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I woke up to the insistent ringing of my phone. I opened my eyes and looked at Therry's name.
"Hi..." I said in a sleepy voice.
- Good morning my love. It is me.
- Yes, Therry. What was there?
- I'm just calling to let you know that I won't be attending the barbecue today. I'm going to see my dad he's sick.
I got out of bed worried:
- What happened to your father?
- Nothing serious I think, but better go there and make sure what really happened.
- Yeah... I think so too. Improvements for him. Be alright. Anything you need just call me.
- You won't be sad that I can't be there with you°
- Don't worry... Family first. - I said.
- Kiss... I'll miss you.
- Kiss.
I was a little worried. I hope it wasn't anything serious with his father. I didn't know Therry's father and in fact we never even talked about him. But I thought it was cool that he was worried. He wasn't the kind of man who cared about anything but himself. I remembered that I still had to break up with him and I didn't want it to take any longer. Anyway, he had done the right thing to do that day. And I was free of it on Sunday. I was relieved in a way.
I looked to the side and didn't see Samantha in her bed. I went to the bathroom and Helena was leaving, wrapped in a towel.
- Your escape yesterday wasn't cool at all. - She said drying her hair.
I made a disapproving face and sat on the couch:
- Could you make that coffee that only you know how to make? - I asked.
- No way. I'll do what you did with Jonathan.
- What did I do? – he asked pretending not to understand.
- Do you really want me to answer? Immaturity would be the word, I think. Do you have an unresolved childhood problem with men? - she asked. – I forgot that the psychologist is you, although it doesn't seem like it.
- Wow, Helena, are you so upset? I asked.
- I'm upset for you and not with you, Ari.
- I did not understand.
- I wanted you to have fun, that's all.
I looked around and asked:
- Where's Samantha?
- He got up early and went to help Gisa prepare for lunch.
- Well, then I can talk... Did you want me to have fun with Jonathan?
- What? Jonathan is our neighbor, Daniel's best friend... Did I suggest you date him or something? It was just hanging out with friends, nothing Furthermore. Did you happen to imagine that I was planning something with you and him?
- I do not know. - I confessed.
- Ari, there was nothing wrong with what we were doing. I would never throw you into his arms or vice versa. I'm Samantha's friend, forgot?
- I'm sorry.
Helena didn't say anything and went to her room. I went to the bath. She was right. I had acted immaturely. She didn't even look like an adult. But I was even willing to stay there longer, if he hadn't wet me and touched me. His touch really moved me. But I wouldn't talk to her about it. As much as Helena was my friend, my best friend, I wasn't prepared to talk about it with anyone, not even myself. So I tried to think of something else. It was hot. I put on a pair of short Jeans and a fresh white blouse and a little low-cut. I got down at 11 am and everyone was already in the pool.
Gisa was in the water and then asked:
- Don't say you won't go in the water, Ari.
-Of course not. I just had a nice shower. - I said.
- You mean we're being changed by the shower? asked Jonathan at the other end of the pool.
- They will have to accept. - I said.
Gisa looked at Jonathan laughing and I understood very well what they were going to do. I tried to run, but I don't know how he was so fast. He picked me up like I was a feather and threw himself into the pool with me. When I got wet I held onto his neck and he didn't let go. I looked at him and immediately freed myself, looking at Samantha, who was watching everything from afar. It used to happen before he and she dated, but until then he wasn't the love of someone else's life, so I didn't feel bad when it happened. This thing about the boys throwing us in the water and picking us up was pretty common. Just like we throw them in the water.
I went upstairs and put on my bikini. They wouldn't let me out of the water. While we enjoyed the sun and cooled off in the pool, the men prepared the meat. With the exception of Fábio, who never helped at all. He just enjoyed the day and everything that was offered to him. Maybe he felt that way about being the boyfriend of the landlady. I couldn't like him even if I tried. It seemed to me that everything that came out of his mouth was a lie. He was a boy, I have to admit. Gisa was 6 years older than him. I don't know if that's why she felt so insecure about him. I thought Gisa was beautiful. She had fair skin and bright red hair, which she dyed regularly. The disproportionate curls fell to the middle of her back. She was always overweight, although I thought the weight was fine for her. The green eyes framed the beautiful face and always well made up complemented with a beautiful red lipstick, her favorite. She was fun and very smart.
I noticed Samantha crestfallen and alone, drinking in a corner. I put on shorts and walked over to her.
- Are you okay over here? I asked.
- Ari, Jonathan doesn't even look at me. It's like I don't even exist for him.
- Don't let him see that you're like this because of him, friend. Be strong.
- Why did I choose him to love? - she lamented .
- Samantha, are you sure it's love?
- Absolutely sure... Unfortunately.
- Give it time... Everything will work itself out, I'm sure.
- What if I lost him forever?
- He's not the only man in the world. If he loses he will find another.
- Ariane, you don't understand: Jonathan is the man of my life.
- Carlos likes you and he can't even hide it.
- What do you suggest?
- Move on, Samantha. Try Carlos, who really values you.
- Carlos was never my type. I think he has nothing to do with Jonathan.
- And you need to have something like Jonathan? – I asked laughing. – I think the more different it is, the better for you to forget about him for good.
- I think I'd rather follow your advice to take my time and not try something with Carlos.
- So put a smile on this face you're not like that. Sunday lunch is the coolest day of the week, when we're all together.
- All right, let's go back to trying to be happy. - she said.
Samantha soon returned to the conversation, as if nothing was happening. Now it was my turn. I needed to talk to Jonathan and clarify what had happened the night before. I needed to give him an explanation. I looked for him with a look and felt my heart beat wildly when I noticed his gaze on me. He smiled wryly and I looked away. Was Helena right and did he have any interest in me, maybe from some time ago? And how did I never notice? Or was I going crazy and imagining things? I also wanted to talk to him about Samantha, even though I knew I had nothing to do with it, but she was my friend and I couldn't bear to see her suffering. She needed to know what he thought about the breakup, whether or not there was a possibility of them getting back together. Why did I look away from him? Again our eyes met and I pretended that I was only looking at him. Why did he mess with me like that? I always thought he was beautiful, but I never felt butterflies in my stomach with his looks. had they had looks before the last few days? Heavens, he was forbidden to me. I couldn't think about him, look at him, and not even dream about that man.
- Hey.
I looked scared at Carlos.
- Wow, I didn't think you were so scared. – he said laughing.
- It's just... I was thinking... I didn't expect it. – I tried to argue my leap.
- Face of someone who is in trouble. he observed.
- I? Imagine... What kind of problems could a woman like me have? I solve problems. - I said laughing.
- Let's see: money, work, men, health...
I laughed:
- It's all right with me. Just thinking.
- And Samantha? I saw you talking to her a while ago... She was so quiet.
- Hmm , I knew that talking to me was just a pretext to know about Samantha. – I joked.
- No, none of that. – he tried to explain himself worried.
- I'm kidding, relax. I know how you feel about Samantha... In fact, I think everyone here knows. I said looking around. - But Samantha loves another man.
- She doesn't love Jonathan. You want it because you don't have it. She's just obsessed with him. – he said calmly.
- I'm sorry to say, but I think this time she really is in love.
- You mean I have to give up? That there is no chance?
I was a little surprised at how direct I was with him. I thought again of the words and said:
- I think you have to try directly with her, Carlos. You won't get anything talking to me about it.
- So you mean you're not willing to help me? - he asked.
I looked at him. I liked Carlos. He was a responsible, mature and intelligent man. He was handsome. Dark, tall, thick beard and well groomed. They said he was of Arab origin, but I never knew if he really was. Of all of us he was the hardest working. He was a doctor. In addition to working at the hospital, he was always traveling to conferences and specialization courses. He was a man any woman would want to be around, especially if he was in love with her.
- Well, actually I think I can help, Carlos. Because I would somehow be helping my friend too.
He smiled broadly:
- Thanks.
- Let it be clear that I do this for my friend, understand?
- And you won't regret it. If you want her happiness, you can count on me.
- I hope I don't really regret it.
- As a way of thanking you for your attention, I invite you to dinner at my apartment tomorrow.
- Celso, you don't have ulterior motives with me, do you? – I asked looking into his eyes, sincerely.
- If I let that on, I'm sorry. Not that you're not desirable, but I... I only have eyes for Samantha, unfortunately. Dinner was really an invitation as a form of thanks. I know it's tomorrow is Monday, but it's my day off. Tonight I work.
- You know they can think other things about us, don't you?
- And you care about that? – he asked amused.
- Not really. - I said laughing.
- So, great. I'll wait for you at 8 pm and invite someone else so you don't think it's a romantic dinner. - he said.
- I will be there.

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    Jenny Ramos Delacruz

    bjhcn💔by m y, st mi


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    Very nice


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