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Dreamworld - Conflicting heart

Dreamworld - Conflicting heart



The Dreamworld was not what you could say “the best place in the world” to live. But he was my favorite place in the whole world. If I could choose anywhere, I would choose there. We had things that no amount of money could buy: friendship, complicity, empathy. We all knew each other very well, or at least we thought so, and we always helped each other as much as possible. Of course, some more helpful, others less.
The place consisted of 6 apartments of exactly the same size proportions: 2 not very big bedrooms, living room, small kitchen and a good bathroom. Although I thought it was small, it met my needs well. Maybe it would be better if I didn't have to share it with two friends. But I couldn't even imagine my life without them around every day. Dreamworld had 3 blocks, each with 2 apartments, one above, one below. In the center there was a huge swimming pool, always very clean and inviting. The walls were very high, with the iron gate imitating an old castle railing being the only way to enter. Only the residents had access and each one had a single key. The small ballroom was used regularly, where the owner had beautiful parties, with lots of drink, loud music, good food and fun. The good thing is that in the end, traditionally, pizza meant it was close to time for everyone to go home and move on with their lives, until, of course, the next meeting. There was also a gourmet space, where the best roast beef in the world was prepared, which was usually enjoyed by the pool. And green, very green on all sides, with the most diverse and beautiful foliage, cared for by all of us .
The name Dreamworld, although it left many people confused and at the same time curious, was given by the owner, Gisa, who was an orphan in her teens and invested her inheritance in the construction of the building. It is said that she made a lot more money, but lost it in the hot parties she liked so much, expensive drinks and things like that. So currently what remained was the rents of the 5 apartments, because in one she lived. She was an excellent person, with a huge heart, even to the point of feeling sorry for some people who sometimes didn't pay their rent. In my opinion she was the funniest person in the world. He just didn't care too much about the day after tomorrow. But that in no way interfered with the strong woman she was. Gisa had been studying English for many years and spoke the language fluently. Her dream was to see the world, but her current financial situation wouldn't let her. So it remained for her to stay there, continue studying, in the Dreamworld, the Dream World that she had created. She always proudly said that the condo was designed by an American architect, based on some spaces created in the United States.
When the name was discussed among the locals, we were of the same opinion: Dreamworld was all about us. We were dreamers, in search of our perfect lives. I often thought reality was so far away from us that, although no longer in age, we acted like eternal teenagers. And I don't know if that would ever change. Growing up wasn't easy.
Our lives crossed all the time and I even thought that Gisa chose each resident one by one, with their different personalities so that we could live as if it were in a movie or a soap opera. I just don't know if it would be a novel, a drama or a horror movie... Or maybe all together and mixed up.
Mari was the resident I interacted with the least. Not that I didn't like her, but she was the most reserved. She lived alone. It wasn't pretty, but it was pretty. She had a good job and was always well dressed and perfumed. She was a little mysterious, but there was one thing she didn't hide: her interest in Jonathan, Samantha's ex-boyfriend.
Samantha, my roommate and friend, was the opposite of me and Helena. He didn't care about anything... He just wanted to live each day intensely. Living alone brought out a side of her that we didn't know: that of insecurity and sentimentality. She was still in love with Jonathan. She worked as a realtor. Samantha was one of the most beautiful women I've ever met: brunette, tall, thin, long curly dark hair and greenish-brown eyes. She was extremely careful with her appearance and this earned her praise from both men and women. It could
have everything in life, if it weren't so impulsive and unpredictable. Ah... He didn't listen to our advice either, even though he asked.
Jonathan... What about him? I think he's the kind of man you can't help but admire or sigh as he passes by. According to Gisa, he's wasting time, as he could be a model, actor or something. I don't really know how he feels about Samantha, but I'm sure she suffers a lot for him. We didn't talk much, but he was always very kind to me. In the time he dated Samantha he didn't go to our apartment much, so I didn't have much contact with him. Helena used to say that he was very nice and charismatic, but he wasn't a man to get sentimentally involved with any woman. I blamed him for my friend's suffering, even though I knew deep down he wasn't to blame.
Helena... Ah, there was no better person in the world than her. The friendly shoulder of all hours, the best counselor and without a doubt the best friend anyone could have. I didn't even remember how many years I'd known her. I know we shared lunch in high school and fought over the boys. And we grew up saying we'd move in together when we could. And so we did. Inseparable: that's what they called us. She was engaged to Daniel, Jonathan's roommate. The two had met in Dreamworld.
Daniel was a huge man, with his 1.90 m in height, very well distributed . She was of German origin and her face did not say otherwise. His sky-blue eyes were as beautiful as he was and his frequent kindness. A responsible, honest man who only had eyes for my friend Helena. I never doubted that they were made for each other.
Carlos was also an amazing man. He lived alone, was doing his residency in Medicine at the City Hospital. He was the most recent resident of Dreamworld, but it felt like we'd known him for years. He was very busy, always working, but when he had the opportunity he would join the us, even for a few hours. He didn't hide his admiration for Samantha's beauty from anyone. She, in turn, had no eyes for him, unfortunately, as he was an amazing guy.
I can't forget about Fábio, Gisa's boyfriend. If I liked him... No. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't always. It wasn't a tease, but something about him I didn't like. I didn't have any sincerity at all. He claimed to be from a rich family, however he lived with Gisa without helping in any way financially. From time to time he appeared with some big cars displaying the fortune that I don't even know if it was real. I cared about Gisa's well being and didn't want her to suffer. Fábio was immature, freeloader and I'm almost sure he was a liar. Still, I couldn't intervene without evidence... and I don't think I should either. He was the youngest in age among us: 20 years old.
And finally, Therry, my boyfriend. Beautiful, I can't deny it. He devoted some of his time to toning his muscles at the gym, as if he needed more. Dark, strong, athletic... I'm not even sure how we got involved and got to the point of making our relationship official. I knew the women lived behind him, but I didn't think much of it. How could I care about them if I didn't even care about what we had with each other? I thought he liked me and I thought it would be nice not to be alone for a change. We had problems, like any other couple, but we didn't break up and I'm not sure why. There was no emotional involvement on my part, although I tried very hard. I liked being with him, but I didn't see myself with Therry in the future.
Well, I'm Ariane and everything you've heard so far is from my point of view. I'm a normal woman. I am 22 years old, I am a Psychologist and I work in a company. I like my job, but I don't love it. I like my boyfriend, but I don't love him. I like my life, but I don't love it. I was one of the first residents of Dreamworld. And in this place I would never have imagined living the best years of my life... And also the worst days. There I met true love... And I had to give it up. I want to carry in my mind the best memories I can from there and try to forget the bad ones. The truth is that I will always miss that place, those people and the life I used to lead there.

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    Jenny Ramos Delacruz

    bjhcn💔by m y, st mi


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    Very nice


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