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Chapter Four
" You can have your seat on the sofa over there. " My Dad's voice Interrupted my thoughts.
I quickly stood up but due to the fact that I have been kneeling for about Twenty minutes or so my Knees felt numb so I enddd up stumbling a little but I was quick to regain my balance.
" Lazy girl. " I heard Cyril say.
I just ignored him, he doesn't deserve my time.
After Settling down on the Couch, I looked at my Dad's direction and saw that he had dropped the glass of Palm wine on the small glass table in front of him.
' Time to talk business. ' I thought.
" The reason why I summoned you here today is to inform you all that Malisa's Marriage has been brought Forward, she's now going to get married in Seven days time.
" What? " I squealed.
I felt my heart sink hearing my Dad's word, I felt my whole world Crashing down at that moment.
' 7 days? What will I do in seven days that I couldn't do in 17 years? , What will happen to me? My dreams? My aspirations in life? , Is this my fate? ' I sobbed inwardly but didn't dare to show it, I just putted up a blank Expression on the outside, the only thing I did was clench my fists tightly in Anger, it was so tight that I felt my Finger nails piercing through my palm.
Though the pain came but I didn't have time to think of that, pain is nothing compared to my shattered dreams.
" Why what? Why are you so Suprised? You are going to get married anyways so what's the need of Prolonging the day or don't tell me you are planning to escape? , Am sure that you wouldn't dare to as you know the consequences, am sure you remember Gloria? "
Of course I remember Gloria, she ran away a day to her marriage but what happened? She ended up being brutally raped to death by Some drunken men and that was her end, no one even bothered to bury her dead body not even her family, her Corpse was just carelessly thrown into the Bush for wild animals to feed on.
" She wouldn't dare to run away Dad, she's not as Brave as that. " James Said as if he knew me that well.
" Good, anyways you need to start preparing for it as you'll be married off Two days after your circumcision so you gotta be ready , go it? "
" Yes Dad. "
" Better.... And you " he Said referring to my Mom.
" Make Sure you get her A set of beautiful clothing for her marriage ceremony, make sure that they are top class, I don't want her Tarnishing my name because of her poor dressing. "
" Yes, Sir. " My mom replied bowing a little.
She's always a scaredy Cat when it comes to my Dad.
" Good, so you guys can leave now, go and start preparing for the big day and Malisa, Your Husband is coming over to see you tomorrow Evening, he claims that it's better you guys get to know each other better before marriage. "
' He's not my Husband! He's nothing but a Shameless old man who wants to marry a girl younger that his daughter! ' I thought inwardly.
" Alright , Dad, I'll he prepared, thanks for telling me this. " I replied as respectful as I can.
" Good, I know that you'll always listen to me, go to your room now and take a bath, Breakfast will be ready by the time you done with freshing up. " He said.
" Okay, Dad. " I nodded as I then walked away.
Anyone who heard my Dad last statement would think he cares alot about me but he doesn't, the truth is that, he wants me to be well fed and healthy so he'll be able to demand more money as diary from the groom's. Family.
He's treating me just like a woman Rearing a chicken, she buys the chicken and feeds it regularly not because she loves it but because she is aware that she'll earn a lot from it in future.
I went back to my Room and took a bath and changed my clothes as instructed.
I then went to the Dinning room to have my breakfast.
The meal was Jollof Rice and Fried Fish, it was tasty and delicious as always.
Though my mom can't be termed as the perfect mother but one thing I love about her is the fact that she knows how to cook delicious food, of course she'll know how to since she had been practicing how to since she turned Ten years old.
After Breakfast, I was about to go back to my room when I heard my ' Friends ' voice.
' what are they doing here now? ' I thought.
Since they are Three to four months younger than me, they still have more time before they get married off so they still have the privilege to move about as they like unlike me who has to remain locked up in my Home Everyday.
" Hello, Malisa. " One greeted Smiling brightly at me, she was wearing a wine coloured Long Dress.
Women and young girl putting on Trousers is completely forbidden in my viliage as they believe that it should be only Worn by Whores.
But I am sure that that's not the only reason why it's forbidden because well, Married women are not Permitted to wear panties indoors as it's believed that it's a kind of obstruction for men when they want to have sex with their woman.
It's believed that as long as a married woman is indoors she should be ready and prepared to have sex with her husband at any time and any where in the house
including the kitchen and Dining room as long a the kids are not present there.
Back to present.
" Hi , what brings you here? " I asked straight forwardly, I don't need to pretend since I am very well aware of the fact that the Trio don't like me.
" Don't be such a bore, Malisa, we heard about your marriage ceremony Being brought up so as your friends, it's our duty to get you ready and prepared for it, right? "
" Really? "
" Yes, that's what best friends are for, right? "
' Best friend my foot. ' I thought.
" Okay, if you say so, you can head in. " I said as I ushered them in after which I offered them water and they drank it quickly in a haste, it's very obvious that they raced here, the three of them are always competing with one another, they'll never change.
We then went into my Room and expected they started gossiping.
I don't know how I got myself this kind of friends who only Know how to gossip about other people all day like they have nothing important to do with their time.
" Aren't you listening, Malisa? " One asked when she realized that I wasn't.
" I am not. " I replied truthfully.
" Anyways, Have your mom bought the pain Reliever Medicine for you? " Kate inquired.
" Pain Reliever Medicine? Why would I need that? What will I use that for? " I asked Confused.
" Don't act dumb Malisa, I know you know what I mean. "
" But I honestly don't know. "
" Whatever, as you are aware, after your married ceremony is over you are going to be having your wedding night when you and your husband will consummate your marriage. "
" Oh, but what does that have to do with the Pain Reliever Medicine? " I asked.
" Well, since you are still a virgin, the first time a man penetrates you will be very painful so you have to use the Medicine to ease the pain. "
" Oh."
" And yes it'll be better if you learn how to massage your body yourself before your marriage. "
." Why? "
" Well, Your Husband wouldn't just go one round on your wedding night nor will he go one round each through out the first week of your marriage so you have to be well prepared. "
" Okay. "
" Btw, I have a question to ask you. "
" Ask away. " Kate replied quickly.
" What do you think about Getting circumcised? , Do you think it's a good idea? "
" Of course it's a good idea, you know when you are already circumcised you wouldn't have the urge to have sex so you'll be able to control yourself and not be at the risk of ' Turning on ' When you aren't supposed to. "
" Also, it prepares you for your marriage, it makes you feel like a grown up, you feel like a woman who is ready for marriage. "
" But there are effects of this act on women isn't it? "
" Of course, have you forgotten about the fact that everything that has an advantage also have a disadvantage but the effects of The circumcision are not that difficult to bear, that's part of being a woman, we have to bear the pain of it all. "
" Hm, thanks for telling me all this, thanks for the enlightenment . "
" You are welcome. "
Though my ' Friends ' can be selfish and bad at times they are not that bad, I just have to be very careful with them as they are the type of people that won't think twice before selling me off for money and jealousy.
Having them as friends is better than not having any friends at all in this village.
Wedding bells are ringing, would I really get circumcised and get married to an old man?
Continue reading the next chapters to find out.

Comentário do Livro (294)

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    Milva Limbaga

    The story is nice


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    Gilvana Vieira Sousa

    😍y Love you


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    Ni Co Le

    cool tho


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