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Capítulo 5 First Mission Together

Vienna's P.O.V.*
We drove to his place which is a good distance from the city proper where I live. He’s got a two story house with surprisingly a homie atmosphere. I admired the furnitures and the over all interior of the house as he led me to a room, intended for witchy purposes.
He took a bottle and motioned for me to sit down. I did as I looked around his room which is a lot like mine.
“I need you to take a new segun, for safety measures” he said as he opened the bottle.
“Yeah, I thought of that too, I have one actually.” I said as I crossed my fingers, placing it on my cheek right where my tattoo would be and I changed into a blond blue eyed, sexy lady. Or so I’d like to think. He smiled approvingly.
“That’s more like it. Here, take this, it has to work. And if things go wrong, I have a reverser here, don’t worry, I won’t harm you.” He stated as he handed me a green potion and holding up the familiar red one, which is the reverser. I took the bottle I’m about to take and looked at him.
“Have you done this before?” I asked, I mean I would greatly be calmed if he knows what he’s doing.
“No, I’ve never worked with a witch before.” Oh well, so much for wanting to be calm. I have to take the chance though. I placed it on my lips and drank every ounce of it. At first, nothing happened, but then my throat started to burn, like burn hot! I held my throat as I coughed, I looked at Gibson who approached me with a worried face. His lips moved but I can’t hear him. My vission turned blurry and I felt a hand touch my shoulder but I flinched away because I feel like being touched by fire.
“There is but it’s dangerous.” I heard my mother’s words and then after that, nothing.
“…knew this was a bad idea!” I heard a man’s voice say. My eyes are heavy but I feel my surroundings. It seems like I’m laying on something soft, I heard footsteps, as if someone’s pacing. I finally had the strength to open my eyes, at first it was blurry, but eventually it became clear.
“Vienna? Are you okay? How do you feel?” Officer Gibson said as he approached me. I looked at his hand and saw him holding the unopened reverser.
“Yeah, it kind of burned me.” I replied as I slowly got up and realized I’m on couch. He aided me and made me sit.
“You passed out”
“How long?”
“About 5 minutes, I was gonna make you take the reverser. I don’t think we should do this.”
“I think we should try and see if the potion worked, besides I want to help.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I saw her die and I didn’t even do anything about it! And now that I can do something I-“
“Okay, okay. Look at me in the eye.” I followed his order, his stormy grey eyes turned purple, I checked his face but I don’t see any tattoo.
“Your eyes.” I mumbled.
“It worked!” he exclaimed.
“Worked? I don’t even see your mark!” I exclaimed.
“Oh, I lowered the doze of that potion so that it won’t be that dangerous, atleast you’d know when a person is paranormal or not. And one more thing, it only works for 4 hours.”
“Well? What are we waiting for?” I said as I stood up, dusting my clothes and went into the door.
“Eh, don’t you want to wear, something more… Appropriate?”
“What appropriate?”
“You know you’re going to a motel, you could pretend like you want to see someone.”
“It’s a motel?”
“No, but you’re getting in on the motel beside it and sneak in to his building, ninja style.”
“You did not tell me it’s part of the job.” I said as he gave me a paper bag with the said Appropriate clothes.
“Well, you might walk in a sex den too.” I face palmed, now what?
I just shook my head and went inside a random room and changed into the clothes he gave me, they’re so not my thing to wear, I mean I look like a club dancer. I went out of the room and into the living room where Officer Gibson sat. He looked me up and down.
“You look like-“
“Yeah I know, and by the way I brought an invisibility potion just in case.”
“Good idea, let’s get going?”
Gibson drove us to the motel across my apartment in record time cause we ain’t wasting the duration of the hunter potion. He parked a few meters ftom it. He gave me a lapel and attached it on my collar.
“Ready?” he asked and I took a breath.
“Just so you know, I’ve never done this before.” I admitted.
He just smiled and ushered me forward into the streets. It was already night time by now, I didn’t even have dinner and I don’t know if I would have or would be one tonight. Either way, my mind is set. I entered the motel and checked in a room on the top floor saying that I’d pay once I check out, the front desker didn’t argue cause she can’t really, I used my magic on her.
The room was on the far end of the building, just beside the said penthouse. There’s a window directly across the window I’m standing by. I looked down and whoosh, too far up if I fall, I’m gonna die. And I’m supposed to get in there this way? Why am I doing this again?
I snapped out of my doubts and looked at the window. It’s glass pane is locked, no problem, I crossed my fingers willing it to open and it slowly did. I checked to see if someone’s there but lucky for me there isn’t. I stood in the window and jumped out of it, landing on the slab of the building. I crossed my fingers again as I levitated to the other side. Sounds easy huh?
Well shit it was scary. I efficiently went in using the window.
The inside is plush and neat, I discovered I entered into a bedroom, I guess a guest room cause it’s empty, mostly. I slowly went out of the room and walked into a hallway, I didn’t see any people here, not yet. I walked and saw a staircase, okay, so this penthouse is two storey or something?
I was descending the stairs when I came across a girl wearing a maid uniform and carrying a basket full of laundry. She looked at me with a sad smile and said,
“Don’t pity me, you might be his spice of the night but you’ll be thrown into my place soon, and who knows, I’ll be thrown into Lauren’s just by warning you.” She said and then continued walking.
Lauren, I bet that’s the name of the victim. Ok, I didn’t see anything change in her eyes when I looked at her, I didn’t even need to use my powers to get something. Does she know though?
That he’s a vampire? I continued down and saw a dinning room and a kitchen, where two maids are cooking. They looked at me with the same look as the girl earlier, I guess they’re used to seing a new girl here.
“Sit down, the master will be here soon.” A middle aged lady say, I looked her in the eye and it turned yellow, a shifter! Uh oh, is she working here by her own will? Or was she forced?
I followed her order and sat down on a chair. How exactly am I supposed to do this again? I didn’t have much time to think because a girl came rushing towards the middle aged lady. I saw a flash of yellow on her eyes, another shifter.
“I didn’t find one.” She said with a pant, like she was running.
“But who’s this one?” the lady said. She looked at me suspectingly. Uh oh, I was told not to use my powers on paranormals. The girl that was cooking turned around, she’s human, binggo! I looked at her eyes and crossed my fingers under the table.
She spoke, “she’s my friend, after what happened to Lauren, I heard my friend doesn’t have a job so I offered her this one. I just want to help.” Good girl.
“Thank you Maliza” the young shifter said. They all went back to work after that. Not long after, the door opened and heavy footsteps resounded on the tiled floor. The middle aged lady stood infront of the table where I’m sitting at and greeted the person.
“Master, here she is.” The guy shoved her to the side, she tumbled and I stood up to help her but she caught herself.
“A beautiful one.” That voice! A little huskier and angrier it would sound like the guy I saw in the alley. And his features fit him too, I bet it’s him.
“Hello, my name’s Rachel.” I spoke up with a smile. He gave me a curt nod and sat across me.
We had a quite dinner. Thank god! After that, he stood up and I followed. “A girl’s first night, you’d be shone what your work will be, Alisha, lead her to the red room” after that he left. The middle aged lady, Alisha, approached me.
A red room? I have a bad feeling about this. “Can I use the loo? I need to retouch.” I said and Alisha led me to it. After locking the door, I crossed my fingers making sure that the walls became soundproof.
“Gibson? I’m in and about to be thrown into a red room, you might as well help.” I said through the mic.
“Oh well, I’m outside, keep this turned on, I will enter at the right time.”
“When is that right time? Please I don’t want to die.”
“You won’t, go now, they might ask for you now.”
I uncrossed my fingers and went out and Alisha led me upstairs. I followed her into a room that’s on the opposite end of hall from the room that I entered. Alisha motioned for me to get in and I did. When I walked in, I looked around and saw a line of chains, paddles, whips, looks like Gibson was right about the sex den. Now I’m scared, really.
In the room, the master sat on a chair and 3 girls stood on a platform, uh oh. I twirled a lock of my hair and mentally sent what I saw to Gibson.
“Oh, that’s something.” He said through the earpiece.
“I surely don’t know what to do now” I sent him through my thoughts, perks of being a witch.
“Your task is easy fair one,” the master spoke to me, “if you know how to follow instructions, nothing bad will happen to you.” Now that sounds familiar.
“To pleasure me, is an easy task to do, to fulfill my needs” like blood? “But if you turn up to be a bad girl,” he looked at me in the eye and I felt that pull, that pull just like what I felt when the waiter looked at me, but I closed my mind so that he can’t influence me. “You will be severely hurt.” He finished.
“The job description didn’t say that I’d be a sex slave.” I said to spike him up.
He laughed, “Oh darling, you will love it.”
“This is not what I want, I must leave now” I stepped towards the door but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.
“The moment you stepped in here sealed your fate and you will not leave!” there, he’s using that pull again but I resisted it and struggled out of his hold. “Listen to me!”
“I will not!” I said as I kicked his stomach and grabbed the closest thing to me which was a chair.
“Now calm down darling, Aliya?” he called out and the young shifter entered the room. “Where did you find her?”
“I didn’t master, it was Maliza, she’s her friend” she said pointing the girl on the left end of the platform, the girl that I controlled earlier.
“Maliza” the girl stepped down and bowed her head.
“Master I don’t know her.” Of course she doesn’t!
“Do not lie to me!” he pulled her by the hair making her look at him. “Tell me” he said twisting her hair.
“I don’t know her” she said shakily.
“Really?” he extended his fangs and now, I became alert, now that’s a half shift. He was about to bite her neck but I threw the chair that I was holding and it hit their side. They both looked at me, Maliza with scared eyes, the master with angry ones.
I look Maliza in the eye and crossed my finger on the side and willed her to fight, she punched his face and the others gasped as she immediately break out of his hold and ran beside me.
“You!” he shifted into his prime and charged towards us.
“Now!” I said hoping Gibson heard it. I ducked out of the way but his reflexes are fast, he managed to throw a punch at me and I sent a paddle flying towards him with my open palm and sent him flying. Maliza, still under my spell, wacked his head with a switch, he charged towards her but I ran towards him, pushing him to the side as I managed to chain him with my powers, he struggled and he was so strong that he broke the chain and was about to claw me but we heard a door breaking open and gunshots.
I turn to its source and saw Gibson holding a gun. I heard movements and what the? Didn’t Gibson just shot him?
“You think a bullet will kill me?” The master said still on his prime, an empty circle as a mark. Oh he’s definitely who I saw.
He charged towards Gibson and they fought, I gathered the girls out of the room and into the kitchen.
“Alisha, stay with them, I know you’re a shifter.” I said as I ran back upstairs. I poured the invisibility potion into myself, let’s see how this works. I got my dagger out of my pocket and saw that the vampire is ontop of Gibson, I rushed to them and stab his neck, slitting it until his eyes lost its red color and his mark faded. I snapped my fingers and deactivated the invisibility potion, it doesn’t have much of a use to me really.
Gibson shoved the dead body to his side and stood up. My eyes are still on the corpse. I just-
“You did well.” Gibson said touching my shoulder. I slowly turn towards him.
“I guess.” I said and we walked out of the room. Gibson called other policemen and they arrived and took the girls for questioning and therapy while I sat on Gibson’s car.
“You okay?” he asked as he went in.
“I just killed someone.” I said still a little dazed.
“If you hadn’t arrived when you did, it would’ve killed me. Your invisible trick scared the shit out of me though.” He replied.
“Did you know that he’s working with a shifter? Two actually.”
“Yeah, I saw them, I’ll be questioning them after this.”
“I guess, I gotta go home now “
“Yes, thank you for helping me.”
“Yeah, okay.” I then cross my fingers and place them above my mark on my cheeks and I turn back to my original segun and went out of the car.

Comentário do Livro (335)

  • avatar
    Joannaclaire Brondo

    very good


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    Juslyn nevadoJUSLYN



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    Ernie Bugarin

    thank you


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