't that close."
" sigh. What do you want?"
"You know what I want. I can't stand that man. He trusts his son so much to take care of his new business. You two might seem like you are training your kids, but I know that this is important to you. If this can be destroyed, then Chen Zi will crumble alongside it. I want to destroy it from the inside out. I know your daughter is going to work there....."
"Don't get my daughter involved. I can agree to your condition but as long as my daughter is not in it!"
"I know you will rather die than agree. But don't worry. Compare to your child, my daughter is more experienced in this. What you need to do is just get her to join no matter what. Convince Chen zi to let her take part. "
"What are you planning to do?"
"Why should I tell you? Just wait and see and if you dare rat me out, you know who made you. And your daughter won't  be spared either."
Mr. Li took a deep breath and looked down as he clenched his fists.
Mr. Shi was unperturbed as he stood up.
"That should be it. Mr. Li, thanks for your cooperation. "
He smiled and walked out of the building.
"Cheng Zi! I don't just want to destroy your business but your family too.  You first took away my fame, then my wife. I will make sure you fall from that great height and break like a porcelain bottle. Your wife's death was just an appetizer. I will destroy your family from the inside out, just you wait!"

Comentário do Livro (389)

  • avatar
    Leonel Rubia

    I love this story 😻


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    Arthur Henrique



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    Ionuț Jhgdgjjcd Medeleanu



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