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I think we were meant to be …
No no no no no fucking way
I paced up and down the bathroom corridor as Zoey was trying to calm me down .
“ Girl this week is not your week “ she said
“ First your stupid ass boyfriend shows up as your boss and now the celebrity you kicked in the balls owns the company you work for , Miss Paley I’m so sorry for you “she said
“ Zoey quit stating the obvious and tell me what to do “ I said
“ Run Laura , run for your dear life “ she said
She must think this is joke .
“ Is this funny to you ?” I asked with seriousness laced in my voice
“ Sorry it’s not my fault that you didn’t recognize a person like Nick at first sight , I mean how could you not know it was him ? “ she asked
“ I don’t know Zoey , I was pissed off and it was all in my head “
“ Honestly I feel so fucked up right now , I mean how can Nicholas Harlow be Mr Black’s son , it’s literally impossible , they don’t Even have the same last name “ I continued
“ Black isn’t Mr Black’s real name you know right ? “
“ Wait what ? Why am I just hearing that now ?” I asked
“ I didn’t know too but a co worker told me that Black was just his nickname and since his company’s name was BLACK , people just assumed his real name was black “ she replied
“ How are we working in a company and we don’t even know our boss’s real name ?”
“ Apparently his real name is Donald Harlow “ A girl from the PR team suddenly said .
Wait was she listening to our conversation ? I quickly shot her a get the hell out of here look and she scoffed at me before walking away .
“ I can’t believe Nick Harlow is Mr Black’s son , he didn’t Even post it on his social media pages “ Zoey said
“ I know right , how could he be so secretive about it ? He’s a celebrity he’s supposed to tell his fans everything about him … that jerk “ I said clenching my jaw hardly
“ ok calm down girl , it’s gonna be ok , who knows maybe he doesn’t even remember you again “ Zoey said
“ Zoey I kicked him in the balls and told him his dick should be a part of his body and not his personality , does that sound like something he’ll forget anytime soon ?” I asked
“ ok you’re right PLAN B , you avoid him “
“ Avoid him ? He’s the frickin CEO I can’t just ‘avoid’ him “ I said
“ Think about it , you’ve been working here for about a year now , how many times did Mr Black talk to you ?”
“ Twice “
“ See , you’ll hardly see each other , he’ll be too busy running the business he won’t even notice you as long as you hide yourself well “ she said
“ but what if he catches me ?” I asked
“ Then we’ll think of what to do but now let’s follow the plan , avoid him as much as possible ok ?”
“ ok , thank you Zoey “ I said hugging her
“ You both have been here since forever , do you live here now ?” Lisa asked coming out of one of the toilets
“ you’ve been here the whole time ?” I asked
“ Yup “ she said popping the P
“ Did you listen to the conversation ?” I asked
“ don’t worry I was on a call , the only part I heard was about avoiding our sexy new boss “ she said
Now I see why she’s always got the latest gists
“ Oh “ I said
“ is something wrong ? Why are you avoiding the boss ?” she asked
“ It’s nothing Lisa “ I said and she gave me a whatever look
“ Just so you know , he’ll be going round the offices to introduce himself to every team members . I hear he’s on the 13th floor already , if you really wanna avoid him I think you should start running now “ she said
Oh …
“ Thanks Lisa you’re a life saver , catch you later Zoey “ I said before running down to the office like my life depended on it , I went straight to my desk and quickly packed my bag , I grabbed my phone and arranged my things . I adjusted my clothes and got ready to go hide when I suddenly heard a message notification on my phone and not just my phone , everybody’s phone .
They could only mean one thing
“ It’s payday “ Brian shouted and everyone screamed in excitement
Wow ! I can’t believe they paid us this early , we still have two more days to the real payday.
“ We just got our freaking pay checks “ Colton said lifting me from the ground
“ Hey , drop me down you jerk “ I said
“ The director is not in the office , we can do whatever we want . Come on let’s dance “ he said holding his hands out
Laura you have to get out of here my brain reminded me
“ I’m sorry col I gotta – “
“ You have to dance , everybody say Go Laura “
Immediately the whole office was roaring :
Go laura
Go laura
Go laura
Fine , it’s just one stupid dance
“ okay play me a song “ I said and the whole crowd cheered
Go crazy by Chris Brown was blasting off the speaker .
I started moving my body a little and before I knew what was happening I was going crazy to the beat , the whole crowd was cheering for me, Colton also joined and we danced together
Go Laura
Go Colton
Ok I better stop now if I want to escape from Nicholas Harlow
“ what’s happening here ?” a voice with a thick accent asked behind me and immediately the music died down , everyone ran to their different seats and I stayed rooted to the ground with my back turned against him .
Dear God I will do anything , anything at all if this person is not Nicholas Harlow , I’ll worship you for the rest of my life , I’ll even become a Nun , anything –
“ Who are you ? “ the same voice asked again
God ! I know that voice
Ok I’ll turn to him , what If he doesn’t even remember me like Zoey said
Ok I got this
I turned back to look at the person and indeed it was Nick Harlow , my breath hitched as I stared at his face that screamed nothing but perfection .
Abracadabra , you won’t remember me …
He looked at me in confusion for a minute .
Wait a minute , did my spell work?
“ you “ he suddenly said as the look of recognition flooded his eyes
Dammit he remembers , this is the beginning of your end Laura .
He looked at me for a minute before smiling wildly Which caused some crazy turning in my stomach .
Why is he smiling ?
I’m done for
He walked up to me slowly and moved his lips near my ear , my body shivered at the close contact , I tried to stay take a step back but he grabbed my arm and held me in place .
“ if this isn’t fate , then I don’t know what it is “ he said in his sexy accent
“ Ummm w-what ?” I asked
“ you and I … I think we were meant to be “
Ok you can put a fucking bullet in my head now .

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    Everlyn Tinamisan Campit



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