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Chapter Seven - The Mating Bond Is Too Strong

"You are very loyal and caring, that makes you a very great Alpha. We all look up to you even though we don't see you every day like the pack members that live here." She said as she pulled the liver and kidney sauce to her front and scooped some up in her spoon.
"You are going to be seeing me every day from now on, Fay." He replied as he scooped more food on his spoon as she swallowed her mouthful.
"And I love that."
"So do I, and I love that I will always have you by my side. You have no idea how long I have waited to find you, my one." He said, still holding his spoonful as her gaze went to him as she gripped her empty spoon.
Even as they were eating, she felt the strong pull of the mate bond to go to him. Their gaze connected and she couldn't pull away as he also seemed entranced with her. After a while, he smiled lightly and pulled his gaze to his spoonful. That was when she was able to pull away. It was now very apparent that he had strong self-control.
"Soon, Fay, we will be joined as one, but now, we need to eat." He murmured as he gripped his spoon and she nodded. He continued eating as she did the same.
After they have finished eating, Alpha Clause led Fay out of the dining room. They made their way to a door on the far end and he opened it. "This is the master bedroom and my room."
She followed him in and looking around the room, "Whoa, this is four times the size of my room back at home."
The bedroom was very large and had a large bed in the middle that could fit four people comfortably. It had a light brown wood and a white bedsheet with two bedside drawers. There were two white doors beside each other facing the door and one white door adjacent to them. Even the carpet was soft and fluffy. The walls were a light blue color and a set of drawers were against the wall opposite the one with the white door.
"Do you like it?" Alpha Clause asked her as he faced her.
She turned to him and then turned back to the room, "I love it. It's beautiful."
"Then you're going to love what I'm going to show you next." He said as he walked to the two doors that were facing the room's door.
He opened the one on the left, "This is your closet."
Her eyes widened in surprise and both of her hands went to cover her mouth in shock as she smiled wider. Dozens and dozens of clothes filled it along with shoe racks and handbags hung on the walls. "Oh my God! How-When-"
"The pack's Oracle told me that I would find my mate this year so I had this prepared for her, for you." Alpha Clause said as she still looked so shocked and pleased at the same time.
"That is so thoughtful of you, but isn't it too much?" She asked him as she calmed down and let her hands hang back to her sides.
"Not even close, you deserve the world and more, Fay." He said as he looked into her eyes.
She felt her heart beat faster at the way he said her name as she looked into his brown eyes. She felt so drawn to him that she wanted to mark him then, but she calmed her wolf down and turned her gaze back to the closet. "But you didn't announce that you would be finding your mate this year."
"Yes, can you imagine how many shewolves would have come at me to claim that they are my mate? That is why I did not tell anyone, even Alpha Mason." He said as she walked into the closet. He followed her in and walked beside her as they walked around the very large closet.
"I can't imagine and I am so glad that you didn't announce it. I would have had to put some shewolves in their place." She replied as she stopped at a section with only evening dresses. She ran her hand over a lime green one to feel the material.
Alpha Clause let out a chuckle, "I would have done that before you did because I do not want anyone, but you."
His words made her look at him and their gazes locked. She could see the heat in his eyes and they were turning from brown to amber. That was his wolf's eyes as she had heard from the stories. Her mom did tell her that he would be feeling the mate bond and the need to mate and mark her more than she would. He must be fighting his wolf to stay in control, but then even like that he seemed to be more in control than her.
"I don't want anyone, but you too, Clause." She murmured as she breathed heavily from their stare-off.
His eyes became more amber as he moved closer to her in an instant. He held her chin in his hand as he continued staring into her eyes. "Do not say my name like that my one, not when I'm trying hard not to mate with you until we have our personal mating ceremony."
Her gaze went to his lips as he spoke, they were only a few inches apart. "And when is it?"
His own gaze went to her lips as she spoke. That was when she realized that if they were going to mate after the ceremony as mates were supposed to, she would have to make sure they controlled themselves. She took a step back from him, bringing his gaze back to her light brown eyes and making his hand fall from her chin.
"Tomorrow. I want to be one with you as soon as possible." He breathed o

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    El hafiAbdelwadoud

    cvyg hfjhrjj ygejc 6


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    it very good


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    Kiana Garnica

    high school ten minutes


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