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Hours later.
The Sun was already going down which implies that it was already evening, My Wall clock says that it's 7:30 pm.
   I suddenly started to wonder why the so-called groom wants to see me in the evening, Can't he see me in the evening?
Well, I'll find out soon, I guess.
But wait, don't tell me that he's going to come and see me in my room?
What if?
With all these thoughts running through my mind, I suddenly felt like I was going crazy.
You can't blame me though because anyone in my position would do too.
A knock at the door Interrupted my thoughts and immediately I opened the door, I came face to face with the old geezer.
I was completely rooted to the spot at that moment.
' What the Heck! '
Can't they inform me, beforehand that he's coming to my room, and most importantly why does he have to come to my room?
Can't we meet outside?
" Em, Good Evening, Sir. " I greeted going on my knees immediately.
" Good evening to you too. " He replied Simply.
    I stood up slowly from my kneeling position and that's when I noticed his features, The man in front of me is indeed an old geezer with a Wrinkled and Pale face, His skin was tanned and He was almost bald, He was about 170cm tall, The veins on his Skin was very Obvious as it looked hideous.
    His eyes were a little Sunken, His face was full of beard, it looked like he hadn't shaved for years.
In a nutnutshellhe man in front of me indeed looked like an old geezer.
" Why are you staring at me like that? , Where are your manners? , Didn't your wretched mother teach you how to behave in front of your future husband? " His angry voice pierced through my ears.
I involuntarily took a step backward, I was indeed Frightened.
" Am... Sorry, Sir. "  I mumbled
"  Whatever, won't you usher me in? " He asked in a harsh tone.
" Of course, I am sorry. " I quickly replied as I made way for him and soon he was in My Bedroom!
He took a seat on my bed, it felt like he owned the place, I suddenly felt disgusted.
Not only is a man inside my comfort place, he's not even a young one but an old one who's my father's age mate.
' What the heck! ' I let out inwardly for the second time that day.
While I was in deep thoughts.
" Come here. " He said in an authoritative tone.
Though unwilling I went closer to him and sat beside him on the bed.
He was about to speak but got Interrupted by a knock on the door which was followed by Footsteps, it was my mom, she walked into the room with a large tray of food and Water.
" I am sorry for interrupting, I brought your food, Sir. " My mom said, she was a little Frightened.
" Okay, you can place it over there. " He said Pointing towards my small study table.
" Alright. " My mom replied as she did as she was told.
She Left immediately after she had dropped the food but before that, she gave me a Smug Smile.
Her eyes were saying something like << Serves you right, Malisa, I thought you claimed that you'll only Allow someone you like to enter your comfort space, what happened to all your bluffing? , Tch, I pity you. >>
I just ignored her as I was aware that there were more pressing things to do.
   " What's going on in your Mind, Malisa?? " He inquired raising his voice on me.
I shivered in fright from his tone, I didn't realize that he had already shifted closer to me until I felt his hands Grabbing my cheeks Viciously.
   " I... " I couldn't find the words to Say.
" Answer me! "
" No... thing. " I replied quickly.
" Good, good, you are going to be my wife in Just 6days so I hope you are well prepared for it. "
" Yes... "
" Better, and Don't even think of escaping because you'll regret it, your fate has already been sealed Malisa! You'll be my wife soon and that's final! You'll become my puppet soon, you'll have to listen to me and only me, go it? "
" Yes, yes. " I replied, I suddenly started to feel very uncomfortable, as his breath was fanning all over me, I felt disgusted by the smell of Tobacco coming from his mouth.
The side of my Cheeks where he was grabbing harshly was starting to hurt.
I felt miserable.
' Please Let go of me. ' I begged inwardly, I didn't dare speak out as I wasn't prepared to annoy him.
What if he decides to get married to me today? , I was well aware that if he decides to, I wouldn't be able to do anything and would only have to obey.
As if hearing my pleas, he finally let go of my cheeks.
' ugh. ' I sighed.
" By the way, I heard from your mother that you are a good cook, is that true. "
" Yes. " I replied simply.
" Good, You'll be the Cook of the house after marriage. " He said thoughtfully.
'?????  Am I a slave? ' I thought inwardly.
" No problem. " I replied
" It seems like you are the obedient time, I love it, I hope you continue to remain this way after marriage, I'll be happy if you'll submit in bed without being forced, it's for your good anyway. " He continued.
I couldn't find words to say, what can I say to an old geezer who is almost Three times my age.
" Hm. " I nodded simply.
" Since your mother brought food for me then I guess I have to eat it no? "
" Yes. " I replied as I went towards the study table and brought the orange tray with food from it after which I placed it on the stool.
All this while, I could feel the old geezer burning gaze on me which made me very uncomfortable.
He was looking at me like a predator does his Prey.
I even caught him leaking his lips, thankfully there's a rule in place that A groom must not be intimate with his future bride before their wedding night.
For the first time, I felt thankful that there's a rule like that, or I wondered what would happen.
After I served him the food.
He washed his hands and started eating, there was eerie silence between us as each of us where deep in our thoughts.
The old geezer left my room an hour ago, thankfully he didn't do anything out of ordinary, or I won't know what to do.
   At the dinner table.
" I hope you didn't do anything to upset Mr. Ronaldo? " My dad inquired.
' As if I'll dare to do that. '
" I didn't. "
" Good, at least you still have common sense. " Cyril who was quiet commented.
  " I hope you have bought all the items for the marriage and circumcision? " My Dad asked my mom.
" I have, My Lord. " My mom replied as Respectfully as she can be.
" That's good and you, Malisa, you must not leave your room till your circumcision. " My Dad Reminded.
" Alright, Dad. "
" Why are you suddenly so obedient? , It's so unlike you, Don't Tell me that you are plotting something. "
' As if I was ever Disobedient. '
" She wouldn't dare to, Her fate has already been sealed. " James Thoughtfully replied.
" Just make sure that you don't Do anything That will put our family to shame. " My Dad Said in a warning tone.
" Alright, I'll, Dad. "
" Let's eat. "  My Dad said and we complied.
Dinner was Egg fried rice and fish, though we lived in an uncivilized area as I would call it, we always eat healthily, we also made sure to avoid junk food.
We ate in complete silence.
I couldn't help but feel at a disadvantage.
My so-called family doesn't care about my feelings as all they care about is my marriage.
A question popped into my mind just then.
' What if I don't live till my Marriage day? , What would my parents do then?'
I am pretty sure that my father would be very sad, not because he cares about me or loves me but because my death will bring the deal between him and Ronaldo Jones to an end which he doesn't want.
And also he doesn't want to be on Ronaldo Jones's bad side.
Who would want that?
No one.
Ria one of my  ' Friends ' once told me that I am pretty lucky to be chosen by Him as he was wealthy.
' Lucky? ' I thought.
Well, I wouldn't blame her though as Most of the girls him my village got married to poor hunters and farmers but I was  ' Lucky ' to be chosen by a  ' Rich ' Farmer.
I wonder why he chose me, is it because of my beauty or what? But I am not even as beautiful as most of my mates.
I can remember  Sylvia one of our Neighbor's daughters who got married last year.
She could be tagged as a goddess as she was breathtaking.
Even as a fellow girl I couldn't help but stare at her in admiration whenever I see her.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a lesbian.
But despite her beauty and elegance, what happened to her?
Not only did she get married off like the rest to an old Geezer, but she also had a tragic end as she died months ago during childbirth.
' What a sad Ending. '
What would become of me now?
I don't want to get married to an old geezer but what can I do?
Do I even have a choice?
I don't.
I wish I did.
I wish I had a way out of this.
I wish, I had a support system.
I found myself Missing Princess Gabriella, gravely.
I could remember her comforting words.
<< Stay strong, Malisa, it's going to be okay, Don't ever lose hope, you have to keep fighting, Hon, Don't let anyone decide for you because this is your life! It's your life! You are supposed to be the driver and not the passenger! , Don't give in to oppression Malisa! , Don't ever wallow in self-pity! , Instead of Crying, fight! , You can do it! , Don't give in to fear! , The only thing you should be scared of is your inner beast and nothing else! >>
And then the last words she said to me before she left two years ago came to my mind.
<< Promise me, Malisa that you won't give up on your dreams. >>
<< I hope that when I come back in four years you won't be already Married off like the rest. >>
<< Take care of yourself, Malisa, I love you. >>
I started to feel a little emotional as I remember her words.
By now I was already in my Bedroom, my haven as I will call it.
" What should I do, Lord? " I mumbled as hot tears streamed down my face.
Suddenly I remembered the verse in the Bible which says.
<< I will lift eyes to the hills _ from when we come tomy help? >>
<< My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and Earth. >>
I suddenly felt comforted remembering this.
Then I remembered another verse from the Bible.
Which says.
<< Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. >>
I took a deep breath to relax.
I said a Quick Prayer of Request after which I went to my bathroom and washed off my tears with the running water.
' I hand over all my troubles to you O Lord and I  trust that you will solve them for me. '  I mumbled inwardly.
I went to sleep that night with a clear head, unlike the other nights that I cried myself to sleep.
I realized something.
* Crying can't solve anything, it will only make you feel miserable. *

Comentário do Livro (294)

  • avatar
    Milva Limbaga

    The story is nice


  • avatar
    Gilvana Vieira Sousa

    😍y Love you


  • avatar
    Ni Co Le

    cool tho


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