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Capítulo 2 The First Victim of the Death Game

Even though he didn't know who sent him the message still he went to the nearby train station, speculating that he might know someone who needed help. He sat in the waiting area to wait for whoever needs his help, while waiting he took out the sketchpad given to him to draw something so he would not get bored. He waited an hour but no one approached him.
When he noticed the time he put away his belongings, "Looks like someone is making a prank on me again" he whispered to himself and sighed then he got up and walked home.
As he walked home he felt someone following him, out of fear so he walks fast as he could then step by step until his walk became ran. The man who was following him was still chasing him block by block, he wanted to shout for help but he couldn't do it out of fear. He did not see a rock in his way so he fell down and he can’t stand immediately. The person chasing him was about to stab him but suddenly a person in a red jacket and black hat who appeared and helped him. He immediately grabbed the knife and made him run.
He could not run properly due to extreme fear and because his ankle hurts. He didn't know why that man wanted to kill him, then he run as fast as he can again.
"Just run Seb" he said to himself. Suddenly he stopped because he was tired, he turned around and saw the person who wanted to kill him. He could not recognize it because he was wearing a mask and a coat and hat, while the person who helped him could not recognize him because the hat covered his face.
When he caught up with Baste, he immediately pulled him and grabbed his arms so tight, "Are you going to kill yourself? Why did you stop from running?" he angrily asked him in guess she is female because of the voice and he thinks more because the voice is familiar to him.
When the man who wanted to kill Seb caught up with them, a knife hit the hat of the woman who helped him, he was shocked when he know and recognized the woman who was helping him, "Penelope ?!" he says
Penelope just looked at him, "I'll explain later when we can hide so run fast as you can" she said
They also moved away from the person who wanted to kill him and they looked for a hiding place. When they found out a place that they can hide, Penelope immediately explained to him what was going on.
"Does that mean it's not a dream?" he felt so scared that he understood everything
Penelope looked from the outside to see if their first opponent was approaching, "Listen to my plan, we need to declare a duel with her for our victory to be valid" she said.
Sebastian trembled with fear, "But I don't know how to fight, I'm scared" he replied to Penelope
She turned to him, "You just have to choose, whether you're alive or his life" she immediately came out when she saw that their opponent was close.
Knowing that she was not the target, she pulled Baste out and together they ran to a nearby park for a duel.
“We’re challenged to a duel, third” Penelope said
"Third?" Baste asked in astonishment "Do you know him?"
"We all have numbers, you are first and I am second" she said
"I don't need you second, I need first so don't interfere in our duel" said the man standing in front of them
"But I don't know how to fight" he replied with his knees shaking
"Say that Baste!"Penelope shouted
"I accept the duel, don't worry your fight is also my fight" she replied
Even though she was too scared, she just followed what Penelope said. After he said that, the ambiance around was different and that's where the fight started because the third also accepted the challenge of the second so Dreos (man in the black hood) allowed the second to fight as well.
The fight between the three has already begun. Sebastian could barely move from where he stood, Penelope became the fighter for him. He was amazed at Penelope's actions, he couldn't quite imagine that the woman who was famous at the University for being beautiful and modest also knew how to fight.
"First, you need to move and fight!" Second shouted because Third injured her so she couldn't move right away
Third was about to stab him when Penelope threw a stick to him so that he wouldn't be stabbed right away, "What's up First ?! Are you going to kill yourself?" she shouted again
"But I can't kill!" he replied "But I don't want to die either" he immediately picked up the wood that Penelope had thrown and fought Third.
Penelope just smiled when she saw that Sebastian somehow knew how to fight. When she tied her wound, she stood up and helped Sebastian to fight again. Sebastian accidentally hit the man's mask so blood flowed on his face and caused him to remove his mask.
When their opponent removed his mask they were surprised who was behind it, "Ms. Alfonso?" said Sebastian very astonished
She just smiled when Sebastian recognized her easily, "You are good, because you recognized me right away" she said "Even if I don't want to, I have to kill you" she ran again to where Sebastian where to stab him but Penelope blocked her
"Do you think I'll let you kill Sebastian just like that?" said Penelope "Don't you say you've been killing women these past few weeks?" she asked as she defied Anastasia's attacks.
Anastasia smiled at her, "You're really smart Penelope" she said "Yes, I'm the only one who killed them because they always insult other women who are not as beautiful as they" she replied and she became even stronger in the fight.
Sebastian just cried when he heard Anastasia's confession, he touched the wood that Penelope threw at him again. "Why did you do that?" he shouted as he approached where they were "Don't you know that one of those you killed was my cousin?" tearfully he says “She’s not like you say, at least sometimes she doesn’t step on anyone because she believes everyone has their own beauty” he explain angrily. He could no longer restrain himself because of the anger he felt so he had fought with Penelope. He took the pencil out of his bag and as planned had to stab the sketchpad hidden on Anastasia's side to weaken it, when he hit the sketchpad it immediately she weakened and fell down. When she can’t move while lying on the floor, he wanted to stab her with the knife because he killed the only one - a cousin of his who understands him but Penelope stops him.
"Just a minute Baste" Penelope said
Sebastian couldn't control the anger he felt, "Why are you stopping me? Don't we have to kill him?" he said angrily with tears on his eyes
"it’s ot like that what you think, we all have a request we want to happen" she sat down next to Anastasia "What do you want?" she asked
While lying down and crying she closed her eyes, "I just want to have a society that has an equal view of every woman, because we all have our own beauty and have the right to have equal treatment" she replied as she recalled people insulted her for how she used to look, "Let's end this" she said as he looked up at the sky smiling.
"Sebastian, get your sketchpad and write her full name" Penelope ordered
Because she had been Sebastian’s homeroom teacher for one and a half years he knew her full name, “Anastasia Corpuz Alfonso” he wrote on his sketchpad. Gradually, the body of their Professor disappeared in front of them as if she was just becoming a part of a mist.
As they looked at the sky Sebastian wondered why everything had to be like this just for something we wanted to happen, Penelope turned around and walked away when Sebastian called her,
"Penelope, I'd like to tell you something if it's okay" he said from where he is standing
Penelope stopped as she walked, "What's that?" she asked
"Teach me how to fight" he said "and then if we defeat the other chosen by the lord, we will fulfill their wishes whoever of us will survive" he added
She just smiled at what Sebastian said and approached him again and hugged him tightly. Even though he was considered for what she did, he just let it go because she saved him from death.
Looking to her "Can you promise me that?" Sebastian asked her
"Yes, I promise" she replied "I will not let you die because of them, I will protect you as much as I can" she said
While in Dreos' room, the third candle lose its light, indicating that Third had died.
It wasn’t a secret to Dreos ’other person he chose because one page of their sketchpad turned red.
In the same city there are other sketchpad holders. Suddenly the surroundings cooled by the breeze as if sympathizing with the grief of others. But not many people know what happened, a few weeks later Anastasia was declared as a missing person. Even though Penelope and Sebastian know that their teacher is dead already they can't say that because no one will believe them also about the Death game.
After that incident Penelope never left him because she was afraid that someone will killed him. Because he is always with the University idol, he is being bullied even more at the University but he doesn't care anymore because he needs Penelope until this mess is over.
As they ate in the canteen Penelope asked him, "Baste, can you let me stay in your house?" she asked
He was surprised when she asked, "But why?" he asked, he looked at her straightly trying to figure out if what would be her reason for asking that
"Because Mama and Papa weren't here, they have out of town vacation because Papa wanted Mama to be treated in another country" she said "and because I was afraid that someone might attack me while I was sleeping" she added.
Sebastian wonders what Penelope really needs from him because he thinks she is telling a lie, "I'll let grandma know first if you can stay at home" he replies
In the afternoon, Penelope walked alone to go to their house while Sebastian went to a nearby bookstore to buy the necessary books that their new Social Studies Professor was required. After he bought the book, he immediately went home because he was afraid that someone might suddenly attack him on the way.
"Grandma, I'm already here!" he said as he was about to go inside. He walked towards to the kitchen to greet his grandmother to his great surprise that Penelope was there helping her grandmother to cook their dinner "What are you doing here?" he asked
Her grandmother just smiled, "You're really friends with her" she said "son, I've allowed her to live here since we have another room that is not used so it's okay with me if she will stay here and besides I love to have a daughter" she added.
He can't believe what happened but he can't do anything because he also needs Penelope in case someone attacks them. While eating, his grandmother and Penelope were talking happily. His grandmother seems to miss her daughter, his mother while looking at them . After eating, they clean up on the plates they used and he also helped clean the table and placed the plates on its shelf. After they clean up everything they went to their respective rooms and rest.

Comentário do Livro (813)

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    Mj Buan

    Woooow!!!! amazing storyyyy!!!!


  • avatar

    its good story


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    Sam Guerrero Acebuche

    are you going to the same thing to say that the same time with my family is the best friend and I am so proud of you going on in this world and the best friend is the only one that the best friend and I am so happy to see the world to me and my family and friends of the year and friends of mine and my family is the year and a great time with the same thing to say about the year and my family and friends and friends of mine is the best friend is the only one that the only one who is a great day t


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