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Capítulo 4 The Lover Suspicion

"I'll protect you whatever happens, even my life is at cost", these are the words that repeatedly sound in his mind after the incident. He closed his eyes to see his imaginary friends, Neko and Silly.
Silly jumped to him, "Are you lonely Sebastian?" the dog asked him
"Nope, I just thinking her" he answered
Neko jumped to his bed and lay down beside him, "Her? are you thinking about a girl?" the cat asked
He just looking at the ceiling remembers her smile and how tenderly she is when they are in the school premises but when he remembered her blood thirsty looks during the battle, he got goosebumps thinking that someday she will kill him also.
Neko and Silly looked at him when they noticed that he was frightened, "Are you alright, Sebastian?" they asked in unison
"I'm fine" he answered then suddenly he heard his phone rang, when he opened his eyes Neko and Silly immediately disappeared, he answered it without looking who was calling, "Hello, who is this?" he asked
A cheerful voice he heard in the another line, "Hello Sebastian, are you feeling well now?" she asked
He was frightened, "How come that she knew I am sick for two days?" he asked to himself, he tried to come down "I'm fine already, so what is the reason why called me?" he asked her. Afterwards when he calmed down he remembered that she was living with them.
She playing her hair into curls, "I want see you today, can you be with me?" she asked softly
He can hear her angelic voice like she was another person that time, "I don't think so, but I'll try" he answered very nervous thinking that he will get hurt when he turned down her invitation "Where are you now?" he asked
She looked around, "I'm in the nearby park" she answered
"I'll be there, just wait for me" he answered then he hung up the phone to change his clothes and went out immediately
His grandmother noticed him, "Where are you going son?" she asked
"Penelope called me, she wanted me to accompanied her in the park" he answered, he was about to leave when his grandmother called him
"Sebastian, wait a minute" she went to the kitchen and she get back she was holding a launch box "I made some pancakes, you can eat that together" she smiled at her then she handed it to him
He held it with care, "Thank you grandma, I'm leaving" he said then he go outside. As he walked towards the park where Penelope is, he can't imagined that a sweet and modest girl like her has a attitude of being psycho-pathetic. He didn't notice that he was going to bump a kid.
The little girl cried a little when Sebastian bumped her, "Mama" she cried while holding her doll
He came back to his sense when he heard her cry, he approached her immediately "Are you okay kid?" he asked then he assisted her to stand "I'm sorry, I' not looking on my way" he apologized. He was looking on something to give to her, he looked on the pancakes "Do you want some?" he asked her smiling
The little girl stopped from crying when she saw the pancakes had a strawberry and chocolate syrup, "Is that okay with you, brother if I will get some?" she asked with a sparkling eye
"Do you have someone with you?" he asked
She think about his question, "I am with sister Marianne, but I got lost when I followed a butterfly" she answered
"Okay then, let's go to the park" he held her hands then they both walked towards the park
"Sebastian!" Penelope called him cheerfully while waving towards him then she was suddenly stopped when she saw a little girl holding his hands and smiling at him, She shuddered at that time, "Calm down, she was just a kid" she said to herself then she sighed deeply
He approached her, "I'm sorry if I keep you waiting that long" he said
The kid pulled the hem of his shirt, "brother, who is she?" she asked
"This is Penelope, she is my friend" he answered her smiling
The kid was very scared on how she was looking at her so she hid on Sebastian's back.
He held her head, "Don't be scared, she is nice and sweet" he said to make her calm down
Penelope noticed the container on his hand, "Is that pancakes?" she asked
He looked it, "Yes, grandma made it for us and also I invited this child to eat with us" he said, they sit on the nearby bench and eat the pancaked
The kid enjoying the pancakes with strawberry syrup.
The two just watched her smiling, "By the way, what is your name kid" Penelope asked
She looked at her, "I'm Sebby" she answered smiling
"Your surname?" Sebastian asked her also
Sebby thought about it, "I'm sorry brother but I don't know" she answered and took another bite "I was living at the orphanage away from here, Sister Marianne only brought us here to experience the places outside our home" she answered
After a while a woman dressed like a nun approached them, "Where have you been Sebby?" she hugged the her worriedly "I'm so worried about you" she added
She looked at them, "Thank you for keeping Sebby when she was with you" she said to them
Sebastian gave her a smile because the woman is beautiful, "It's fine sister" he answered "Sebby, please be a good girl, okay?" he said
She nodded, "yes, brother I will" she answered "I hope I can see you again" she was very enthusiastic about it
"Yes, if our ways crossed again" he answered
Marianne looked at them, "We will leave now, our bus was waiting us that long" she said "Again, thank you" then they turned their backs to them and walked forward to the bus on the other side.
Penelope looked at them like she was suspecting on something.
Sebastian looked at her, "Are you alright?" he asked
Her face suddenly change its aura, "I'm fine, I just thought on something" she smiled at him
Even though he was not sure but he saw her face like she was thinking for a battle again, "Let's go home, for sure grandma is waiting for us" he said then he walked first
She ran a little to reach him then hold his arm, "You are only mine, Sebastian" she said
Those words gave him chills, "What's wrong with her?" he asked to himself
When they got home, their dinner was ready, "Children, have a seat and we will eat now" his grandmother said
After they ate, they do some household chores and went to their rooms.
"Good night, Sebastian" she said when she entered her room "see you tomorrow" then she closed her door
Without any word, he entered his room and fixed his things then go to sleep.
The next day, Sebastian's class will visit an orphanage as part of their community service. Everybody brought toys, old clothes and other things that the children there may enjoy.
Penelope and Sebastian is in the kitchen, they prepare so much pancakes for the children there, "Maybe these are enough" Penelope smiling while looking to the fancy pancakes that made from different flavors; chocolate, strawberry, apple and vanilla
"Are you done, Penelope?" Sebastian looked at her when he was done for the syrup
She packed the pancakes in meal boxes, "I'm done, my beloved" she said positively
He was blushed when he heard it, "Let's go, we will be late for the bus" he stuffed his bag
Penelope was very happy that she can spent another day with Sebastian. When they arrived at the school, the bus was about to go it is a good thing that their teacher saw them, "You are late" their teacher said
Penelope smiled at him, "We're sorry Sir, we made some pancakes for the kids" she showed the boxes
The teacher just sighed, "Okay then, hop in" he said then he opened the door for them
They took their seats and Penelope sat nearby a window. She looked outside with a face of the another Penelope, the scary one, she thought about the kid Sebby yesterday "I think there is something wrong to that kid" she said to her mind
When he felt the chills again, he grabbed a juice for her "Are you thirsty?" he handed it to her
She looked in the juice and smiled at him, "thank you" she put a straw on it then sipped it until they arrived to the orphanage
They all got off in the bus and fall in line, on the other side is the kids of the orphanage who greeted them "Good morning!" the kids greeted them in unison with a banner, Welcome to the We Care Orphanage.
Sebby stepped forward and gave the flower to Penelope, "Welcome Big Sis" she smiled at her
Sister Marianne stepped forward, "Thank you for choosing our orphanage for you to visit" she said "Please come in" she welcome them to go inside.
When they got inside they are happy to see the every children's smiles to the stuffed they brought. The only thing that they can heard that time is the word thank you and the laughs from everyone. Before they went home in the afternoon, Sister Marianne talked to them
"The school and the orphanage have an agreement that you will adopt a child for a week for them to experience the life outside and having a real family" she said to the students
They children was very happy to heard, Sebby came near to Sis Marianne "Sister" she pulled the hem of her dress
"What is it Sebby?" she asked
"Can I be with big sis Penelope and brother Sebastian?" she asked
She looked at them, "Okay Sebby, you can be with them for a week" she answered
Sebby's eyes widened shining, "Yes! I'll be with big sis Penelope and brother Sebastian!" she ran towards them "Yippee!" she hugged Sebastian
Some of the children protests, "Sister Marianne, it's not fair that Sebby chose them" a kid said
"We want to be brother Sebastian and big sis Penelope" they said
She smiled at them, "Kids, please calm down" she said "Sebby met them yesterday when she was lost in the city, they are the one who looked at her" she explained
When Sebby heard it, she just smiled at them, "I'm sorry, but I met them first" she said
Every student who adopted a kid for a week went to Sister Marianne's desk with the kid that they wanted to adopted on the span of time and gave their addresses for Monday.
After the agreement everybody was very happy but still Penelope has a suspicion that Sebby has a plan to kill Sebastian because of her aura and how she act when she was very close to him.
When they got home, she tell it to Sebastian worriedly.
He just looked at her, "Don't worry Penelope, a sweet kid like her won't do the things like that" he prepare the food for them "and she was just a kid" he added
"But," she stopped and looked to the plate "I can feel her intention, a blood lust for revenge" she looked at him
Even he was confused on how she act, "Let's eat, grandma was sleeping right now" he took the spoon and fork and started to eat "Please eat, before the food gone cold" he trying to smile at her
After they clean up they went to their room but Penelope didn't bid him a good night, she was just entered her room that worried on something. Then Sebastian just entered his room and lay on his bed and closed his eyes to see Neko and Silly again.
Silly and Neko lie down next to him, "Sebastian, we will have visitor by next week, a kid?" Neko asked
"I wish I can play with her" Neko said
He caresses them, "Don't worry, they said that kids has a wild imagination maybe she can see you both while she is staying here" he said then he fell asleep with his imaginary friends.

Comentário do Livro (813)

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    Mj Buan

    Woooow!!!! amazing storyyyy!!!!


  • avatar

    its good story


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    Sam Guerrero Acebuche

    are you going to the same thing to say that the same time with my family is the best friend and I am so proud of you going on in this world and the best friend is the only one that the best friend and I am so happy to see the world to me and my family and friends of the year and friends of mine and my family is the year and a great time with the same thing to say about the year and my family and friends and friends of mine is the best friend is the only one that the only one who is a great day t


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