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Chapter 3

3rd Person Pov
Months had already passed after they signed the marriage contract, and Solstice somehow developed feelings towards Luan,despite his attitude towards her. Even though he ignores her, she hasn't given up on their relationship. She wanted it to be good even though she knew it was kind of impossible because it looked like Luan would never like or love her.
It's Solstice day off today. She woke up early because she wanted to make breakfast for Luan. She's been watching and practicing for the past few months just to cook a boiled egg and make a vegetable salad with tuna. 
She went to her bathroom and washed her face. After she washed her face, she combed and tied her hair into a bun.
"I'm ready now," she said, her palm curled into a fist and her head nodded. She was full of determination to make breakfast for Luan. 
“I can do this,“ she inhaled and exhaled, then went to the kitchen. 
She noticed an apron hanging on the side near the refrigerator as she proceeded to the kitchen. Luan owns the apron, she admired it for a while before wearing it.
"Maybe I could borrow it." She smiled as she wore the apron, saying, "Well I don't have an apron so maybe I could really borrow this." The thought of Luan wearing the apron in front of her made her blush a little.
She sighed and pulled a casserole out of the cabinet, filled it with water, and boiled it with an egg inside.
"Am I doing everything correctly?Let me look up how long I should boil it," she said as she took out her phone and looked up how long she should wait for the egg to cook. "Hm 7-8 minutes, okay," she said as she set a timer to determine whether or not it was time to get the egg.
She looked up how to prepare a veggie salad online, then went over the ingredients and prepared everything. After she had gathered all of the ingredients she sliced some of the veggies and mixed the ingredients together to make a vegetable salad for Luan .
She noticed the timer while combining and making the salad and she removed the boiled egg from the casserole to peel it. She sliced the egg and placed it on the plate after peeling it, making sure it was nicely positioned and neat.
After she made the salad, she placed some on the plate where she placed the egg. She smiled as she looked at her finished product. 
She cleaned the kitchen, putting everything back in its place and washing the utensils she had used. She arranged the food on the dining room table after she had cleaned everything. She sat in a chair, waiting for Luan's arrival.
He finally emerged from his room after an hour of waiting. He emerged dressed in a black turtleneck, black pants, a black men's blazer, and black shoes. It was a perfect for him, and it looked great on him.
As he passed through the dining area, he noticed Solstice sitting there. He was confused as to why she had gotten up so early. He approached the dining area and noticed Solstice sitting down with an egg and salad in front of her.
"Luan, I made breakfast for you," she said with a warm smile as she showed him the meal she had cooked.
“Eat it, I'll eat in the office, “ he said coldly to her.
"Uhm, bring this, and uhm wait, I'll put it in a container so you can eat it in your office," she said as she stood up and headed to the kitchen to look for a container.
"Stop it, don't you get it? I don't want to eat that shit," he replied harshly, causing a deep pang in Solstice's heart then he left.
She nodded and forced a smile despite her pain. She returned the food to the kitchen with a weak smile on her face. She rinsed the plates after pouring the food into the trashcan.
She was washing the dishes with tears flowing down her face. While she washed the dishes, she dried her tears with her arms.
Her effort and time were wasted. She expected him to accept it because she made an effort, but it looks like he didn't like it.
As she finished washing the dishes, she walked to the living room. She took her laptop from the small table and began working on her new invention designs.
It was her day off, and she was supposed to relax, but she worked to forget about what had happened earlier. She embraced the pain she was feeling by working so she will forget about it to the point where she no longer felt it.
There she go again, she's making herself busy again, making herself tired so she can take a rest and she can get sleepy so that she can sleep and rest from the pain she was feeling.
She finished her work after a while. She walked into her room and lay down on the bed. She grabbed a pillow to hug with, burying her head in it, and before she realized it, she was crying again.
She was going to cry herself to sleep again.
-time skip-
The sun has already set, so it's dark now. Solstice was still sleeping, exhausted from crying all day and working all day.
Luan had just returned home from work, exhausted. As he opened the door, he stood there waiting for something, not something but someone.He was now at home, yet there was something missing. Solstice was usually there in front of the door, smiling and greeting him when he returned home.
He went into the living room to see if Solstice was there, but he didn't see her. On the small table, he only noticed a laptop. He sat on the couch, staring at the laptop. When he opened it, he discovered the files she had completed. He checked the date on the files and discovered that they were created today.
'Hm, it's her day off today, why is she working?' he thought to himself.
After closing the laptop, he headed to the kitchen. He searched the kitchen seeking her, but instead of finding her, he discovered the food she had prepared earlier in morning, which was all in the garbage bin.
A flood of guilt washed over him. She prepared the food early in the morning, she put in an effort, and she took the time to learn, but he refused to accept it.
He shook his head, convincing his mind to think that she was the reason he was trapped in a relationship he didn't want. Because of her, he didn't have the freedom to find a girl for himself. She was the reason he didn't want to fall in love with any woman because he was already married, and he didn't want to hurt the woman he would love. Everything was messed up because of her. She was to blame for everything.
"Maybe she's asleep now. Did she already eat dinner? I bought food for her," he said, referring to a plastic bag containing food and her favorite, a coke float.
He went to her room to see if she was still there. When he opened the door, he saw her lying flat on her back with a pillow on her face. He approached her and removed the pillow from her face, but there was something on the pillow that he noticed. The pillow was damp, and it was damp because all of the tears she had shed had ended up there.
"Tsk, cry baby," he said as he set the food on the nightstand. He exited her room and made his way to his own.
Her eyes opened as he walked out of her room. Her tummy grumbled as she looked at the food he had left on her nightstand. She hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch yet, and she was starving now. She took the meal and began to eat. He had bought her favorite, which made her happy.
Because he bought her favorite food, she felt he cared for her. She didn't know, he didn't really care about her, and he just think she was his burden. Being her husband was nothing more than a job that he didn't want to do but had to do.

Comentário do Livro (447)

  • avatar

    this is great and i finished it, but I badly wanna know what will be Lyla's reaction if she knew that his wife was Solstice 😍😍


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    Mykicielo Caspe



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    Beatriz Campos



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