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She's Devious

She's Devious

Dickson Saba


Philip and Sandra got to the hospital where their father Johnson was admitted. Philip parked the vehicle directly in front of the hospital as they wended into the hospital. It was a shock to them when they were told that their father was rushed to the hospital three days before that day. He was working in the office when his secretary came around to give him some documents to sign, she discovered that Johnson had collapsed. Bertie, Johnson's secretary sought help immediately, she saved the day. And for that three days, he had been unconscious.....
will he be conscious back?..
At the reception, there they met a nurse whom they asked where their father was.
"Ward 127," she said pointing at a white shut door that was just a few minutes walk, adjacent to the reception room.
Philip opened the door, allowing Sandra to go in before he entered after which he shut the door.
Johnson, Philip, and Sandra's father were laid on the bed helplessly as he was placed on life support. Sandra ran to the bed and knelt beside the bed, weeping. Philip came closer to her and tried to pacify her.
"Dad will not die but live" Philip boldly said with assurance. Sandra continues to sob. While still weeping she said
"Can dad survive this?"
"Surely, dad will survive it, there is nothing impossible for God to do "Philip consoled.
The ward door opened and the doctor entered.
"Good morning Mr. Philip " Dr. Viviers welcomed.
Good morning, have you gotten the nature of my father's sickness, because I can't see any changes"? Philip said as he stared at his father in the bed.
Mr. Philip if you won't mind following me, I will give you an answer to your question"Vivers replied as Philip followed Vivers into his office through a large wooden door with the addition of a plaque that read the number three across it.

The room was painted in a cool blue color as on the walls were pictures of Dr. Vivers and some calendars which were mostly outdated already. He also hung his medical coat on the wall. And on his table were books of different sizes with different uses not neatly arranged but scattered all over the table. The room smelled of cleaning supplies and was eerily quiet. it smelled of disinfectant and cleaning chemicals which immediately attacked Philip's senses.
Dr. Vivers motioned Philip to sit on the chair opposite his own demarcated by his table. He began with his medium build and soft-spoken voice began to explain the nature of Johnson's sickness
"The nature of your dad's sickness, no one knows but if I will advise you to fly him out of Nigeria, it would be quite better" Dr. Vivers advised.
"Did you just say fly?" Philip queried and proceeded "No that can't be so there is no money for that"
"But his wife is outside the country, that will make the flying of your father abroad easier "Dr. Vivers tried to persuade Philip but it seems it's turning the other way round.
"I said no, he isn't going anywhere. If he will die, he should die here in Nigeria " Philip said ruefully.
Just as they were discussing Sandra banged into the office.....
"Papa has opened his eyes and he muttered some words, I heard him call your name that's why I ran here, he needs your attention now I think " Sandra didn't breathe between the words as she ran back to the ward.
Dr. Vivers and Philip went together to the ward to see and witness the scene.
When Johnson saw Philip, he said " My-s-on, help me call the lawyer" His voice was shaking not clear but Philip got the message as he picked up the phone and beeped the Lawyer.
"Hello, Mr. Philip. how is dad's health??"
"Good Morning Lawyer Chris, Dad's health is deteriorating day by day, but for now he sends for you to come"
"Okay, I'll be on my way right away, goodbye, see you later"
Lawyer Chris ended the call and dropped the file he had just taken from his secretary not so long to work on as he picked up his car key. He also took with him Johnson's few documents he had.

"I'll be back," Chris told his secretary.
"Okay, sir. He walked carefully out of the building as he entered his vehicle and pulled into the hospital driveway.
This is an African-American story I have tagged. the setting is within Nigeria although I didn't mention an existing place in Nigeria.
To know further about Philip, Sandra, Johnson, and others featured in the story endeavor to read the story...

Will Johnson die?
Was there money to fly Johnson abroad?
These questions can only be given a suitable answer from the story.

Comentário do Livro (291)

  • avatar

    Interesting story. I wonder how devious she could be.


  • avatar

    Eu gostei muito, desse aplicativo ele é top demais


  • avatar
    Zildjian Clyde Solayao

    pretty cool


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