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Chapter 3

At morning, in the backyard of the Esclamado Family, Marquis Cyril was busy practicing his swordsmanship. He repeatedly swung his sword in an elegant, yet fierce manner without using magic aura. Indeed, he is a strong magician, nevertheless, his love for swords never fainted. That was why he was not only known as God of Destruction, but also as a Great Magic Warrior.
"Marquis. I have an urgent need to report!" a man in a black outfit appeared out of the sudden.
He was an assassin of the Phantom Assassin Group personally commissioned by Marquis Cyril.
The Phantom Assassin Group was one of the branches of the Heavenly Assassin League. While the Heavenly Assassin League was well-known and had a great reputation for its successful mission whether to spy, to kill or to gather information, not only in the Feronia Kingdom and its neighboring kingdoms but even in Barnacleus Empire. Even though their headquarter was a quite mystery, some people with resources and connections could still be able to contact them through their branches all over the continent.
It was suprising for Marquis Cyril the assassin's sudden presence, however he still remained as calm as stilled water.
"What is it, Black?"
The assassin named Black let out a deep breathe first, and uttered, "Around 7 in the evening yesterday, King Jefferson issue a sudden meeting with the nobles and officials of the Feronia Kingdom with the purpose of annihilating the Esclamado Family!"
As soon as Marquis Cyril heard the news, the sword he was swinging was now accidentally covered with fire magic power and it thoroughly cut and burned the huge tree into ashes that had a distance of 5 meters from him, "W-what?! Is it true?!"
"Yes, it's true," Black firmly replied.
"Then why you didn't tell me as soon as possible?!" Marquis Cyril bursted out in anger.
"Sorry, Marquis. I only got the news after their meeting as they tighten the security during that time. I rushed here immediately as soon as I got the news, however, some forces blocked me that delayed my arrival," Black tried to explain and it was obvious that he got a fight as his clothes were torn up and blooded.
"I u-understand," Marquis Cyril sighed, "Hmmm. So they are planning to annihilate my family, huh. To think they got the news over my breakthrough and the others'. And what? Destroying my family? Does they think I'm busy to bully?" then he looked at the burned tree.
While Black was in his back at 2 meters away, Marquis asked, "When are they coming? How many forces are joining?"
Black took a sigh, "As for that information... You don't need to concern yourself about that, Marquis Cyril..." then he stabbed the back of Marquis Cyril's heart with his black dagger coated by poison, "...as you are now dead!"
However, Marquis laughed sarcastically as he faced Black, "Do you think I would espose myself to you, Black? No--- it's not Black. Should I say, Feronia Kingdom's Deputy Commander, Nel?"
As soon as Black----no, Nel noticed the Marquis' back unscathed and heard the Marquis' words, he uttered with a shock expression, "H-how did you---"
"Oh? Are you wondering why I'm unscathed even though the poison you have in your dagger is the top 5 among the most dangerous poisons, the Snake King's Saliva? Well, I'm always wearing an armor artifact and with my strengthen magic power used as a catalyst for my body protection, it's no problem protecting my life," the Marquis explained as he snatched the dagger from Nel, "As for your knowing your identity, you couldn't even hide your original voice, let alone your aura as a sword user. Furthermore, isn't strange enough that you came here with worn and blooded-clothes, but why didn't I see any wounds or injuries in your body, huh? Don't tell me you escape their pursuits without having wounds? That's impossible! So don't deceive me with those things as you are not qualified to be an assassin."
Then Marquis Cyril held his right hand, and twisted it enough for the bones to crack. He twisted it without showing any emotion as if it was normal routine for him. While the sound of bones' cracking was so loud coupled with Nel's shout due to the pain he was suffering.
"Should I guess? Hmmm... Was it King Jefferson who sent you? Or maybe the Strategist himself? I think the nobles and officials themselves? But... whoever they are, if all they want are war and blood, then I can't back down since it involves the safety of my family and clansmen," then he stabbed Nel with the dagger supposed-to-be used for him, "I will return this dagger to you first. Killing you is like avenging Black's death."
"D-don't overconfident, M-marquis. O-once you suffer a complete defeat, I w-will laugh you even in h-hell!" Nel who was dying uttered.
"Then go to hell first, bastard! " Marquis Cyril used his fire magic, HellFire, to burn him completely into hell, turning him into ashes like the burned tree earlier, "Thank you for the information you provided by the way."
"I need to inform the Elders and my Clansmen about this." then he walked away.

Comentário do Livro (1597)

  • avatar
    Katelyn Villalobos



  • avatar
    Deanielle Abjelina

    I love it! It’s so unique! Revenge tropes are so my thing!


  • avatar
    Justine Millamina dela Rosa

    nice ang Ganda


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