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Short Stories

Short Stories


Fiery Swordsman

A/N : Hello! before we continue I would like to say that this story will have cursing and may trigger some people. That's all for now. Enjoy!!
"I, Christine Renalda of the Renalda Duchy pledge my full loyalty to the imperial family"
I rised per the king's command. I looked towards the two princes and princess. The eldest, Prince Melvius had blonde hair with red tips and blue eyes. As for the middle one, Prince Caster had blonde hair with platinum highlights and blue eyes as well. Princess Yana had platinum blonde hair with red eyes.
Out of all the imperial family members, Princess Yana's feature stood out to me the most and to the whole of the empire. She was even called the "Face of the Avion Empire". Although, on the outside everything may seem just fine between the family members but they arent really on good terms with each other, especially with Yana.
I noticed this when I was sent here due to the lack of guards. It wasnt noticeable at first but as time went on it was quite obvious that they detest her. Thats why I'm here today, the reason I'm able to enter the Imperial Palace was solely to become the Princess's knight.
I should be happy being able to enter the palace and not sent to the battlefield. But the thought of having someone incompetent as me to guard a member of the Imperial family makes me think that there's something strange going on.
The other knights that were knighted with me were also appointed and they were just as bad as me or even worst than I am. Not only that, they arent really responsible in doing their duty and this shocked our teacher as to why they were picked instead.
My teacher warned me to be cautious in the Imperial Palace and to not trust anyone. He also told me to keep a close watch on the princess and make sure she stays out of harms way. I'll be honest, I dont know if I'm able to protect her when I can't even protect myself. But I'll do my best.
Right now the knight who were recently knighted are all gathering in a tavern nearby. Usually after the knighting ceremony, we would head to our master to heed their orders but not a single knight had went towards the princess's manor except for Sir Dufrey and Sir Kaylee.
"Are you also heading to the manor?" Sir Dufrey asked turning towards me as we walked.
"That is correct. If I'm not mistaken you must be Sir Dufrey Hessman from the Hessman family" I watched his expression turned sour.
"You are indeed right, I am from the Hessman family. The youngest out of all of them"
After that our conversations stopped as we have arrived. The manor...was shabby and run down. It was as though those haunted house from the children's fairytale were brought to life. The manor did not look habitable at the very least.
"A-Are you two also about to enter the manor?" Given from the voice and her hair colour, I could tell who she was.
Kaylee Firnley. Kaylee was from quite a respectable family, I wonder why she chose to become a knight. The Firnley's own a huge gem mine which is their main source of income but they also are known to be very knowledgeable when doing business. There's never been a knight from The Firnley family, how interesting maybe she is also having family issues.
"Yes but is this really the princess's manor? Perhaps we made a wrong turn?" Sir Duffrey was dumbfounded and looked around for anyone to guide us.
"This is the manor. The only manor that is not occupied by the princes or the king and queen" Sir Kaylee's face turned into a frown but for what reason who knows?
"I guess we should report in then" I began heading towards the main door and looked around to see if there were any guards but there werent any
I knocked and waited for someone to come but no one did but after a while the door was opened by a maid with brown hair. She seemed wary of us standing there and we werent quite sure of what to do and began announcing ourselves. Without saying a word she closed the door and left us all there an we felt like lost kittens.
I heard clattering and chattering inside and was thinking of what was happening until the door swung open hitting Sir Kaylee right in the face. I guess its what she gets for trying to eavesdrop. I must admit the expression she made was gold.
"Her Highness is waiting for you, please follow me"
When we entered we were shocked to see the place in such a simple condition. Compared to the outside the inside was much more better and it feels homey. The maid also known as Ada brought us upstairs and lead us to what I presume is the princess's work room.
"Introduce yourselves"
The three of us knelt down introducing ourselves with me being the last one.
"I am Christine Renalda of the Renalda Duchy and I pledge my full loyalty to her highness the princess"
Her eyes lingered on me longer than she did with the others. That's strange, should I be more wary? Let's hope it's nothing too serious.
"It is nice to meet with you all. Well then go along to wherever you want to" ??
We understand that the princess's current guards are irresponsible but hearing her say that doesn't it mean that she knows of their behavior. We agreed reluctantly and headed out of the room we were in front of the front door when Sir Dufrey halted.
"Is this perhaps a test from the princess?" Sir Dufrey began.
"Hmm, if this were to be a test, it would have been more towards our skills is it not?" Sir Kaylee answered
I was lost in thought. This could be taken as anything, a test or the princess giving up on having the guards to do their duty. Unless she doesn't want anyone around. I think Sir Kaylee caught up to what I was thinking as well. We did our best to come up with possibilities and decided on guarding the princess's manor tonight.
We decided to start tonight because Sir Kaylee was feeling off about today. She was here a little longer than me and Sir Dufrey. We decided to split up and guard at the most crucial areas. Sir Kaylee is deployed at the front door, Sir Dufrey is guarding the main gate entering the manor and I am guarding the princess. Which means right now I'm outside the princess's work room standing guard.
The princess seems to be talking to the maid from earlier. It is quite boring to be guarding all alone but I will do my best. I was lost in my thoughts when the door beside me opened. I guess the two of them must have been surprised by my presence. I mean imagine having someone with black hair and green eyes staring at you. I must have looked like some ghost.
Ada must've have actually seen a ghost when she splashed the jug of water on me. Now I'm wet and cold. Man, it is really cold tonight.
"What are you doing here!?" Ada questioned suspiciously. I really should have mentioned about us guarding the place.
"*cough* I've been assigned to guard her *cough* majesty the princess" Did it just get even colder. What kind of crap is this!?
Ada was perplexed while the princess remained the same. She kept questioning me on why I am doing this. It went on and on, felt like a few years of my life had been taken away. Until the princess told her to stop and looked towards me.
"I believe I had told you to leave. Why are you still here then"
"A knight should always protect their masters and there's not even a single one here. What if something happens to your highness" I responded not backing down.
"There's never been any accidents here"
"Pardon my rudeness Your Majesty but seeing as how His Highness had appointed knights to guard this palace means there's something going on"
Princess Yana gazed into my eyes, not breaking eye contact. Her face held no expression as though she knew what or who the trouble was. We must be on the same page.
"Do as you like"
With that the princess strode gracefully towards her room with her maid sticking close by. Ada seemed to disagree with Princess Yana's actions and asked for her to dismiss me. She was then stopped by the princess with a minimal glare.
Ada pushed the doors to her chamber open but before the princess went in she asked
"You're not gonna follow me in now are you knight"
I replied with a simple no and bowed down wishing her good night. The doors closed and Ada came out a few moments later.
"You better not have any tricks up your sleeves!! Or I'd rip you to shreds"
She's feisty, thats for sure.
"I assure you none of the sort will happen"
Ada left but I knew she was close by observing me. I suppose it's understandable but her stares are melting me.
A few hours later she was no longer watching unless she was watching somewhere further away. It's quite peaceful here and eerily quiet. The interiors are not as exquisite as the main palace but it still had its beauty.
The hallways are way too dark for me to see. There's no light in here but why...
There were a few piles of sticks in the corner. I left my position for a moment and grabbed those sticks wrapping a few rags around them.
"Now how do I burn them..."
Oh wait! I've got my trusty old lighter with me. Hmm...that should do the trick.
I walked back towards the princess's chamber and placed the torch in the stand hanging on the wall. Now thats better-
*Crunch* *Crunch*
My eyes scanned everywhere finding the source of the sound. Who in the world-
"Ugh....Stop right there!"
I pulled my sword out from its holder. I steadied myself , holding the sword tightly with both my hands.
Calm down, calm down. you can do this! Protect the princess.
He's on my right!
I barely dodged his swing.
I stabilized my footing and gripped the hilt of my sword, swinging it in an upward motion from left to right.
I barely managed to scratch his torso but my sword had enchantments that make up for it.
Gregor, an enchanted sword my teacher had graciously passed down to me is enchanted with a spell that makes whoever that gets stab or cut by it to become weak
In other words, they start to lose their muscle strength and well that gives me an advantage. Although it doesn't really work on everyone, just those who have a weak soul.
"Arghhh! What the-"
I kicked his shin making him get down on one knee.
"Hey! Whats with the commoti-"
Seeing that the princess's chamber had opened the intruder went straight for the door. He threw a punch to my face causing me to stagger and back down towards the floor
Such bad timing Ava! He's aiming right for her!
But then again, I'm only supposed to protect the princess....
Screw it!
"Ava! Out of the way!"
Gathering all the strength I had left in me, I got back on my knees and bolted straight towards the intruder.
I knocked right into him causing us both to hit the floor. I felt something on my torso but its probably nothing.
"Dammit! You pest!"
He swung a smaller blade with his right arm, right for my face. I grabbed his right arm and twist it, hard.
If there is something I'm good at, it's hand to hand combat. At least that's what I tell myself.
I look to my right and see Ada standing there in horror and the figure behind her is.....the princess. The princess?!
"ADA! Shut the door!"
Seriously! What's with him and smacking faces!
"Urgh...what the....."
I watched as he slowly fell head first onto the floor. Seems like he had a weak soul but why were his punches soo strong?
I walked up to him, dragging my feet. My back feels sore. I turned him around and was about to tie him when I realized I had no rope.
I got back up and knocked on the princess's chamber.
"It's safe now"
The door opened revealing Ada holding a butter knife and the princess is nowhere to be seen.
"Ada...where- where's the princess....?"
As if on cue, the princess comes right out of the closet.
"Is he... dead?"
"Well....he's unconcious for now.....but do you have any rope?"
Ada nodded and handed a really thick rope. Her demeanor still hasn't changed from just now but she seems worried.
As I was about to walk out, something slashed my back.
Huh?! It's too quick for the guy to regain concious! Just what is happening
I had dropped my sword at the hallway and it seems like he only still has his dagger.
"You really dont give up do you!"
He lunged towards me throwing a cloth for my face as he kicked my torso.
Ugh! Why does it hurt more than usual.... I looked down to see a stab wound in my front. Well that makes sense.
I grabbed a plate from behind me and smashed it on his head. He staggered backwards.
I got up and threw a punch towards his face knocking him right out. I hurriedly grabbed the rope from before and tied him up.
"Well...*huff* it should be fine no-"
I fell towards the floor, my eyes blurring. I tried to keep them open but it was too difficult. I heard voices around me and passed out.

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    KM Adriatico

    ejejwowllddkfnffbfjdslalkrggvhyhbbbvvhhj hggcxzsssksksssddbfbcnclfdjsdddkdkfkfjvfvfllaoV will na ffddl la pa la la la la ma BA ya la la la la la BA la la on TV DC so ma of RC la TV of la all is well to if so it will Mandela I'll TV web RN TV in on on TV in AZ AZ thermal pa ya nga la la la la la TV TV in pa am la am off to bed hair At DC la am la well TV la am La Jolla California United States of America account and I am off to bed hair At DC so I die dyos I am off work at a time when we were we


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