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Chapter six

Narrator's POV
What Charlie didn't know was that every single person stared at her with creepy smiles on their faces as she ran past.
' Shit! Shit! Shit! I don't get it, how am I able to see those monsters? If this is one of your tricks, please stop it' Charlie thought.
' *laughs maniacally* it's not my doing, those people aren't humans, they were never humans' it replied, ' asshole! You should have just told me earlier that this city was a monster infested city' Charlie mentally yelled.
' Now, where's the fun in that ?' it replied. Charlie, who wasn't looking forward while she ran, bumped into someone.
“ Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't see you there” the person said, he turned to face Charlie, to Charlie's surprise it was officer Jones and officer Jason was with him.
' Can you see me?' a voice echoed in Charlie's head as she stared at officer Jason, who gave her a creepy grin.
“ Are you ok? You look paler than I last saw you” Officer Jones said' for some reason officer Jones looks normal' Charlie thought as she stared at Officer Jones.
' You can see me, right? .' the voice said. (A/N This isn't Charlie's monster, it's Officer Jason's monster)
“ Sh*t ” Charlie cursed, quickly stood up on her feet and ran away.
' That man is a psycho,' Charlie thought. Charlie finally arrived at her house. At the entrance, she saw Chester standing there with a dissatisfied look on his face.
“ *Pants heavily* move out of the way, I need to get some rest” Charlie said.
“ Charlie, you've been acting strange, today's stunt was the strangest of all. What's wrong with you? ” Chester said. ' Should I just kill him? His questions are annoying, aren't they?' her inner consciousness spoke.
“ Nothing is wrong, stop asking me weird questions” Charlie replied, when she was about to walk past him, Chester grabbed her hand.
“ Charlie you ” Chester started, but he was interrupted by Charlie.
“ I TOLD YOU, I'M FINE!” Charlie snapped, her eyes turned white with black veins visible from her neck to her cheeks.
' What the hell! What did I just see? ' Chester mentally screamed.
“ What's wrong with your eyes, Charlie? Why…? ” Chester asked, he looked quite terrified.
“ This Isn't Charlie, ” Charlie's inner consciousness spoke.
“ Fuck! Shut the hell up and leave my body alone, you didn't have to reveal yourself, ” Charlie herself spoke.
“ But he was asking too many questions. I thought I would help you shut him up by killing him,” It said.
“ Leave my body now,” Charlie said.
“ Fine” it said as it left Charlie.
“ *Pants heavily* Do you really want to know what is wrong with me? I don't think you should know. What you've just seen is the only explanation I can give you so don't ask me about it anymore” Charlie said as her nose began to bleed again. Charlie lost consciousness, fell forward and landed on Chester's chest.
“ What the hell is going on here? ” Chester mumbled to himself.
Chester carried Charlie to her room and placed her on her bed. He used a clean rag, he deepened into warm water and cleaned the blood from Charlie's nose bleed.
He waited for at least an hour for Charlie to wake up.
“ *Coughing* water ” Charlie said, Chester helped her sit up and gave her a glass of water.
“Thank you” Charlie said,' her body is so cold, and she's turning paler' Chester thought as he stared at Charlie.
“ What? Why are you staring at me like that?” Charlie asked.
“ Nothing, get some rest” Chester replied and left.
At the highway…
The driver finally came out of the bus, he decided to check the front of the bus, and he noticed that the front was destroyed like it got hit by a bulldozer.
“ So this is why the bus won't start” he mumbled to himself.
“ I don't think we can continue this field trip anymore” he announced, all the kids groaned with annoyance.
“ It will take days to fix this, ” the driver said.
“ It's ok Mr. Presley, we will find a place to stay ” the teacher, who was also in the bus said.
'We are in the middle of nowhere, I doubt we will find any city around here' Seon Hye thought.
“ Mrs. Harper, on the Google map, the only city around here is Holm, ” Kayla said. ' Oh look at that, there's actually a city around here. That's a bit odd, though,' Seon Hye thought.
“ Well then we will lodge in a hotel there, come on kids” Mrs. Harper said as she walked out of the bus while the kids followed behind, Except for Owen, Maddie noticed Owen was staring at something and decided to get his attention.
“ Owen, what are you staring at? ” She asked.
“ I don't think we should go, let's just go back” Owen stuttered.
“ What's wrong?” She asked with a confused expression on her face.
“ I sighted something ominous in the bushes ” Owen said, this made Maddie chuckled .
" Are you trying to scare me? Come one scaredy pants let's go ” Maddie said as she was about to grab Owen, but he stopped her.
“ Let me put on my bag first” Owen said as he took his school backpack and gestured for Maddie to move forward. ' Chicken' Maddie thought as she walked out and Owen followed.
Time: 12noon…
They all finally arrived at a hotel named Holm city hotel.
“ It seems this is the only hotel they have” Dante said. ' Which is weird' Seon Hye thought.
“ Well, let's go in, ” Mrs. Harper said.
Mrs. Harper could only afford four rooms,so they all had to stay in each room as a group. Kayla, Annie, Seon Hye, Owen, Dante, and Maddie
“ I don't understand why we are in the same room, ”Kayla yelled at Annie.
“ Ugh! It's not my fault” Annie replied, staring at her phone.
“ Ahh! No cell service here, ” Annie screamed.
“That's what you're worried about?” Maddie asked and Annie glared at her.
“ Argh! Why six of us in a room anyway?” Kayla asked.
“ It's only logical , we the students are twenty-three in number, if you add Mrs. Harper into the equation, that's twenty-four, and we only have four rooms so six each” Seon Hye replied, Kayla then threw a pillow at his face.
“ It was a rhetorical question, I didn't ask for a reply” Kayla yelled and Seon Hye rolled his eyes.
“ So for how long are we going to stay here?” Owen asked, staring down as he sat at the corner.
“ I'm not certain, it should take five days, I guess, that's how long it will take for Mr. Presley to get back.” Seon Hye replied.
“So I have to stay in this old, shabby hotel for five days? Even worse, with you guys and no cell service” Annie said.
“ Well I don't mind staying here” Dante said as he laid on the bed.
“ I'm tired, to get off the bed” Annie ordered and Dante ignored.
“ Are you deaf ? I said get out” Annie yelled
“I'm also exhausted, and I laid on this bed first so ” Dante replied.
“Argh! Get off” Annie groaned as she tried pulling Dante off the bed.
“ That's enough, we will all share this bed whether you all like it or not” Kayla yelled.
“ Nah, I'll pass ” Maddie said
“ Same ” the rest of them said.
“ So, where do you all want to sleep?” Kayla asked.
“ I will sleep on the floor, ” Seon Hye replied.
“ I had rather not sleep in this room, ” Maddie added.
“ I will sleep on the floor too ” Kayla said.
“ It's either you sleep with me or you sleep on the floor or…” Dante said, but Annie shut him up and laid beside him.
“ Ugh! It's just 12 noon ” Kayla said, checking her phone.
“ This is awkward/annoying, I can't sleep” Both Dante and Annie said.
“ I'm going out for a walk ” Maddie said walking out of the room.
" I'm coming with you , I need to get at least a bar, " Annie said as she sprang up from the bed and followed Maddie.
“ Well I will just try my very best to get some rest” Dante said, making himself comfortable on the bed.
Few hours later…
Owen, as usual, was looking out the window and that's when he noticed that the sun had been completely blocked and everywhere suddenly became dark.
' What the hell? A solar eclipse, but that's not supposed to happen this year' he thought.

Comentário do Livro (337)

  • avatar

    Very interesting


  • avatar
    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


  • avatar
    Joyce Da Silva



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