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Chapter 5

In a cloudy weather of the Esclamado's residence, an unavoidable fight broke out. It was so intense to the point that no ordinary living beings could be seen around.
Marquis Cyril was fiercely battling with Duke Melchizedek. He swung his flaming sword towards Duke's neck but was immediately blocked by the bloody blade the Duke was holding.
Still, the Marquis didn't give up as he casted a fire magic spell.
"Oh spirit of fire! Give me your blessing, let the enemy know your strength! HUNDREDS OF FIRE ARROWS!"
Then suddenly, hundreds of fire arrows appeared at the sky, flying down toward the Duke's position. While the Duke carefully and skillfully dodged the fire arrows, he still got hit on his shoulders that made his clothes torn up and his flesh wounded. Furthermore, some fire arrows were also landed into the warriors of the Duke, making them injured and died.
"A-as expected of you, Marquis. I can't fully evade your spell, even my warriors were hopeless," Duke Melchizedek commented, "However, this is just beginning of our fight!"
Then the Duke muttered some words before swinging his blade, "First Blade Skill: Bloody Slash!"
The Duke's blade was materialized into a huge one covered by a crimson blood, going into Marquis' direction. As such, Marquis gripped his sword tightly that was strengthen by magic power to be used as a shield.
"Your attacks are becoming dull, Duke!" Marquis Cyril as his sword was a little unscathed after the collision, "Indeed, you have a much stronger authority than me as you are the Duke of the Feronia Kingdom, but when it comes to fighting I'm still the superior!"
"Don't talk nonsense, Marquis! Watch how I slash that mouth of your into pieces!" the Duke replied in anger, then muttered, "Second Blade Skill: Blood Fury! Third Blade Skill: Slaughtering the Dragon!"
As Marquis noticed that the Duke gave all of his power into the current attacks, he quickly use a magic spell.
"Oh Spirit of fire! Burn all living creatures, bring them into destruction! HELLFIRE DOMAIN"
Then a huge blazingfire showed up and it was surrounded the surroundings. Even the warriors who were fighting one into another felt the hotness of the Marquis's fire.
Then Marquis Cyril added, "Sword Third Technique: Sword of Judgement!"
Their attacks collided with each other. However, they still affected by the impact as they both vomited blood. In addition to that, Marquis' clothes were also torn up, while the Duke's wound earlier was still bleeding.
However, in a second that both of them were occupied, the back of Marquis' tummy was pierce by the Leader of the unknown forces, Jack's sneak attack even though he was wearing an artifact.
"Ughhh!... D-damn!" Marquis screamed in pain as his blood flowed out, "H-how?! W-what a trickery did you use that can even penetrate my shield artifact?"
Where did the king got this kind of expert that can stab me?! Or is he a commissioned assassin from Heavenly Assassin League? But I can't tell if he is an assassin because he's not wearing an assassin's suits.
"Hahaha! This is a fight for survival, Marquis. A sneak attack is normal. And this is a sword specialized to pierce your artifact; the sovereign sword," Jack laughed sarcastically as he pulled out the sword, "As a saying goes by, don't exposed your back to the enemy while fighting. Isn't just one of the unspoken rules? Or are the experiences you got as a God of Destruction in the battlefield already faded as you've gotten used into living a peaceful life?"
"You got a nice timing there, Jack!" the Duke shouted as he straightened his body.
When Marquis' wife, Niña, noticed that his husband was pierced by a sword, she immediately went to him, completely ignoring her opponent. She was also suffered minor injuries from the unknown forces, while the elders couldn't come in rescue to Marquis as they were busy fighting with General Rayven and his men.
"A-are you okay, honey?" Niña asked in a concern tone as she casted a 3-layer magic shield.
"J-just a slight injuries," Marquis lied as the wound caused by the deputy leader's sword was quite a deep one.
"E-enough joking around!" Niña shouted, then brought out a healing fluid, "Immediately drink this!"
Then the Marquis nodded as he drunk the healing fluid, "T-thank you, honey."
With the healing fluid the bledding was stopped and he could felt less pain, but it doesn't help on regenerating the wound.
'Maybe because of that strange sword,'  Marquis' thought.
As stubbornness of the Marquis Cyril never faded, he gripped his sword, ready to face the enemies again.
"Y-you don't need to push yourself harder, honey," Niña uttered.
"I-its okay. I can still fight them. We should not lose as it is our survival that matters," he replied firmly.
Then the Duke laughed loudly, "HAHAHA! How long are you gonna keep talking nonsense, Marquis the traitor? Can't you see that your warriors are already losing themselves? You can't even take of yourself, let alone your clansmen especially!"
As Marquis Cyril wasn't aware of the situation, he wanted to look at his clansmen, but Duke Melchizedek and the Leader Jack didn't give him enough time as they already started attacking the shield.
On the other hand, the morale of the his clansmen significantly dropped after seeing the injured Marquis. In addition, few of the elders had already died, however the damage they brought against the enemies was also huge.
Before the eldest son could react, the spear of the enemy was already directly pointed at him. Unaware, it pierced through to his chest and blood starting to flow out.
"S-shit!" the eldest son, Junrill scowled in pain as he kneeled down, "I w-was careless!"
"Hohoho! Careless? I don't think so. As there's a gap between a level. I'm stronger than you," Victor, the Deputy Leader of the unknown forces, commented, then pulled out the spear and blood begin to poured out.
Junrill and his enemy, Victor had the same magic level which was a 4th-circle and both of them were spear user, however, they had a completely opposite attribute. Junrill was a fire attribute user, whereas Victor was a water attribute user.
Junrill thought that with his experience and knowledge, he could empower the enemy. But that was just a wishful thinking of him as he was already injured.
His younger brother and younger sister saw him in an unfortunate state. They wanted to help him, but the enemies were blocking their path.
"It's dangerous. Don't come here!"  the words he wanted to say, but he couldn't have a strength to voice it out.
"I'm sorry, but you have to die today!" Victor thoroughly pierced Anthony's heart.
Before Junrill closed his eyes, he looked at his parents and his siblings and whispered, "If only I am strong, things won't happen this way."

Comentário do Livro (1597)

  • avatar
    Katelyn Villalobos



  • avatar
    Deanielle Abjelina

    I love it! It’s so unique! Revenge tropes are so my thing!


  • avatar
    Justine Millamina dela Rosa

    nice ang Ganda


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