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I’ve heard of boys being raped by girls, even though some guys still thinks it would be a cool experience. I was about to be a victim of it too, just that, this one was coming in different dimension. Did I mention they were teenagers? And I was about to get my anus torn by some bunch of lesbians.
Me: ay Toyo, let’s be reasonable here.
Toyo: oohh, now, you want to be reasonable? I’m sorry. It’s too late for that.
Me: c’mon Toyo. You don’t want to do this.
Toyo: really? You will be surprise now
Me: hold on…. Where did you get all these girls from?
Toyo: none of your business!
Me: oya. If you must rape me, do it normally nau. Not with those plastic. O wrong nau
She ordered the girls to come get me…
Me: hey Girls, don’t be fools…. It won’t end well.
Girl 1: no one messes with the queen.
Me: queen? Who is the queen?
Girl 1: Toyo, of course.
Me: chill…. do you know, you can be arrested for this?
Girl 2: I wonder who will tell the police….is It you?
Me: yes of course.
Girl 1: that’s if you make it out of here alive.
Me: what? Wait-wait- what’s your name?
Girl 1: Lizzy
Toyo: babe, don’t tell him your name.
Me: c’mon Lizzy, you are such a beautiful being. You shouldn’t be doing this rubbish with her.
Lizzy: too late.
Me: trust me, it’s not.
Everything I was saying wasn’t entering their head…. While I was still talking, the 6 of them grabbed me and dragged me to where Toyo was.
Toyo: now who is the boss?
Me: you can stop this madness now before it’s too late.
Toyo: girls…undress him.
Me: hey-hey listen to me. I’m giving you all the second chance to stop, else I will find you all and deal with you.
One of them tied my mouth with her scarf to prevent me from shouting….
Me: ohmmm uoomm ruummmm nnnnggggmmmm
Toyo: can’t hear you… you say what?
I was still trying to say something but I couldn’t, cos of the scarf tied on my mouth. She then called one of the girls; she seemed to be the youngest…
Toyo: Mary, your turn. Remove his trouser.
Mary was scared and was shivering to even touch me…. I kept staring into her eyes. Still trying to say something.
Toyo: Mary, what are you waiting for?
Mary: I’m sorry, I can’t.
Lizzy: Babe. I told you, we don’t need her.
Toyo: Mary, remember our code number 1. You don’t break any code.
Mary: I’m sorry.
She then called another girl; this one was so eager and was ready to get down to the act.
If you are among those who thinks girls are not strong, you need a rethink… you should meet girls of my generation. This girl almost lifted me up from the ground.
Toyo: girls, are you ready?
The girls: yes.
All I could think of was, so Toyo was actually going to do this.
Immediately, Segun showed up…
Segun: aayyy…ladies, let’s be gentle.
Toyo: what are you doing here?
Lizzy: how did he find us?
Segun: he? I’m not alone. This building is surrounded by NAFDAC officials...
Me: *in my mind* werey, not NAFDAC o. say SWAT ode
Mary; aahhh
The girls began to panick…
Segun: don’t even think of running, they have been ordered to shoot on sight.
Toyo: big lies. Girls don’t panic, he’s lying.
Segun: oh really? Watch this.
He brought out his phone “officer, this is alpha 102, I’ve got suspects on sight. Do you read me, my coordination is 1198NS. You are clear to engage. Over and out.
Lizzy: aahhh Toyo, this is no joke o. we are dead.
Mary: *crying*
Toyo: Mary, will you stop acting like a baby.
Other girls: what do we do now?
Segun: first untie my friend.
One of them quickly untied the scarf and the rope on my hand.
Me: damn…what took you so long?
Segun: sorry bro. I was enjoying the show.
Me: they almost expanded my shit hole.
Segun: thank God, they didn’t.
The girls were so scared.
Me: I gave you the chance to leave but you all chose to do evil, except for Mary.
Lizzy: bros, we are sorry.
Toyo: stop begging him.
Segun: oh, you are still talking. Una case don reach kirikiri
Girls: *pleading* ahh I don’t want to go to jail. We are too small to be there.
Me: did you just say “you are too small”. Where are your parents?
Segun: Derra, wait first.
Me: wetin.
Segun: now listen…. If you don’t want to go to jail, come to my right hand.
They all went to his right hand except Toyo….
Segun: now, you must do small thing for me.
The girls: tell us, we will do it.
Segun: good!! I want you to come and rape me, one by one.
Me: what?
Segun: shey rape is their profession. I need their services.
Me: dude?
Toyo: mtcheeewww
Segun: starting with you Toyo.
Toyo: you are mad.
Segun: girls, if she does not. You all are going to jail.
The girls began to panic and to shout at Toyo to comply.
Toyo: god forbid.
Lizzy: just do it.
Toyo: I said, NO. You do it.
Lizzy: you know, I’m still a virgin. I can’t.
Toyo: what? What then am i?
Me: you are so far from that?
Segun: I’m counting to 5.
I went close to Segun
Me: you are serious?
Segun: yes nah
Me: you are joking.
Segun: I’m not.
Toyo was really a tout; she was already removing her clothes to have sex with him.
Me: Toyo? What are you doing?
Toyo: what does it look like? Abeg, come n do, let’s leave here.
Me: no one is doing anything….
Segun: bro, what’s up nah?
Me: you all should listen to me, the only thing that will save you is to swear not to involve in this dirty act again. Promise?
The girls: we promise.
Me: I’m serious. I’ve marked your faces. I know your houses. Be expecting me. All of you. And if I see you with Toyo again, I promise to expose you. Are we good?
The girls: yes sir. Thank you sir.
Me: good. Toyo, pls put on your dress.
Segun: Derra, what’s up Nah.? I don’t like this
Me: have fun if you want to but not the sex type….c’mon.
I collected all their plastics…
Me: *to Mary* have you also used this before?
Mary: nooooo.
Me: you are a very beautiful girl. You shouldn’t, ok.
Mary: I promise.
Me: who among you have used this plastic?
They all kept quiet and were feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
I knew, I was supposed to help them, just as I was helping Bethany. They were only misled, deceived and lured. So I gathered little information about each of them before letting them go.
Mary: what about the police?
Me: they are gone.
Segun insist on having little fun with the girls. So he made them do small modeling for him while we watch.
After we were done…. I rushed back home with Segun to see if I could still meet with Emilia for our date.
By the time I got home, she was with Regina. She had asked her to come over.
Me: hey Emi
Emilia: what happened?
Me: I’m so sorry. Something came up.
Regina: how is she?
Me: it was a set up.
Regina: what?
Segun: and thanks to me, I saved his butt.
Me: shuu shuu.
Regina: you went with him?
Segun: he called me.
Me: I called him to accompany me.
Regina: I thought, you were claiming James bond. What happened?
Emilia: hello, what am I missing here?
Me: we will talk later. Emi, can we still go out?
Emilia: for the date?
Me: yep
Emilia: yeah sure.
Me: I’m coming. Give me a minute.
I quickly went in to dress up.
Minutes later, I came out and was ready to go.
Regina: have fun.
Me: of course.
We both went for the date. I didn’t know, Emilia and Bethany were friends. And she has been telling Bethany of me but she didn’t think it was me, actually.

Comentário do Livro (127)

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    Glydel Aurita

    today's generation is very different they curious in what they heard and saw, that's why they need the attention of the parents for their future endeavors.


  • avatar

    it so very nice


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