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Adding Colours To Life

This art is soo mesmerizing. The strokes, the colour they used, everything is touching.
I wonder who made it. Hmm...J.Ravin? Why does the name sound familiar. I resumed admiring the painting when a employee walked up to me.
"It seems you have taken quite the liking to this piece" he chuckled
"It's unlike anything I've ever seen before"
We continued having back to back conversation until it was time for me to leave. I bid my goodbyes and left the place. I had a highschool reunion today, class of 02's. It's been a long time since I met everyone hopefully they haven't changed one bit.
The restaurant we picked was called "Aunt Zee's", it was the restaurant we often frequented during our school years. Their food there is to die for! especially their fried chicken and fried rice. Standing in front of this place brings back the good old days.
I remember how that one time we ditched extra class to come eat here. Our parents got soo mad they forbade us to come here for over a month. Imagine that! But we never really listened, we still kept coming back here.
I opened the door and was greeted by my ex class president, Eden. Eden looked soo different than he was before. He used to be the quiet and shy kid who always had to deal with our antics. Now, he looks like some kind of rapper, his whole outfit changed immaculately, not that I'm complaining.
"You're finally here Carol. Will and Gaya kept were making a fuss that you hadn't showed up" Eden's face scrunched up rethinking of what happened a couple of minutes before.
"What else is new" I laughed and headed inside and saw everyone there.
Will and Gaya were the first to come up to me and pulled me into a long suffocating hug. We couldn't really be in touch much after highschool ended, I had moved to another state and it made it difficult for us to meet as often. But now that I'm back, hanging out like old times should be no problem unless one of them moves out. Probably me again though.
"Guys, I'm dying in here!" I gasped for air when they released me
"We missed you!! Look at you now all matured" Gaya said and they both had crocodile tears streaming down from their eyes.
We all sat down and talked about our lives. The others also came up to me and asked about how I am. We also played a few games like truth or dare and more. But the best part when we began talking about our school times. Everyone shared their story, it was hilarious. We were all laughing our guts out
Especially when it came to Will's story. He mentioned that there was a time where he thought that he was being haunted on when he was in the toilet. We all thought it was gonna be another horror story until Gaya mentioned that it was Eden playing with the lights. Eden was soo pissed at Will at the time that he wanted to get back at him. Eden mentioned hearing Will screaming with a high pitch almost made him lose his eardrums.
After a walk down memory lane we all decided it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes, exchanged numbers and some even continued catching up elsewhere. It was around noon when we were done. I wanted to visit one final place, Marble High.
I got permission from the office and began taking a stroll. I passed by our usual hangout spot, bought some food from the cafeteria and greeted my teachers. I even had went back to my old classroom. There was class in session so I couldn't really spend long there. Now, the final place, my favorite place to be honest. The art room.
It's the same as always, paint smudges here and there. Students leaving their artwork to dry off as they head to their next class. The class is also filled with lots of decorations now too. Last time it was just a plain old classroom, I'm glad their adding more colours to their life.
As I was admiring the other students artwork, I heard the door opening behind me. I didn't turn around as I thought it was a student. But the person called out to me.
"Excuse me ma'am, but you aren't allowed to be in here alone" ??
That heavy voice sounded soo familiar. I turned around facing the person in question and was shocked to see a man with jet black hair. We both stood there watching each other in silence. I squinted my eyes trying to think of then name of the person until
"...I'm Ravin Jamerson." Bingo. Now I know why that handwork was familiar to me...Qira Jamerson his sister. Tears rolled down my cheeks
"How?...I saw her artwork just a few minutes ago!" I questioned anxiously.
"...I created it and put it up there...." he talked very slowly watching my reaction.
Now I remember, Qira Jamerson my childhood bestfriend. We spent everyday talking about our futures together. She was soo full of joy whenever she mentions about her artwork. I was happy seeing her excited about her art...until a bunch of ungrateful people just had to step all over her.
It was an Art competition and Qira had taken part in it. She won through all those contestants except one. I...can't quite remember their name but they bribed the judges causing Qira to lose. When Qira fought back gaining all evidence, things took turn much worse than before.
Those people sent someone out to deal with Qira while she was on her way to the detective who took up her case. It was horrible, her body was...unrecognizable and when the autopsies came out and told us how she died, I lost it. I began drowning myself in tears and went through very severe depression and was unable to communicate with anyone properly. The doctor had to administer something into to me to make me forget.
No wonder no one mentioned anything about Qira during the meeting. They must have not wanted me to go through it all again. But why was one of her artworks written in her brother's name!?
"That artwork is most definitely not yours!" I said my voice raising after each sentence
Ravin was pissed, I could see it on his face. Seeing as how he's reacting I must have been the first one to call him out.
"What do you know! Just because it's related to art it's automatically not mine!? And you just met me! You've got the nerve!"
He threw whatever he was holding towards me and dashed out of the room. Looking down at my outfit I see all kinds of paint colours. I guess you can say it's adding more colours to life...seriously.

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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